Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1177225-Escape
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1177225
Giving in to passion and giving up control - letting go completely

There is nothing I like more than the total isolation of the country or the woods. The clean air, the smell of evergreens and the sound of cold clear running water are like a tonic for my soul, rejuvenating me, allowing me to feel completely free.

The cabin I was staying in for the week belonged to a friend. His family had owned the property for several generations – a total of 200 acres, much of it wooded. The nearest town was 20 miles away, down a gravel road, not another house for miles and I was the only one here.

I had brought groceries and emergency supplies. Family and friends knew where I was and how to get in touch with me if necessary, but I had asked that they only contact me in case of emergency. I wanted this time for me – to relax and enjoy, to forget I had any responsibility to the world around me. ME time.

I entered the cabin, letting the dog in ahead of me. The place had not been used for a couple of months, so I had to turn on the water and electricity, check the generator and bleed the pipes. Once everything was up and running I stocked the cupboards and refrigerator with the groceries I had brought and put the emergency supplies up.

Having completed all the chores I went to the back of the cabin to shower and change. The water was hard, but clear and clean, the coolness of it ran over me like a rain shower, cleansing the world from my skin, the last remains of civilization flowing down the drain pipe along with my stress, anxiety and fears. I was officially free – for nine days.

The trip had been long and tiring, the stress of life slipping slowly away as I moved closer to the country. I needed sleep now – deep, dreamless, unencumbered sleep. The bedroom was warm, the window open, a light breeze caressing the sheer fabric covering the windows as I made my way to the bed.

The feather bed was a luxury – the mattress holding me like a lover as I sank into its downy depths. Even alone in the bed, the feeling was erotic, arousing me. I wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing my arms, my skin soft from the shower.

I began to rub my breasts, kneading them in my hands. My legs moved against the mattress, feeling the feathers move beneath my feet as I pulled my knees up and spread my legs apart. My hands moved over my body, caressing my heated skin, my wet hair tossing on the pillow.

Thoughts of him entered my head – his soft lips against mine, his hands in my hair. My hands become his hands, my mind fitting his image in, leaning over me, stroking my body, kissing me, his tongue plunging into my mouth.

Hands moving lower, feeling my mound, brushing the light covering of hair, feeling the wetness on my lips. My fingers slide into the wetness, feeling the warmth of my core, sending pulses through my body. I slowly move my finger over the sensitive bud begging for release.

My left finger enters my mouth, sucking at it like a small cock – my finger working at my cunt, sliding inside as my left slides into my mouth. As I begin to stroke my clit, I move my left hand to knead my breasts, my hips moving off the mattress as I strain for release.

The pressure builds, my moans flowing from my mouth, my mouth open, my tongue stroking my inner lip and cheeks, the soft flesh there feeling much like my swollen lower lips. My release gets closer and closer, my fingers moving faster, my moans increasing in volume.

As I reach the pinnacle, my hips buck from the bed, pushing hard against my hand, my fingers sliding inside, pumping the juices from my body as they plunge into me. I scream his name – “Unnngghhhhhhhhhhhh, yeeeeeesssssssssssssssss.” My body shakes, my legs like jello as I collapse back against the bed.

Exhausted I collapse against the mattress, nothing but a single sheet covering my sweat glistened body. I am asleep in minutes, a dreamless, deep sleep that will bring me one step closer to rejuvenation.

Waking the next morning, I curl into the bed, not wanting the morning to come yet. The sun is just peeking over the trees, the day still not bright with its light. I stretch – my arms high over my head, getting the blood flowing again as I rise from my slumber. Once again the shower is my salvation – the water waking me, the last remnants of sleep gone.

I emerge from the bedroom dressed scantily in a long t-shirt and panties. The dog is ready to go – prancing at the door, waiting for me to let him out. We go outside together, the dog running off to do his thing while I take in the fresh air, filling my lungs with the crisp clean air.

There is a pond about a quarter mile from the cabin – the perfect place to spend the day. I return to the house and pack up some food, a good book, a towel and kibble for the dog. We head out together, taking the well worn path out to the pond.

