Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1371640-A-Friend-Indeed
Rated: GC · Other · Erotica · #1371640
His loss and hurt break down her barriers and help fulfill her needs.
  Sheila woke slowly.  It had been a couple of months since she left her job.  Christmas was over and the kids finally got back to school, it was nice to not have to get up and DO things for a change.  Her mind drifted in that bliss before you rise to tackle the day.  Her husband was spending more and more hours at work and less and less time with her.  Sure she was not the young beauty he married, but still, she was 20 years older and he had changed too.  Peeling back the blankets she let her hands glide along her body.  Her breasts were larger than they used to be, but they were still firm and well shaped.  Her nipples grew harder as her fingers traced around them.  Her hands wandered down to her tummy, two kids had not been kind, and although she had a small bulge she was still attractive.  Running her fingers through her hair she stroked along her lips.  Tingles shot through her pussy straight up to her nipples.  She was still tight there too; sometimes her husband had trouble getting it in, so that was not a problem either.  As her fingers traced her lips they parted slightly, and juices began to flow.  Yes, she needed something; perhaps she should get out her vibrator?  A few minutes of work would bring her off nicely, that was what she needed, wasn’t it?
  Playing with her swelling clit she tweaked her stiff nipples, oh yes, that felt good.  A low moan escaped her lips.  Nobody was here, she could moan as much as she wanted, and sometimes she enjoyed being vocal when she came.  Rising from the bed she moved over to her dresser to retrieve her toy.  She ran the smooth device across her pussy letting the vibrations pound her aroused clit.  Turning for the bed again she saw a car pull into her driveway through her window.
  “Damn” she said, “That looks like Danny’s car.”  Danny was an old school buddy of her husbands.  The two had drifted apart after school and Danny had only started coming for visits in the last six months.  “Well Ed, you are just going to have to wait.”  She returned her vibrator to the dresser and threw on her bathrobe.
  The doorbell rang as she descended the stairs.  “Coming” she called out, ‘Oh I wish I was’ she thought.  Opening the door she smiled at Danny “Hi Danny, Phil is out of town again.”
  “Oh, is he?”  Danny looked sorry and slightly embarrassed.  “Sorry to bother you Sheila.  I can come back later.  When will he be home?”
  “Oh don’t worry about it, you are his friend and I wasn’t doing anything.  I was about to have a shower.  Phil’s coming back tonight, his flight is due in around 3.  Is anything wrong?  You look lost.”
  “It is nothing to worry about Sheila, I’ll come back later.  I really don’t want to bother you.”  Danny turned to leave.
  “Danny!  What is it?  Come on in and talk to me, my shower can wait.”  Sheila stepped back and opened the door wide.
  Danny looked back at her and the open door; he really needed to talk to someone.  He was lonely; it had been 2 years since his wife had died of cancer.  Two years today in fact.  His home was a cold empty place since she died.  His mind told him he should leave and come back later, but his heart was screaming for company.  He couldn’t bear to be alone today.  Slowly he turned his back on his car and entered the house.
  “Well..” he began, “you see… it’s just…”  He felt his eyes begin to fill with tears and turned his head away.  “Pam died two years ago today.  I just don’t want to be alone right now.  I was hoping Phil and I could go for a coffee or something.”
  Sheila was touched Danny was annoying at times, he could be very snobby and aloof, but he was obviously hurting.  She reached out and patted his shoulder.  “Come on in, sit down.  I’ll make us both a coffee and was can spend today together and then go get Phil at the airport.” 
  Danny followed her to the living room.  Working at hiding his eyes he looked at everything except Sheila.  “OK, thanks, that would be nice.  Are you sure I am not disturbing you or stopping you from doing anything?”
  “Don’t be silly, the kids are at school and I have nothing planned for the day.  Have a seat and we can watch some television or a movie.”  Sheila headed for the kitchen and prepared coffee.  Danny sat on the sofa and turned on the television.  He flipped through the channels trying to find something to watch.  Sheila returned quickly and handed him a steaming cup of coffee.  He couldn’t help but look as she bent over to hand him his cup.  He could see right down her dressing gown and he was sure she was naked underneath the robe.  He felt the blood flowing to his penis as he averted his eyes. 
  Sheila sat in the chair opposite him and drank her coffee.  She didn’t notice his eyes looking at her shapely legs when he felt it was safe to do so.  “Well, why don’t you talk to me about your wife, or how you are feeling Danny?  I bet you just need to talk to someone about these things and I can understand how your girlfriend wouldn’t want to hear about your wife.”
  Danny looked slightly surprised, “Girlfriend?  No Sheila, I have not had a girlfriend since my wife died.  I just haven’t found anyone that compares to Pam.”
  “No girlfriends?  At all?”  Sheila was shocked; he hadn’t had a girlfriend in two years?  “Well, one-night stands then?” 
  “No, I’ve been working so hard, and trying to get over things, I haven’t dated or anything since she left.  Does that shock you?  Surely you and Phil would be the same?”
  Sheila thought about that, she had already gone 4 months with no sex.  Obviously Phil could do it, but two years?  “Oh, ya, I guess I can see your point” she mumbled. 
  Haltingly Danny started talking about his wife and the fun times that had.  Soon it was lunchtime and the pair had been talking for almost two hours.  Shelia was relaxed and enjoying her time with Danny.  Danny was not the snobbish man she had thought.  He was simply withdrawn and quiet.  The movie they had on in the background had ended and the next began.  This movie was about a soldier heading off to war and returning home several years later.  His wife endured his time away but didn’t recognize him on his return.  The tension in the movie built between the pair and ended in a passionate love making session between the two of them.  Sheila had still not recovered from her efforts of the morning and felt her nipples and clit swell as the action on the screen heated up.  Without noticing her hands gently stroked her thigh.  Her eyes were transfixed on the screen as the pair made passionate love.
