Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1105674-Insane-Cold-Blooded-Killer
Rated: 18+ · Poetry · Death · #1105674
The title says it all
I love to see the blood spill
Kill to rip out hearts
Maybe from a drill
Or poisonous darts
I laugh at you run
While I chase with a knife
Oh! This seems fun
I’m going to end your life
Wait! Wait! Don’t go
I’ve just begun
Don’t worry, I’m a pro
Except I don’t use guns
I’m the type that loves to torture
I’m not ending you quick
Just sit down in this chamber
The air will get thick
Then you’ll start to suffocate
But I’m still not done
I want to see your face
Maybe open the door once
When you’re just about to die
I’ll let you come out
But no… Don’t try
I’ll only fling you about
You’ll wait for me to tell you to go
You’ll also be mentally scarred
And just before you know
I’ll be waiting in a car
No, no. I’m not going to do it again
I’m not really that predictable
I’m going to kill you instead
Your death will be beautiful
But remember, I don’t kill fast
I’ll take off your clothes
I’ll spill hot wax
All over your throat
I hope it doesn’t burn
At least not too much
I want you to learn
That I’m not to be touched
Now, don’t we all know
That I lost my sanity
A long time ago
If not, it’s a tragedy
Now you have to suffer the pain
First I’ll chop off your legs
Don’t die! Don’t die yet! Am I getting to your brain?
Don’t worry, I won’t chop off your head
Can you feel it?
Can you feel my rage?
My book! I have to move it
Don’t want any blood on that page
Ooh! Look at all the blood
Looks like a waterfall
The other half of your body is going in mud
Hah! Your legs are cut off, so you can’t even haul…
Ass? Forget about it
Next is your arms
Look at your face, your crying! Where are your wits?
Where’s my satchel charge?
I’m going to end you with a blast
Maybe a C4 will be better on your back
Nah, maybe this death should last
Huh? What was that?
You want me to make it quick?
That comment made me laugh
I want you to suffer
I want you to feel my anger
Explosion galore!
Blast off! Like a rocket
Your ribs? Oh they’re torn
Pulled out the sockets
I don’t know how you’re still living
You’re putting up a fight
Stop crying, I have an idea!
Come on, let’s take flight!
Wear this parachute
Oh , wait! You can’t
I’ll wear it for you
We’re jumping, don’t panic
Seems you need a push
I’ll give you a hand
There’s the ground, don’t look
Be careful how you land
Ha ha ha! Your expression is priceless!
Can you get up now?
It seems like your lifeless
© Copyright 2006 Whitney Correa (yinyamina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1105674-Insane-Cold-Blooded-Killer