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Review #4692853
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 ONLY MYSELF TO BLAME: a sonnet  [E]
I squandered what I had and spurned the poor. Now that I am spurned, why blame others?
by Dr M C Gupta
Review by Tinker
In affiliation with The Poet's Place  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Hello Dr M.C., I'm back to review another of your poems. I found Only Myself to Blame on read and review.

*Cry* First impression The title sets a melencholy tone. Sonnets are always a draw.

*Cry* Form Stanza pattern and rhyme scheme match a Shakespearean or English Sonnet. The traditional accentual syllabic meter, iambic pentameter pattern not apparent. The lines are written in 10 syllables each.
*Cry* Texture, rhythm, word choice, and sonics. The rhythm is occasionally bumpy L11 "repentant" is awkward and doesn't rhyme with benevolent. (In English, rhyme is from the stressed syllable.) although for the most part the poem is written in the rhythm of normal speech.

*Cry* Suggestions No technical error jumped out at me other than "repentant" and the lack of the traditional meter. And L7, I wouldn't point this out to most writers here but for someone at your level of writing, this is a cliche phrase = "poverty and strife", I'd try to be more creative. These are a matter of preference. It is your poem, use what you find helpful and ignore the rest.

*Pray* Overall This poem is lovely, offering hope in the declamatory couplet. I enjoyed reading this poem.


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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