  Danny’s eyes were locked on Sheila’s hand as it traced along her thigh.  It was so erotic watching her touch herself.  She was a very attractive woman and looked so damn sexy in her robe.  His erection was painfully caught in his pants, nothing he could do, if he moved she would snap out of it and realise what she was doing and he didn’t want this moment to end.  Slowly he moved his hand down and pushed his cock to the side, gaining a small measure of comfort.  His eyes moved up from here thighs to see her staring at him.  He quickly turned very red.  “Sorry” he croaked “You just look so hot.”
  Sheila was very horny now and seeing the size of the lump in his pants didn’t help matters.  “You can’t be serious.” She said, “How can you find me attractive?  I’m an old housewife.”  She moved her hand slightly and pivoted her rear towards him.  Her legs parted slightly, she was unsure what he would be able to see, but judging from the way his eyes widened he could see something.
  Danny’s eyes were drawn down as Sheila pivoted, he couldn’t stop himself.  His brain screamed ‘NO!!’ but his eyes swung to her barely concealed crotch, yes!  He was certain he could see pubic hair.  “Sheila, you are the sexiest woman I know.  You have been killing me all day, sitting there in that robe.  I have not wanted a woman in two years, but today I would die happy if I could simply touch you.”
  Sheila felt heat shoot through her at those words.  They were spoken with a brutal honesty she could not deny.  “This robe has been bothering you? Here then.”  Slowly she stood and let the robe fall to the floor.  Danny’s eyes bulged almost as much as his cock at the sight before him.  This woman was a natural beauty; she needed no makeup.  Her body was well proportioned and had all the right curves.  Reaching out he gently ran his hand along her arm and across her shoulders.  Sheila moaned at the touch, her skin seemed to be on fire.  Danny’s hand traced a line down to her breast.  Her nipple ached for the contact of his skin and it was soon rewarded as his fingers gently tweaked and pulled her nipple.  Danny’s other hand caressed her neck and cheek.  Gently his hand slid along her jawbone.  His lips pressed to hers and soon she felt his tongue gently probe into her mouth. 
  “Oh Danny” she moaned as his mouth closed on her right nipple.  Her hands closed on his head and held him to her while he sucked and licked her sensitive nipples.  His left hand slid along her side and gripped her right buttock.  Easing her back to the sofa he slowly spread her legs and ran his tongue along the inside of her leg.  Slowly his tongue closed the distance to her steaming pussy.  Juices flowed freely from her lips, of themselves her hands moved toward her aching centre.  Danny’s hands intercepted them, he stopped her from helping in the release she so desired.  With gentle urging her hands were placed on her nipples where she began caressing and pulling her own nipples.  Each pull sent new sparks through her pussy and he still had not touched her.
  Slowly and carefully Danny ran his fingers across her pussy.  It ached as if he were running a live wire across her clit when his fingers made contact.  Her whole body spasmed and she thought she would cum at this his first touch.  Danny’s fingers ran along her slit and slowly penetrated her pussy.  Juices ran freely down the crack of her ass as she ground against his hand. 
  “OH God Danny, please make me cum.”
  “Not yet, not yet.  This has to be special.”  He moaned, his mouth inches from her pussy.  His lips closed on her pussy and he gently sucked the juices from her.  His tongue slid between her lips and lapped her juices as a man dying of thirst would a cool glass of water.  His finger gently caressed the rosebud of her ass.  Phil had never touched her there before and it sent ripple of pleasure through her body.  She could feel the cum building inside.  Then Danny moved away from her pussy and his tongue slid across her anus.  Jolts of electricity flew to her clit.  She bucked wildly into his face, ‘God I have to cum’ her mind screamed.  Yet Danny still held her orgasm from her.  His tongue rimmed her anus as his hand caressed her clit, her orgasm was rushing upward again.  This was it, she was going to cum.  Danny’s mouth again closed on her clit as his finger pressed slowly into her anus.  Shelia screamed as the most powerful orgasm she had ever had ripped through her.  Liquid shot from her pussy drenching Danny’s face and shirt.  Her orgasm seemed to go on and on.  She never felt Danny move away from her.  Never heard him remove his pants, a second orgasm ripped through her as his 8” cock began to enter her.  Slowly he pushed in a few inches and withdrew.  He repeated this process over and over until he was fully buried in her throbbing pussy.  He held there as her second and third orgasms subsided.  Then slowly he withdrew his cock from her moistness until just the bulbous head was inside her lips, and slowly he pushed it back in until it was as deep as he could reach. 
  Sheila moaned and writhed as his powerful cock pushed back and forth into her hot pussy.  Her fourth orgasm was building as Danny picked up the pace.  His powerful cock drilled in and out faster and faster.  Moans of pleasure escaped his lips as Sheila groaned and pulled him harder and harder into her.  Sheila lost track of everything around her, her entire universe was the massive cock pounding in and out of her pussy.  Her eyes rolled back in her head and her juices sprayed out around his fully buried cock as her orgasm overcame her.  Danny grunted and shot his sperm in her holding his spurting member as deep as he could.
  Minutes passed and finally Danny’s cock slid from her.  Slowly he rolled onto his side.  The pair cuddled for a short while, Danny kissed her cheek and whispered “thank-you Sheila, that was just what I needed and it was fantastic.”  He rose, dressed and left.
  Sheila lay there recovering for another 20 minutes.  Then she rose, showered and left for the airport to pick Phil up.  She relived the days adventure in her mind as they drove home.  Her panties were again moist, surely Phil would add to the sperm already inside her.  Phil kissed her and said “Boy that was a tough trip, we can talk tomorrow.  I’m bushed, good night honey.”
© Copyright 2008 Mordrig (mordrig at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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