Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1380607-My-HeavenMy-HellMy-Love
Rated: 18+ · Draft · Relationship · #1380607
It's about my girlfriend. She is my Heaven and Love. But my Hell also because of her past.
My Heaven could put all Heavens to shame
It has filled Pools of motley green and blue
And Rays the color of golden red flame
With the Land caked of white snow anew

My Heaven is the definition of Perfection
It has Hills and Mountains both large and high
And Beauty that grants me erection
With Pedals of crimson red where lay nigh

Thus is My Love, that gorgeous lustrous Dove,
Such an ample Heaven, That protects me from the Seven.

My Hell could put all Hells to shame
It has filled Pools of motley red and black
And Rays the color of darkly red flame
With the Land caked of soot and crack

My Hell is nothing of Perfection
It has Jealousy Grief and Guilt, lowest lows
And Dread befalls my strong erection
With Thorns of black where dark past flows

Thus is My Love, that fallen forlorn Dove,
Such a decietful Heaven, That throws me to the Seven....
© Copyright 2008 Truth Sayer (kursedwriter at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1380607-My-HeavenMy-HellMy-Love