Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1362866-SADNESS-OF-THE-DUNGEON
Rated: E · Poetry · Melodrama · #1362866
this is a dramatic tale of my classroom blues! (emphasis on dramatic!)
Alone I stay,
Till the death of 4 p.m. I shall lay,
My lonely heart sits alone,
Aimlessly I shall roam,
I wish for a friend to help my desolate soul,
I wanna chill with my homeskillets,
Thatz' how i ROLL!
They forced me to stay with the evil one,
Oh, how i wish for fun!
I got left behind at the death chamber to die,
Stuck with the mean ones I shall lie!
Woe is me that I must stay at the evil place,
Why couldn't I go home with what's his face!
So i sit & dream of fun,
Where kids go to the mall,
Or enjoy that thing called sunshine & play ball!
BUT NO! i am locked in the dungeon where i shall fall!
Oh, how my loneliness makes me feel small,
I NEED someone to save me,
You call yourselves friend!?
BUT NO! Even my own flesh & blood left me to
stay at this dark place till the end!
© Copyright 2007 rayne BOW flo (raynebow_flo at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1362866-SADNESS-OF-THE-DUNGEON