Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1479138-The-Door
Rated: E · Poetry · Inspirational · #1479138
I wrote of my God given victory over a door of an addiction.
"No Temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it."
Paul - 2 Corinthians 10:13 ESV


I went to that familiar door
and placed my hand upon its knob.
Like all the other times before,
my heart increased its rhythmic throb.

I heard once more that sultry voice.
It called me to the other side.
It beckoned me to make the choice
of passions pleasures to abide.

She promised me fulfillment of
this longing deep within my heart.
(‘Twas lust that some confuse with love.)
And I could hardly wait to start!

"Shall I, again, indulge myself
to ravish this forbidden fruit?"
(I placed upon the highest shelf
my conscience that I rendered mute.)

I slowly gave the knob a turn
and shuddered as the latch released.
I felt desire within me burn
anticipating this foul feast!

Alas, a light sliced through my heart
as terror took a hold of me.
For once before this tore apart
my darling wife, my family.

I wanted so to close that door,
remembering the awful pain
and grief, my soul an open sore.
Yet, loved I what I should disdain.

The light revealed that beast within,
a beast that clutched me in its pow'r.
I saw this creature steeped in sin.
It made my stomach churn, turn sour.

"Dear God!" I cried.  "I cannot fight
and win against this thing I see!"
That loathsome creature in my sight
who pulled the door ajar was me!

I wept, "Dear Jesus, only you
can save me from this wretched door.
Those who pass through find death ensues
to life, joy, peace and love and more."

I knew that I would be undone.
And yet, that doorway beckoned me.
In tears, I heard, "I'm here, my son.
I've come to save and set you free."

He put His arm around me as
I laid my cheek upon His breast.
I watched Him press His nail-scarred hand
against the door that had me stressed.

The beast grew angry when he heard
the Voice that calmed the wind and sea.
It screamed out, "NO! Don't say one word!
Please go and do not bother me!"

Then Jesus spoke, "For this I died
and rose to live to make you new."
With that, the beast fell, arms stretched wide
In death, his hands and feet pierced through.

With a soft “click,” I heard it close.
My hand came free of that cursed knob
Emotions deep within me rose.
I said as I began to sob,

''Dear Jesus, bolt and lock that door
and throw into the deepest sea
the key. This thing I so abhor,
I'm sick of it seducing me!"

With both His arms He hugged me tight.
"I'm sorry, child," He said to me.
"This door that you must daily fight
has not a lock, therefore no key.

For if it did you'd have no need
to put in Me your faith and trust.
Until I come again, take heed!
Learn to abide in Me you must!"

He gently kissed me on my brow
and said, "Fear not. Be of good cheer.
MY peace, MY love, MY joy I vow
to give to you when you draw near."

© Copyright 2008 Theophilus Lightwalker (dgreenwald at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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