Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1082785-Childhood-Memories
by barb
Rated: E · Other · Biographical · #1082785
Childhood Memories in Liverpool

Your mum would whiten your pumps and put them on the window sill to dry? They smelt loverly.

Your mum would make a jelly and put a plate on top of the bowl and put it in the yard to set?

You'd have to tie your skates to your feet using your mum's old laddered stockings and just when you were in the middle of doing your best twirls, the nut would fall out of one of your skates and split in two.

When walking to school in winter you'd snap off the milk that had frozen and poked through the top of the bottle and walk to school sucking on your free lolly ice?

The wood man would come into the street on his horse and cart, selling tuppence hapenny bundles tied with wire,and when the wood was used you'd use the wire to make a bubble blower and buy some Aunt Sally (a liquid soap), put it in a jam jar and amuse yourself for hours?
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