Arriving at the water, I remove my clothes – no need to be shy here, there isn’t another soul for miles. I wade in to the cold water, its icy fingers taking hold of me as I plunge in, swimming out to the middle. The water wraps around me, lapping at me, kissing my body with its many tongues.

The dog splashes at the shore, chasing bugs and carrying sticks. I swim for a bit, enjoying the cool water against my skin. When I begin to tire, I move back to the shore, laying out the towel in a sunny spot near a tree to dry off.
The dog barking wakes me – I must have dozed off. The sun is high overhead to the west now, my watch indicating it is late afternoon. I assume the dog is barking at an animal so make no move to cover myself.

“Hooch, settle down, you know me.” His voice startles me, another human voice the last thing I expected to hear. I instinctively pull my legs against my body, my arms covering my breasts as I turn to the source of the voice.

He is standing several yards away, the dog dancing around him begging for attention, his tail wagging hard as he realizes who the intruder is. He looks to me, “So – I guess it’s safe to assume you weren’t expecting company. Mind if I stay?”

My mind instantly flashes to last night’s fantasy and my overwhelming desire at seeing him now. I know I want him. My voice full of false bravado – I respond. “Sure, you can stay, but you are seriously overdressed.” I stand, lowering my arms to my side and walking back to the water. I wade in, hoping he will join me.

I turn in the water to watch him. He stands on the shore, his shoes and socks on the ground beside him, pulling his shirt over his head. His chest is broad, his arms rippling as he pulls the garment from his body. His hands move to his jeans, unbuttoning them, and then slowly sliding the zipper down. He removes the last of his clothes and says “Is this attire what you had in mind?”

I smile “Absolutely – much better. Come on in, I’ll wait here.” I tread water, watching his cock swing as he wades out. His long legs push off the ground, his arms overhead as he plunges in.

I can’t see him in the inky water. I can feel he is near me as the water pushes against my body as he moves through it. He comes up behind me, his arms wrapping around me, embracing me and pulling me against his body. His mouth closes on my neck, his tongue hot against my skin, shivers running through me as he whispers in my ear “Miss me?”

My head drops back against him, giving him better access to my neck – wanting him to kiss me, to feel his lips and tongue against me. “Yes.” My voice trembles, erasing any doubt of the effect he has on me.

“Mmm, you taste good; I can’t wait to taste the rest of you.” As he says it his hands slide down across my belly, touching my center and earning a moan from deep in my throat.

Our little liaison had started a year ago – every couple of months a brief meeting. The sex was hot, intense – a release for both of us. The talk was easy – two friends sharing thoughts – he would educate me about world events and politics and I talked about horoscopes and tarot cards. Complete opposites, yet each with something the other needed.

We had no emotional commitment – we were friends – with benefits. No strings, no expectations on either side – it worked for what it was, neither of us expecting anything but fun from the other.

I enjoyed his company – and more importantly, his ability to completely dominate me. With him I could surrender control – give it up completely, submit to him. He allows me to be a woman – all female. With him I let loose my sensual side – let go of concerns and feel free to indulge my whims and fantasies – nothing is taboo.

I turn in his arms, weaving my fingers in his hair and pulling him toward me, my mouth descending over his, his groan allowing me to slip my tongue in his mouth. He resumes control almost immediately, his hand on the back of my head, his tongue plunging into my mouth as he deepens the kiss.

Realizing we could not stay out here all day treading water, he breaks the kiss, pulling me with him as he swims back to shore. We lay side by side on the towel, hands and lips touching each other everywhere. His hand reaches down to grasp my buttocks, pulling me hard against him.

Massaging my ass, his hands move over my flesh making me hot, his lips on mine, burning me with desire. I feel his arousal against my thigh, hot steel pulsing against me. I reach down between our bodies to touch him, grasping his hardness in my hand, feeling the silky steel grow against my hand.

His hand moves along my back, his fingers tangling in my hair. His mouth moves to my throat, kissing my neck and pushing me on to my back. His left hand grasps my breast, kneading the generous mound as his mouth descends.

Taking my nipple in his mouth he suckles at my tit – his tongue swirling around the hardening bud. His groans are mixed with my moans, a song of heated arousal given up to the elements. Heat courses through me as his hands and mouth bring me pleasure, wetness beginning to pool at my core.

