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Rated: 13+ · Other · None · #1227625
there is a man playing footie gets quite badly injured the man was devestated.
It was two minutes into the game jhonny was playing fantastic.He skilled a defender ran towards the goal and scored a brilliant goal.2 minutes later rooney slide tackled jhonny morgan,he went on the floor in very bad pain he was holding his leg,the first aid people came on the pitch with the first aid kit.and they asked him to straighten his leg but he couldn't straighten it all the way because it was to painful. he got taken to hostipal for a scan.they rushed him in then he waited 5 minutes later they took him in for a scan, not long after he came out they told him he has torned his ligerment in his leg. jhonny was devasted he felt really angrey. he couldn't play football for a while.

A few weeks later he recovered he will be able to play football again,when jhonny found out he told all his mates at footie they were all happy because he was one of the real good players on the team

charlie blake
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