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Review #4523561
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 To Dream or Not To Dream  [E]
Don't sit around and dream about writing, write.
by jdennis
Review by Angus
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Ahoy, J Dennis!
This is really neat and informational piece about what it is to be a good writer, and you make some excellent and very valid points!
It's true that if a person who dreams of becoming of a writer spends all of his time dreaming of becoming a writer, instead of using those dreams to conjure something 'unimaginable' to write about (if they're fiction writers, of course) and then putting that story to into a manuscript, then they're going nowhere.
You said it perfectly here:
'These results often occur when ambition becomes more important than creating'
Something else you touched on was enjoying the craft, whether they're successful or not. If you don't love to write and you only do it for fame and fortune, then there's really no sense it, at least in my opinion.
I'll be honest: I've always be wanted to be a writer, and I always wanted to have something published. As I say in my portfolio intro, even my teachers and friends told me I should write, but I never sat down long enough to put anything down on paper. It was only after I joined WdC in 2011 that I promised myself I would start submitting stories and do my damnedest to get something published (this was actually at the start of 2012), and by the time the year ended I had 3 or 4 short stories accepted and published!
Blew my mind! Why had I wasted all those years dreaming and not doing? *Headbang*
It's kind of odd that I should stumble on this particular piece of yours in your port, since you just told me that you were finally going to start submitting yourself (thanks to my advice?). I applaud you on that, sir! As I finally learned, the hard way, there's no time like the present to MAKE your dreams come true!
And I can guarantee you, J Dennis, that everything WILL fall into place, and you WILL have fun doing it!
Kee ponw ritin gon, thanks for sharing this, and have a Fantastic New Year and most prosperous New Decade!
PS-You now have a new fan! *Bigsmile*

The WDC Angel Army  (ASR)
Dedicated to promoting positivity, encouragement, and support to the WDC community.
#1188309 by iKïyå§ama

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*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
   *CheckG* You responded to this review 01/05/2020 @ 3:34pm EST
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