His mouth moves across my belly, his hands sliding down my sides, grasping my hips and pulling me to his mouth. His tongue dances over me, licking gently at my moistened lips, tasting me. I move against him, wanting to feel his tongue inside me, yet wanting to prolong the torture of his teasing.

His tongue slides around the perimeter, outlining me, my wetness increasing as the sensations wash over me. His teasing increases my sensitivity, my hips bucking against him, his moustache tickling me.

He grasps my hips hard and pushes his tongue into me – licking me top to bottom, then sliding his tongue inside me. My juices run over his face, glazing him with hot, sticky sweetness.

His assault on my womanhood is relentless – pushing me to the brink of orgasm, stopping and starting all over again. My mind empties of everything but the intense pleasure he is bringing. My moans are loud and uncontrollable, my breathing erratic as I beg him to let me cum.

“You like that? You want some more? You want to come on my face?” He inserts a finger inside me, plunging it in and out as his tongue flicks across my swollen clit.

“Yeeeeeeeeessssssssssss, please, make me cum. I can’t take anymore.” A second digit joins the first, stretching me open, my muscles clenching against his fingers, pulling him in deeper.

“All right baby, here you go.” With two fingers pushed deep inside me, the tips wagging back and forth inside, he flattens his tongue against my clit, swirling it in circles as he pushes it hard against me.

My hips lift from the towel, my legs spread wide, my feet planted firmly. As the first wave hits me I scream out loud, “Oh, yes, God please.”

I can feel his smile as he decreases the pressure, sucking the liquid pouring from me into his mouth. Wave after wave crashes over me as multiple orgasms rack my body with spasms.

I am unable to catch my breath, sucking in air as I collapse back against the ground. His fingers are removed slowly, leaving me feeling empty and raw. My body is covered in a fine sheen of sweat – my thighs sticky with my cum.

He moves back over me, his body sliding against mine. “Sounded like we had a full, successful launch there ma’am. Did you enjoy that?”

I gasp another breath, closing my eyes and sighing loudly. “Uh-huh.” It’s all I can manage, my voice uneven and husky.

“Uh-huh.” He mimics. “That still tickles me. Feigned innocence I think.” He’s right of course – it only seems to come out when I am caught having to admit to something I should be ashamed of but am not. Freud would have had a field day with me.

He kisses me, letting me taste my honey on his lips. The taste of me mingled with the scent of his maleness is intoxicating. A combination of feminine lure and dominant male. I want to feel him inside me, his power coursing through me.

When he lies on his back next to me I move to straddle him, rubbing his body as if to massage him. His chest is warm and lightly dusted with hair, his miniscule nipples hardening as I rub my hands across them, the sweat acting as lubricant to my hands as they move over his shoulders and arms.

Sliding down his body, I kneel over his manhood taking him in my mouth immediately. His hips lift, pushing himself into me more deeply. I reach under him, placing one hand on each cheek of his ass, gripping him and kneading him as I suck at his cock.

He moans deeply, thrusting himself into my mouth, his hips squirming against me as my mouth closes tight around him stroking him in and out. Not wanting him to cum right away I ease the pressure, loosening my lips and tasting him more than sucking him.

I continue to massage his ass, pushing him in and out of my mouth as I do. His movements tell me he is enjoying the torture as he struggles to put more of himself in my mouth, his moans strangled and unintelligible.

I pull my lips around him tighter, his hips stop moving immediately. “Oh yeah, that’s good, suck it, suck my cock.”

I slowly increase the pressure, wrapping my lips around my teeth and closing down around him. My strokes increase in length and speed as I become more aroused, the taste of him, his moans and movements increasing my pleasure.

I have no thought except bringing him to climax. My efforts are focused on him, stroking him hard and fast, applying pressure with my lips and stroking the head of him against the roof of my mouth.

He begins to move again, this time thrusting himself deep into my throat and driving himself deeper into my mouth. I try to match his rhythm, losing it every few strokes and resuming it again.

He reaches out to grab my head, groans of pleasure escaping his mouth, his eyes closed as he gets closer to release. His moans urge me forward adding my hand to the stroke, my fingers wrapped tightly around the shaft of his cock.

