Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1603415-To-My-True-Friend
Rated: E · Poetry · Emotional · #1603415
I wish I had the heart to send this to her...
It seemed Fate
That linked us as friends
So magical
It seems time bends
As days and months and years went on
Seeming only moments long.

But now you're gone
Miles far
Too long to travel
By foot or car
And now the days and weeks and months go on
Seeming dozens of years long.

And buried in the sands of time
I hear your heart
Beat next to mine
A long-lost friendship,
A twisted past
But still too strong
To cease to last.

And beaten, bruised
We hold on still.
Our friendship bound
By what our hearts fill.
So lost, so torn
I miss you much.
It seems you’re gone
Though we’re still in touch.

And other people
Speak your name
They don’t understand
The weathered pain
I lock inside myself until
I open it up
And let my tears spill.

Do you cry too,
Feel hurt in torn?
Wishing you were never born?
Praying not another day pass
Where your heart’s rebroken
Like shattered glass?

Now I cry in heart-straining pain
Wishing that you would come again.
Our hearts still bound
By a dwindling thread
That will not break
Until we’re dead.

Twisted Fate,
It seems to me,
Harsh, But a reality.

To my true friend,
The only one
Who meant enough
To still hold on
To this friendship
We had so close.
While others left
It was you I chose
I bound myself
To your side
Because you were there
When I cried.
And when you felt lost
I was here
Making you laugh
And perserve.

To my true friend,
I miss you much.
Hope to see you someday
If only once.

© Copyright 2009 Jamie Paige (storyweaver13 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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