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Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1189837
dont ask what this is
He snarled as his fist connected with her lips and the force sent her reeling backwards, he didn't look apologetic afterwards and she simply wiped the blood from her split lip and then lick it from the back of her hand. She stepped forward again so that she was in the same place as she had been before, her face was blank and he knew full well that she had made her body feel numb to anything he could do to her. This only fuelled his anger even more but, gritting his teeth, he stopped just short of punching her in the stomach, at first violence had worked a treat but as with all things, over time she had become dull to the pain. He knew that it had actaully helped on her missions and he was quite sure that no one could torture any information from her no matter how hard they tried it was simply time for a new form of punishment. It wasn't often that she failed him in anything that she did but he liked to make sure that she never forget any mistake she made. They both knew that he greatly enjoyed using her as a punching bag but where was the fun when what you were punching gave no reaction anymore? He might aswell use the inanimate object that hung limply in the gym.

An evil grin spread accross his face as an idea popped into his head, there was just the one thing that she still cherished, the one thing that he had left to her own when he had taken her soul that long time ago. Her face changed, there was a wary look about her and she took a hesitant step backwards. She remembered that smile was the beginning of the violence, everything had upgraded from shouting as he thought of another way to punish her.

She had known right from the start of this mission that she was going to fail, she had gained some sort of psychic reading of a situation and although usually it just came to her in twinges this one had hit her with full force. Everything about it screamed at her that this was a trap, it wasn't like she could go to him to tell him this, who was she to question his judgement on a situation? After all it wasn't hers to say what was right and what was wrong with the tasks she was given, he didn't expect brains, just the ability to follow orders. She had learnt this early on in her service to him and had been constantly getting into trouble, back then she had tried to rebel and do things her way. He had broken her spirit such a long time ago that all she was now was an empty shell that knew nothing then to follow orders and kill. Her only sparks of feelings would come from his punishments where he forced her to feel something as if it would make her learn not to fail again.

It had been such a long while since he had time enough for her like this let alone thought about the way that he reacted to her that she was shocked. Then completly unnerved as she realised that something was coming that she wasn't going to enjoy in the slightest.

He reached out and grabbed her hair using it to drag her close hearing her yelp in surprise. His other hand snaked around her waist and pulling them together so that every part of their bodies were touching. She gasped, at their intimacy and realised instantly that they had never been this close to one another, he smellt faintly of some expensive aftershave and it played devinely on her senses. She was dazed for a moment getting slightly drunk off of his smell and the warmth that their two bodies were creating.

"Its no fun to hit you anymore but i think i've found something that you value more" he leant down and whispered the words into her ear letting his voice soften and the words to wrap around her, trapping her to him. She felt his breath move the stray strands of hair there and was completly entranced for a couple of seconds by what he was doing to her.

Her brain finally kicked into gear and she understood what his statement meant. Her virginity, the only thing that was hers, the only thing he had ever allowed her to keep as her own. When he took her soul he had told her it would be forever and that she would never be her own person ever again. He had conceeded that as she hadn't been as beautiful as some of his other employees that she could keep the viginity as her only thread of herself. Her mind panicked and instantly her body buckled and tried to wriggle away from him, surely he couldn't be serious? She was finding it hard to keep the blank expression that she always held when dealing with him. Fear rushed up her spine like a torrant it blinded her giving her only one instruction, escape. Her hands came up and splayed out accross his chest to be used as a leverage to push herself away from him only to find that he refused to let go of her hair.

A smirk spread across his face at her reaction to his words, it had been so long since he had managed to get her to something other than sit there and agree with him that he was totally enjoying himself. He easily fended off her feable attempts to get away from his grip, there was no way that she would do anything against him that required force, she was far too well behaved to do anything so stupid.

"I think we both know what i'm talking about, so why dont you get on with your report if you don't mind" the grin was still plastered there as she looked up to see him raise his eyebrows at her

"I...I don't understand whats going on here. Why are you doing this?" the emotions that she tried to so hard to supress were flowing back like a dam had burst and she was trying to keep them all under control. Her voice wavered greatly and she hated herself for reacting in this way to what was going on.

"Just the report please Miss Jones" he growled it into her ear and tightened his grip round her waist relishing the heat of her body and the way he was making her feel without really having to do anything at all.

"R...right the r...report...of course" she stuttered and stumbled over the words ashamed of herself as she started to quiver in his arms, they were cheek to cheek and she was forced to feel his breath move over her exposed neck which was making her quite nervous but she cleared her throat hoping that if she just got through this then it would be over and she could leave "we entered the offices to the rear of the building and found, as you said, no guards there, however when we moved to the..." her sentance was ended with a squeek as he softly nibbled the sensitive flesh on his neck.