His movements cease, his hand pushing my head down over him as he shoots his seed into my mouth. I become still, ceasing my movements, closing my mouth around him and sucking out the juices he is offering.

When the last shot hits me, I swallow, releasing my lips from him. I lick him clean, removing all traces of his ejaculation. His swollen member is still erect, laying against his belly as I continue to lap at it – not knowing how to stop.

He pulls me alongside him, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and giving me a light kiss. “Thanks – I needed that.”

“The pleasure was all mine.” I smile at him, knowing he knows full well I enjoyed that nearly as much as he did.

We lay together for a minute, satisfied and drowsy. I decide I need to wake up some for the walk back to the cabin. “I’m going to take a quick dip, and then we can head back. You wanna come?”

“I just did – give me a minute, I’m kind of comfortable right now.”

“Don’t fall asleep. We’ve got to walk back still.”

Reluctantly he rises and follows me to the water. The cold wakes us and I am sure gives him a shock as the chill hits him directly in the hot zone. We swim for a second, heading back to shore to dry off and walk back.

The dog leads the way, walking ahead of us as we stroll behind, chatting and touching each other. Back at the house, I see his bags just inside the door. He plans to stay for awhile – this could be more relaxing then I thought.

“I’m in the room with the old feather bed – you are welcome to stay there or if you prefer, there are a couple of other rooms further down the hall.” I set my things down, telling him I will make us something to eat. He picks up his things and heads off down the hall, never mentioning which room he will take.

I quickly change into a long shirt – the sleeves rolled up, buttons partially done – just enough to keep it closed. A lacy bra and satin panties and I am done. I brush out my hair, apply lip gloss and head back to the kitchen to put together some munchies.

I put together a plate of finger foods – strawberries, small sandwiches filled with roast beef and horseradish, grapes, sticks of celery with cream cheese and carrots. I make some lemonade and throw in a shot of Jack. Taking the tray out to the sofa I settle in thinking about watching him eat – his mouth around a strawberry sucking at it.

He returns to the room wearing shorts and a t-shirt. His long legs dusted in hair, his hair rebellious and unruly. His eyes make contact with mine, rooting me to the spot, unsure what to do. Realizing I am staring, I turn to the tray and pick up a strawberry, offering it to him.

He moves forward but makes no move to take the berry from my hand. Instead he closes his mouth around it, his lips brushing my fingertips before biting off half, the juice collecting on his lips. He smiles as he swallows it. “Do you realize your mouth was open and your tongue moved watching that?”

“No it didn’t.” I blush knowing I was caught. I pop the rest of the berry in my mouth and move to sit on the sofa.

He sits beside me taking a strawberry and rubbing it across my lips. When I open my mouth to take a bite, he removes it, placing it in his mouth and closing his lips around the tip. He takes a bite from the tip, the juices again collecting – glistening red and beckoning me to taste them.

I lean across to kiss him, tasting the berry on his lips. His tongue enters my mouth, claiming me, his hand at the back of my head deepening the kiss and pulling me towards him. He breaks the kiss, running the just bitten berry over my lips, wetting my mouth with its juices.

His mouth tastes mine, his lips removing the juice as he takes my lip into his mouth, gently sucking at it. My eyes close as the berry is moved across my neck, his mouth following its descent.

His hand moves into my shirt, the berry wet and cool on my naked breast. My nipple hardens and I moan as my body arches towards his mouth. His seduction is unnecessary as I am already lost in his touch – wanting to feel him on my body.

The buttons on my shirt being only partially done give him easy access. He slides the shirt from my shoulder exposing my breast to his mouth. His hand cups me, kneading the flesh as his mouth closes over my nipple, taking me in. A deep breath I did not realize I was holding escapes me when I feel his tongue touch the aroused bud.

His hands move over my hips to stroke my thighs, coaxing my legs apart. My moans increase as his tongue circles my nipple and his hands move up and down my thighs. A finger from his left hand brushes my wetness, a shudder passing over me.

Suddenly he releases me, pops the strawberry in his mouth and sits back on the couch. “So what did you have planned for today?”

I can only stare open mouthed at him – the heat pooling at my core suddenly stopped. My frustration I know is evident, if I try to speak now my voice will betray me. Instead I reach for a carrot, sliding it in and out of my mouth then biting the tip off. “No plans, this is me time.”

