Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1214000-anger
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1214000
from the heart.
You can't find me.
You think you know me, but you don't. The truth is I don't even know myself. I'm lost in this world of desperation. Confused, lonely and always looking for answer, but never seeking the ultimate truth, terrified that it would tear me into a million pieces. You see the way I act, the way I talk and you put a label on me, because you figure that your accusations are more than likely right, but they aren't. My understanding of the world is that we are all Robots and Aliens, no one is human. We are either programmed to do what people tell us just so it makes us cool, or we do what we want and get shit for it. And as many people read this, they will express there dubious opinions, not sure if i'm right or if they are right. Let's face it, is anybody really ever right or wrong? These mind altering substances that we place inside our bodies every weekend, making a complete fool of ourselves and not caring, are the same mind altering substances we will all die from. It's surreal actually, no not actually.
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