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Rated: · In & Out · Fantasy · #1466272
If three paths were in front of you, which one would you choose? Carmen chose Semia.
Chapter 1
"Why did you do it!" Yelled Carmens mom, Linzy. "Mom I didn't do it!" Carmen cried harder and harder untill her dad came home from his job at the bank. He was a tall man with black hair and a mustache that wrapped around his face. He quickly ran to his wife, a small girl with long blond hair that was always in a ponytail and hit agents her waist when she walked. She had been blaming Carmen for months now about her other daughters death, a seventeen year old girl named selena, who died of leukemia. Linzy shook her daughter and yelled and cused before her husband pulled her away. Linzy started to cry in his arms and begged forgiveness to god for her cusing and yelling at a loved one.
One day child serveses came because of all the yelling, cursing, and crying that was heard by the people that lived in the appartment below them. They took carmen away and told her she was going to live with her grandparents. When she arrived everything was prepared for her. Her bedroom was repainted white with black and pink circles everywere. Her bedspread was pink with white stripes at the bottom and brown flowers at the top. And she had a dresser with her name above the mirror in woden letters. Teddy bears and dolls were laid across her bed and posters of the 'upfront boys' were on the wall, along with family photo's. She felt sad but at home. At home at last. She told herself, but it seemed like it wasn't home yet, not without Selena.

Arias: arias911
10:39 pm: 08-24-08 @ 10:43pm
: sorry there is little detail i had a short time to write. chapter two will reveal more i promise!

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