I realize the irony of my words as soon as they are out of my mouth. He smiles, “Really? All about you? Just doing what you want – not looking to please anyone but yourself?”

“Yeah, that’s it. Is that a problem?” Even I heard the quaver in my voice.

“So what are you trying to say?”

I can’t think, but I know what I need to say. “I’m not trying to say anything – just that this week is for me. I want to forget about the world out there, all the responsibilities of everyday life and just escape for awhile. For once I want to let everything go – no decisions, just reactions. Let someone else take charge – you know what I mean?”

“So you want to be free of all control? Just let yourself go and see what happens?”

“Yes – I think that’s it.”

He stands, holding out his hand. My first reaction is to ask him what he is doing – but I realize this is a test for me – can I really give up control to someone else and just be led? I know he moves me to submission – but not usually without some question or hesitation. This is my chance to let it go.

I stand up and place my hand in his, trusting him to lead me. He turns and walks down the hall towards the bedrooms. He places me on the edge of the bed and turns to the dresser – opening drawers, looking for something.

“What are you…”

He turns and looks at me – cutting me off. If I am going to submit the question should not be thought, let alone asked. I sit back, wondering, but trusting he will find what he is searching for.

He pulls what looks like an oversized bandana from the drawer. Closing the drawer, he turns to me, placing it around my head, covering my eyes. Once secured, he takes my hand again and leads me from the room.

I hear him rummaging around, able to make out some of the sounds – a glass being filled, a plate moved. Still - I don’t know what room we are in or what he is actually doing. Suddenly I realize that I have absolutely no idea what is going on - and it’s good.

I no longer feel the need to decipher the noises I hear or to run my toes on the floor trying to figure out where I am – it doesn’t matter. He is in charge and I won’t be hurt – everything else is irrelevant. All I need to do is wait and follow his commands.

A smile breaks across my face as all the weight of responsibility is removed. I am unable to describe the feeling of complete submission, my fate in the hands of someone else, trusting that person to do no harm, and letting everything else go – there is nothing left but sensation, my senses heightened, attuned to what is going on but processing only on a primal level.

He takes my hand, placing it on the back of his waistband and telling me to follow him. I hold on, letting him pull me along, stepping up, down or over as he points out obstacles. The house is not large, but it seems as if we have covered it several times before returning to the feather bed.
He tells me to let go, I do and stand there, waiting for the next instruction. I hear him arranging things, moving around the room. “Do you trust me?”


“And you are going to submit, no questions asked aren’t you?”

“Yes.” His voice is coming from behind me now.

“Step back until you feel the bed against your leg, then sit down and slide up to the top”

I do as he asks, feeling his legs on either side of me as I move between them. His arms close around me, pulling me back against his chest, his legs wrapping around me, pinning me in place.

He places a light kiss on my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His hands begin caressing my breasts, kneading them in his hands, the rough fabric of the shirt rubbing against my hardened nipples.

I feel the hot wetness of his tongue touching my neck in an open mouthed kiss, his lips sucking at my skin, moving slowly to the back of my neck – the most sensitive spot. He pulls my hair away to one side. When his moustache touches the back of my nape, I shudder, warm heat coursing through me – straight to my loins.

I feel his voice in my ear – the deep resonance sending sound waves through me “You like that?”

All I can manage is a low moan, hoping it is enough to encourage him to continue. He begins to speak into my ear – “Do you want to know what I am going to do to you?”

The question catches me off guard – for a moment, I try to rationalize. Do I want to know? Or do I want him to just do it – never letting me know what is coming? I realize I don’t know the answer – or I do, but the answer is Yes and No. I have no idea how to respond.

“You’re tensing up – just relax. No more thinking, I’ll do the thinking for both of us. I’m not sure you’re capable right now anyway.”

That gets my defenses up – “I am capable of thinking – I just don’t know……….”

“Shhh – relax. Just feel. Let go.”

I relax in his arms, his voice calming me, coaxing me into submission. I don’t know what it is about him, but I am completely at ease allowing him to take charge – something that is normally very difficult for me. Somehow his superiority is unquestionable- his strength always evident, his knowledge and experience vast. He is dominant and there is no question about it.

