Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1206561-This-Sucks
by e
Rated: E · Short Story · Drama · #1206561
Story bout a boy and a girl, Whateverrrr
two lovers come to a fork in the road. the boy.... loves the girl with all his heart and has never betrayed her. the girl also loves the boy but has a different past and has a habit of deception. it was like a yin and yang. both perfect for eachother. a figure appears before them saying you must choose your path, continue together on the left... or the girl must take the right. the boy in a whisper said "i love you and i will never give up on you....your not leaveing me right?" the girl said "its such a pretty path..... im curious... but im not leaveing you" so they took the left path. all was well untill the boy noticed something the hand of the girl was cold and hard... a doll...she betrayed the boy. bawling at his knees he screams "why! why did you have to betray me this way...all i wanted was the truth" all came into a hush when a tiny bird ran to the boy with a letter.. it was black and red.. and it was to him, from the girl, and it said " im sorry my love but i love another now and i chose his path to follow, i love you both and want you both, but i have to decide wich one i truely love meet me at the end of the fork in the road in 5 days" the boy now bleeding from his eyes started sprinting with only one thing on his mind, " i have to see her, im not giveing up, IM the one who loves her.. i never stoped" the boy began to notice it was getting hotter and hotter... he found himself in a desert, with no one to hold for comfort, the only cherished posetions the boy had were a neck tie and a sweater given to him by the girl, he can remember everything that was clearly said when they were givein "i will always love you, these are close to me and now i want to give them to you" the boy clenched his fist with the neck tie wraped in the letter with tear stains smearing the ink. again reminding himself why hes alive, he started sprinting, and then a sandstorm came alive in the middle of the desert it started ripping apart his flesh... and then hope was lost when it took half his sweater... the boy sat there in the eye of the storm.... saying to himself "maby.... she does love him more then me.... maby she will be happier...i just dont want it to end like this.... i... wont quit... never" he got up and became numb.... everything numb besides his thoughts... his thoughts of seeing her. he started running again with the storms heavy force on his body, and then in a flash a opening appeared in the storm and from the sight... you see the boy jump out with full force.... he rolled on the desert and then got up. his neck tie still in contact along with the letter, but he couldnt say the same for the pure white sweater. he had no time to feel sorry for himself. he had to get to that fork, it was 4 days in that desert the boy had to endure, then on the 5th day, no food no water, the boy was crawling, loseing his vision and energy, but still felt nothing but his thoughts, he collapsed right at the end of the desert... right at the end of the fork. he woke to the girls heavenly kiss on his cheek. her eyes were also filled with tears, the boy heard.... "im sorry" as she huged his blood drenched body. the girl pounded his body with tears running down her face screaming "why did you do this for me. why!?" and he simply answered with this " you make me the happiest ive ever been and i ever will be, because your perfect, because i cant get any happier". all was silent untill the girl picked him up by the arm and flung it around her back, and she said "well shall we continue our path?" while she smiled. the boy could only do the same but smile bigger

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