He had stopped thinking of this as punishment or a threat of things to come, he was having far too much fun with her now. He ceased to think of her as just a killing machine he owned that was disposable and now could see her as a plaything. He was loving the effect that he had on her and it had been so long since he had taken anything from anyone who didn't want to readily give it to him.

"What is the meaning of this?!" her voice was high pitched and he thought that she had quite alot of courage to saying something like this to him, in person she tried to say as little as possible to him to avoid any more confrontation that was necessary.

"You failed me and to make matters worse you have made it so that my punishment means nothing to you, i am tired of threatening things. Its time to show you just what failure costs" his voice became even more silky and he took pleasure as her legs gave way and the only thing holding her up was the arm around her waist "and like the obedient slave that you are, not only are you going to let me take it but you're going to enjoy it"

He pulled back so that they were face to face and his tongue sought out the blood that was on her split lip and roughly lapped it away before harshly biting her bottom lip. She wasn't feeling quite herself and this motion pushed an instictive reaction from her: she snapped her hand up and punched him full force on his chin. Her eyes opened wide and rolled wildly as she couldn't quite believe that her arm had actaully done that to him. He looked at her with shock on his own face for just a quarter of a second and then returned back to normal.

"Or you could resist me all you like, that way i am going to enjoy it more" he threw her a nasty grin that showed the full set of his teeth and dipped his head to crush her lips with his own.

She squirmed and squeeked trying to escape from him and wondering just what it would take to get him to stop what he was doing and leave her alone. It was becoming aware to her that this wasn't just some pathetic whim that he had just come upon and that he was very serious. In the position she was in there was no way she would break free of his grip so reluctantly she gave in for the moment. Her lips softened beneath him and he was delighted when she was pressing her body against him and she eagerly let his tongue into her mouth and run over her own.

At her co-operation his hands let go of her and in one sweeping movement he slid her skirt up over her hips and grabbed her bottom and lifted her up forcing her to wrap her legs around him. Without breaking the kiss he spun them around and threw her down on his desk in front of him loving the thudding sound of her torso hitting the wood.

She gasped as the air was rushed out of her and the kiss was broken, she laid there looking up at him, flushed. Her enter body was on fire as she felt sensations like never before and she panted lightly as she waited for him to make his next move. She watched him for a couple of seconds to try and assess what could be going through his mind. He was caught up in the moment and assumed that she was aswell. It had taken alot of doing to bring her back round to her sober way of thinking again but she was there none the less and she was ready for escape.

Her mind wildly raked through all of her memories desperatly finding any scrap of information it could about people actually escaping their masters and going on to live wholesome lives. It came up blank. It didn't dishearten her though and she was determined to be the first. He seemed to be just staring at her drinking her in with his eyes; just the opportunity that she required.

She sat up so suddenly she didn't give him enough time to react before she head butted him. It was the satisfying crunch of his nose that alerted her to the fact that she might just take this as her leave. She was up from the desk in a heartbeat and racing towards the door. She even managed to get to the large oak pannelld set of double doors, something she classed as a great acheivement. Much to her disappointment they were locked solid and she was desperatly trying to tug them open when she felt him bearing down on her.

He smashed his body into hers squashing her painfully against the solid wood hearing the air whoosh out of her lungs as his greater weight crushed her. A chuckle rumbled through his chest and his hands caressed her sides. He leant forward again so that his hot breath was playing along her neck.

"You can't escape me. Only I have the right to take whats mine" his voice was so deep with its hint of seduction that she whimpered softly in reply.

The fog instantly made way to the need to escape when his hands rested back onto her bottom. She had to get out of there, she had to get out intact. He seemed to guess what she was thinking and before she could get out any moves whatsoever he gripped both of her wrists and thrust them above her head in one sweeping movement. She was such a petite thing that he easily took both her slim wrists in one large hand leaving him free to do as he liked.

She knew that he had her now. Her mind simply couldn't think of a way to escape from him. He was stronger, quicker and knew exactly what he wanted. She sobbed loudly as his spare hand pushed her skirt easily over her hips and left her totally vulnerable to her. She heard his chuckle once again as he fully observed the nakedness of her stood in front of him with no power over what he could do.

"Please" the words sobbed out "Please, it was a trap, there was nothing I could do about it. I tried my best, you know I always do" the words were childish and punctuated by small sobs but she didn't care anymore. How could he think of doing this to her?

© Copyright 2006 PurpleKitti909 (purplekitti909 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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