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Review #3999577
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My task today is to review fellow participants in The Dragon's Keep contest.

*TagP* A wizard must find a new dragon keeper and apprentice before the third full moon.

First Impressions:
*TagV* A very creative approach to the contest prompt.


*FlagR* I try to give as many suggestions as possible so the writer can pick and choose anything they feel would help their story. Some of it might be from a technical point of view, like I was an editor, or they are things I simply felt as a reader, but please take it all with a grain of salt.

In General:
*TagG* I would put a page break (***) in between the wizards part and Bennett's part.
*TagG* There were numerous missing commas. I would read through again and address them. Comma Website  
*TagG* The ending felt very rushed. There was so much time/word-count spent on the first part, but then we jumped to 'he got the job, there was a party, and we find out who Bennett really is, the dragon will have her revenge, the end.'
*TagG* There is also one tiny plot hole - How would a learned wizard who works with a dragon keeper know so little about dragons and hasn't read the enormous book on his shelf? You might need to add a line that this book 'appears' and is new to the wizard.

*TagG* Unable to sleep (,) the wizard threw the covers off and stood. (comma)
*TagG* As the flame caught, a gust of wind rattled the window and (then) with great force slammed it open. (This might have better flow. Slammed is already a powerful word)
*TagG* The bookstand toppled over causing a heavy book to hit the floor with a boom. (I would italicize 'boom')
*TagG* Pages rapidly flipped through the book. (makes it sound like the pages are turning other pages in a book. I would reword)
*TagG* "This is not good.(,)" The wizard muttered (comma not full stop)
*TagG* He carefully lifted it up to the table and (,) with great trepidation (,) read the open page. (comma)
*TagG* A sudden onslaught of foul odor almost knocked him down. (weak word. maybe "made him gag and his stomach rise.")
*TagG* Who knows, but they do get hungry. (I would make two sentences)
*TagG* The wizard watched from the window as the line grew longer and longer.
*TagG* "How hard can it be?(") (missing quotation mark)
*TagG* The wizard looked at the men. (why? Unnecessary action)
*TagG* Walking along the road to the village, Bennett at thirteen had big plans.(confusing sentence)
*TagG* The wizard knew he was lying but chose to ignore it. (POV change)

Favorite Lines:
*TagB* It felt like a fly was buzzing at the back of his brain.
*TagB* I liked how the book announced the dragon keeper was dead.
*TagB* Something had been eating him, hopefully not the dragon, but what?
*TagB* He formed a triangle with his hands and a hat appeared.
*TagB* A dragon's breath can cure a cold, though I'm not sure how one gets close enough without getting singed.

All in all:
*TagO* I liked the fantasy elements worked into the story - the spells and curses. I also enjoyed liked the king's character.

Thanks for sharing your work. Keep writing and good luck!


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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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