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Rated: 13+ · Message Forum · Writing.Com · #1949474
Motivate yourself to conquer your goals this week! Post on Monday; update us on Friday!
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Apr 29, 2024 at 9:17am
Goals: Building Momentum (2024.04.29)
by Tobber
The last couple of weeks, I focused on just getting back into writing regularly again after a three-week break/vacation. I think it's time I set some more ambitious goals, trying to to push myself a bit, even if that ultimately means missing a goal or two.

*Box* Write every day: Same goal as always; I need to be consistent with my writing.

*Box* Finish the third story for the Musicology Antholgy: I started the third entry. Well, only just, with a hundred words or so written, but I have a pretty good idea of what I want to be like. Now, I just have to dedicate the time and get it onto the page.

*Box* Start outlining/writing a new story: This could be the next story for the Musicology Anthology or it could be something else entirely. Either way, I don't want to rest on my laurals if I reach the above goal midweek. which was what happened last week.

*Box* Do a review: Again, I need to get back into the habit of reviewing. Ideally, I'll do a review for WYRM, but if not then a Codex review of a WdC review outside of WYRM.

*Box* Do vocal exercises: Right, so this one sort of falls outside the whole writing-goals-thing, but only sort of. I have a slight speech impediment, luckily one which can be mostly corrected with regular voice exercises. Since we had a last kid, though, I've barely done them. I really need to get back to doing those exercises regularly, and it sort of relates to writing because I plan on going to our locals SF/F con(s) regularly the next couple of years, networking with other writers, which is just much easier if I don't have to focus on my voice all of the time.
Goals: Building Momentum (2024.04.29) · 04-29-24 9:17am
by Tobber

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