He continues to nibble at my neck, occasionally drifting to my ear and nipping my ear lobe. Occasionally he speaks or moans into my ear, pushing all my buttons and setting me on fire. I can feel the wetness at my center now – my lips wet and swollen.

I attempt to turn in his arms, wanting to kiss him, to touch him. He stops me “Frustrating isn’t it, not being able to get where you want to be – not being able to touch what you want most?”

He pulls me back against him, his erection hard against my back, pushing against me. I want to feel him – to touch the hard steel of his cock, to taste him. “Please, let me touch you, I want to feel that hard shaft in my hand.”

“Not yet – I’ll let you know when you can touch me.”

He lays me back on the bed, across his thigh. I pull my legs up, not wanting to be spread out before him so vulnerable to his scrutiny. His arm comes across my knees, pushing them back down on the bed, his hands pulling my legs open.

He strokes my legs, making no move to touch me where the need is greatest. Instead, he rubs my feet, kissing my ankles and the back of my calves. Moving back to my thighs, he begins to ask me questions.

“Do you like this?”

“Mmm, yes.”

“How much do you like it?”

“Very much.”

“Are you enjoying being teased?”


“Do you want more?”

“Yes, please.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to feel me.”

“What do you want?”

“I want to feel your tongue on me – tasting me.”

“No – what do you really want.”

It finally clicks – “I want you to do what you want with me.”

“That’s a good girl. Who is in control?”

“You are.”

“So what do you want?”

“I want to be at your mercy.”

“Mmm – that’s right. You’re going to beg me to give you release – to feel my cock in your mouth, my tongue rubbing your clit.”

“Oh god, yes, please.”

He removes the blindfold, I keep my eyes closed. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

I do as he asks, my eyes needing a moment to adjust to the light of the room. He is over me, his gray green eyes staring into mine. I flinch, his power overwhelming me and arousing me at the same time.

His face moves towards mine, his eyes riveting me in place, I am unable to move. His lips cover mine in a gentle kiss, once, twice, three times. His tongue traces my lips, a moan escaping as I open my mouth to him. When his tongue enters me, I reach up to put my hands in his hair, wanting to deepen the kiss, to pull some of his strength into me.

He pulls back “Uh – uh, no touching.”

I reluctantly drop my hands to the mattress. He moves in again, kissing my cheek and my nose. I close my eyes and he kisses my eyelids – a very sensual feeling as his moustache grazes my eyelashes. He moves back to my mouth, resuming the kiss he started.

He unbuttons my shirt, pulling it open, revealing my body to him. I turn my head, closing my eyes – uncomfortable with his scrutiny. “Look at me.”

“I can’t.”

“You can and you will.”

Slowly I turn my head, my eyes still closed. “Open your eyes and look at me.”

I do as I am told, looking at his face, searching for signs of disappointment. What I see instead are eyes darkened with desire. I feel like a virgin with her first lover – about to be taken, unsure of what is coming but wanting so badly to give in.

He moves to one breast, taking it in his mouth and suckling at it, his hand kneading the other. He continues to lap at my breasts, moving left to right, wetting them with his saliva. He straddles my torso, his hard cock laying in my cleavage, his eyes demanding that I look at him.

His hips begin to move back and forth, the head of his cock nearing my mouth on each upstroke, his saliva acting as lubricant between my breasts. I want to taste him, to feel the silky skin on hard steel as it slides across my tongue.

He closes my breasts around his cock, “Bring your hands in and hold yourself tight around me. Open your mouth wide. I’m going to fuck your mouth.”

I don’t question – I do as I am told, excited by his arousal and eager to taste him. I hold my breasts tight around the shaft of his cock, lifting my head to reach him. He slides his cock in and out, the head of his cock entering my mouth only for a second on each stroke.

“Mmm – feels good. You like that? You want to take more of my cock in your mouth?”

“Mmmpfh. Yois.” I reply, my mouth full, trying to pull him in deeper.

He withdraws from my breasts, straddling my shoulders, placing his cock in my mouth. He braces his hands against the headboard, thrusting his hips forward, then pulling back until he in nearly out of my mouth.

