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Review #3999536
Viewing a review of:
 Conquest  [E]
A story for the Dragon's Keep Contest.
by Koyel~writing again
Review of Conquest  
Rated: E | (3.0)
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My task today is to review fellow participants in The Dragon's Keep contest.

*TagP* Antonio, a Wiccan and son of a well respected corporal, is asked by the Earl to kill the Dragon, Draconea. Using magic, a napkin, and a flurry of arrow, he slays the creature. He is rewarded with the hand of the Earl's daughter.

First Impressions:
*TagV* This story was an interesting combination of old-style fantasy mixed with modern day elements.


*FlagR* I try to give as many suggestions as possible so the writer can pick and choose anything they feel would help their story. Some of it might be from a technical point of view, like I was an editor, or they are things I simply felt as a reader, but please take it all with a grain of salt.

In General:
*TagG* Is Earl a name or a position of nobility? If he's noble, he wouldn't really answer a letter 'yours' - it's very personal. I would also italicize the 'letter' in your story to set it apart from the rest of the text. But this is just a formatting suggestion and doesn't affect the story.
*TagG* There were some POV changes that made it confusing and put off the flow. For a short story, maybe one POV would be better.
*TagG* The language choice wavers between casual and very flowery/formal (like it had been chosen from a thesaurus). This back and forth, makes it hard to hear your 'voice'. From what I've read, your strength seems to rest in the casual side. Those were the parts I found fewer problems in. But again, that's just me.

*TagG* “ A letter for you(,) Sir.” (comma)
*TagG* Antonio was sleeping in his two-room flat, (-) a tatty house with cheap, plastered walls and colors peeling off them. (maybe a dash rather than a comma. At first, I thought he had a flat AND a tatty house. Colours peeling off was a great description but I also wondered if it was paint chips or wall paper. It's not really important to add, just made me curious)
*TagG* “OMG!”, answered Antonio with popping eyes. (I wouldn't abbreviate this. 'Oh my god!' would be better, otherwise I thought he yelled the letters O - M - G. You also said that he 'answered' but the postman hadn't asked a question. Was Antonio answering himself?)
*TagG* With ample exuberance he almost tore the letter to read it’s contests. (Unnecessary word that weakens the sentence)
*TagG* I know (,) soldier, this might seem daunting to you but muster up young man .
*TagG* If you die in any caser (caseR? case?)
*TagG* Antonio was a man of strong build (,) but the letter fell (out?) of his squat fingers and dropped on the road.
*TagG* His father encouraged (encouraged isn't really a dialogue tag. Use would use the father's actual words to show us he was being encouraging)
*TagG* He got dazzled (Maybe 'was', 'got' sounds awkward)
*TagG* A felicitous party was arranged in Paris. (this word sounds 'thesaurusized')

Favorite Lines:
*TagB* Hope this letter reaches you in the pink of your health. (I had never heard this before. Interesting!)
*TagB* Morning kissed the sky with its soft, mellow sunbeams. (sounds like a lovely morning)
*TagB* buttermilk skin (unique word choice. I liked it!)

All in all:
*TagO* The grammar in this story needs some TLC - especially commas, but there are a lot of great ideas here!

Thanks for sharing your work. Keep writing and good luck!


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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