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Review #4389963
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 A Random Quote and a Thought  [E]
My opinion on a Richard Bach quote. This is my first post so enjoy!
by Alpha Wolf
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Hello Alpha Wolf,

Welcome to writing.com! I found you in the "Noticing Newbies" forum and popped over to your profile to give you a review.

You selected a great quote to lead off your first published article here. I don't think I'd read that quote before but it's good food for thought. And I really enjoyed reading your thoughts about the quote.

You sound authorly to me. But I understand what you're saying. I think time spent writing is generally more valuable than time spent watching television or playing video games but we all need to relax and decompress.

Your comment about sounding like "some stupid teacher" made me wonder if you had some less than stellar teachers. There are some brilliant ones out there!

Funny that you mentioned the YouTuber thing... I had thought about that. I wonder if there are many people who haven't? And I'm also an eldest child. So can relate to that comment too. But most kids of any age would choose hanging with friends over babysitting so you cover everyone there, not just eldest children.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts here with us at writing.com! I hope you have a bright writing future!

I hope you found this review helpful and I hope you are enjoying our writing community!

All the best,

*** WDC Angel Army Review ***
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