He begins slowly, inserting himself deeply into my throat. I gag on the length of him, unable to take more than a few inches of him inside. I try to move my head deeper into the mattress, to stretch my throat out allowing him to move deeper.

I can hear his breathing becoming more erratic, my hands on his thighs, trying to keep him from impaling me with his erection. I continue to take him in, allowing him to thrust as I hold him back with my hands, taking as much as I can and sucking wildly.

I begin to focus on him, concentrating on his cock, each stroke an opportunity to please him. I don’t realize that I am trying to control the situation until he stops, pulling himself slowly from my mouth.

“Lay back, hang your head over the edge of the bed.”

I do as he says, watching him move from the bed to stand in front of me. His cock is aimed at my mouth, my hands at my sides as he moves closer. Suddenly I am scared again – I can’t control this situation. My position on the bed ensures that I cannot reach him, I can’t stop him, I can only trust that he will make sure I am okay.

“Just relax. You know I’ll be gentle.”

I let my shoulders fall back against the mattress, trying to let go of my anxiety. He steps forward, his cock in hand, rubbing my lips with the tip. I lick at him, tasting the drop of liquid oozing from the head. He steps closer, the head penetrating my lips, hard and swollen.

As I taste his cock my fears disappear – this is what I love to do. His cock in my mouth is all I can think of – I want more. Without my realization he has moved forward until the tip of his erection is hitting the back of my mouth – just breaking the hard ring of my esophagus.

His strokes are long and slow, stretching my esophagus a little wider each time. He is moving like a skilled lover with a virgin – taking his time, knowing that once he breaks her maidenhead he will be able to move freely.

He continues to pump into me, the blood rushing in my head, drowning out all thought except the pulsing cock in my mouth. My tongue brushes over the top of him with each stroke, my upper lip pushing hard against the underside of his cock.

I feel a fullness in my mouth – unlike anything I have felt before. I realize that he has entered my throat – his strokes becoming quicker now, my throat muscles contracting and relaxing around him. I am thrilled with the sensations of his hot cock sliding into my throat, the fullness making me ache to be filled elsewhere.

I hear his groans of pleasure as he fucks my mouth, “Oh, shit, your throat is so tight.”

My moans are strangled – my larynx inhibited by him. He feels so good in my mouth, the hardness of his erection pushing past my lips, the head of his cock entering and exiting my throat like a cervix. His ball sac is tight against his body, my nose directly beneath them, inhaling his male musk.

His hands reach out over me “Give me your hands.”

I put my hands over my head, reaching out to him. He laces his fingers with mine, gripping tightly. “God – I’m gonna cum – are you ready?”

I inhale deeply then squeeze his fingers, letting him know I am ready. He pushes deep into my throat, his cock firmly planted in me, his pubic hair brushing my chin.

I suddenly realize that I will not be able to taste his cum and I experience a moment of disappointment, until I feel his climax surge – pushing my esophagus open wider. I cannot breathe now as his seed pumps furiously down my throat. His load is large, pulsing over and over as it spills down my throat.

His hands are gripping my fingers tightly – squeezing them painfully. His grip relaxes as he slowly pulls himself from my mouth, my saliva coating him. My lips are numb, my head reeling from the blood flow as I attempt to sit up. He pulls me forward as he collapses on the bed, folding his arm around my shoulders as he tucks my head against his chest.

“Well that was interesting. Good, but interesting.”

My voice cracks – my throat still adjusting to the emptiness “Interesting? “

“Trying to restrain yourself when all you want to do is slam it home is a real test. It’s definitely effective though.”

“It was amazing – I have never felt anything like that. Although I have to say – I really do miss the reward of tasting and swallowing after all that work.” My voice still sounds a bit foreign to my ears, but it’s coming back.

“I’m sure after a good night’s rest you can get what you want.”

I smile, content with his answer. Tomorrow perhaps I will take back a bit of control and seduce him – starting with breakfast of cinnamon and pineapple – no coffee, (sweeten the semen).

For now, the feeling of total and complete relaxation takes over – I have let go, finally – trusting someone else to make the decisions for me – and it was GOOD! This week could prove to be more than just an escape – it could be the start to a whole new destination – freedom!
© Copyright 2006 Felony Sinn (felonysinn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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