Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1657461-What-i-heart
Rated: · Bulletin · Experience · #1657461
What do you love?
What do you love? What do you live for? What helps you push through those days where you seem down and you feel your the only one left in the whole universe? Well what do i love? I ask myself this question daily... Whats important? Where do i stand in the world today? What kind of person am i? These are all relevant questions... Ones that maybe more people today need to ask themselves. But,most importantly,i ask these questions because,personally i think most people forget the aspect of life! Like what's important. Why do we live. Why do we do what we do. Well i know why i live. I'm only thirteen.. But hopefully one day i'll be married. I want maybe around three kids. I would definitly love to raise a family and find the love of my life. I honestly,honestly think i've  been in love before. People say you can't love at thirteen or fourteen or fifthteen and so on.. But its definitly possible. Because what is love? Well i always thought it was when you found  a person,who you cared so,so much about! And you 'love' them. You love every sinlge thing about them.. Every fault,every mishap,and every deformity. Someone you always want to be with and NEVER ever leave their sight or be with out them.. Well all i'm saying is-you can only fight for something so long. Even a person you love. After they tell you they don't want you.. Your gonna give up! Your gonna move on! Am i right? Or do you spend the rest of your life,or a long period of time depressed and heartbroken!? I guess some people do... But i sure didn't! I moved on... And right now,im honestly happy! Theres times when i think i need that boy who broke my heart,but then when i think about it,im better off without him!nI don't need him  to complete me nor put me through difficulties. Its been about a month... And LOOK! I've already moved on.. I've found another boy. And this boy,this boy honestly likes me for me! Not what my body looks like or produces... He loves my smile,he loves my personality,my funnyness,my everything,he loves ME!... Now i don't care what people say... But this is love!! Do i love this?? .... *Heart*... Well what do you love??  :)
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