Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/my_feedback/action/view/id/4389933
Review #4389933
Viewing a review of:
 Icarus  [E]
Story of Icarus paralleled with my inner feelings
by Wolf The Legend
Review of Icarus  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Hello, Wolf the Legend!

Welcome to writing.com!

I'm a newbie here too but already enjoying it. I hope you are as well.

I enjoyed your "Icarus" poem. It's heartfelt and well written.

My favorite line was the last one, " I do know what it's like when dreams melt." It made me feel sad but any poem that makes one feel anything is a good poem, in my opinion.

This line's alliteration impressed me too: "Wingless watching wonders worried."

I only have one suggestion for improvement. In the line: "I only knew my ambitions was to soar above mountains" I'd recommend that you either make ambitions singular (so "ambition") or change the "was" to "were" so the sentence is in agreement. It's a little thing.

With any critiques/reviews, I recommend that you take what serves you and toss what doesn't. Know that the community here, including myself, intends only to be helpful.

All the best to you! I hope you and your writing "take flight" and you achieve your goals and reach your dreams!


*** WDC Angel Army Review ***
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