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Dec 6, 2002 at 1:48pm
If anyone here thinks we have a lot of snow right now, boy have you got another thing coming! I for one think we need to get several more feet of snow even before Christmas! LOL, and my kids, for more, think we need more also, since then they will have the beloved (to them) SNOW DAYS!!! I just can't figure out why snow always gets such a bad rap! Yes, I know it's cold, and, yes, I know it is messy when it gets tracked into the house, BUT if you look at it like many of you probably did when you were a younger kid, the possibilities with snow aer absolutely ENDLESS! Snow angels, snowmen, snowball fights with the neighborhood kids, digging out snow forts and tunnels, I have heard of some making ice cream with it, letting the snow flakes fall on your tongue like Snoopy does.....the list goes on and on, and I could write about it all day! But, instead of doing that, I think I will get ready for my 2 wonderful kids to get home from school (no snow day today) and have them grab their brand new sleds and take them over to Tower Mountain and watch them slide while I try to find some good packing snow and build a snowman! (my body can't take the roughness of sliding anymore lol)

Everyone take care!

aka Jackie
Snow...? · 12-06-02 1:48pm
by Frizsis, TaxPro

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