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Rated: E · Other · Other · #1684945
First Impressions
The fire in his eyes consumed my soul the first time we met. I couldn’t help or suppress the passion that I felt for this man before he had even been aware of my existence. Love at first sight isn’t real for most people, in this case it still wasn’t. Lust at first sight, as everyone knows very well, is very real. But this wasn’t love, and despite his attractiveness, it wasn’t lust. It was his intensity that had me unconsciously distracted by him, having me reposition my body towards him. In an instant my body language had changed from rigid, to wanton.
My mind went into to turmoil. How to meet this man? Casually bump into him? Or is that too obvious? Can he feel that? It was as if something had changed, as if a cool breeze had picked up to cool this thick heat lingering around. As if the colors of the world grew brighter. My mind lost in thought, in desire, in passion, in distraction was lost to the pull between him and I. The chemistry pulling us together shone like a light as bright as the sun, but only seen by my eye.
The electricity was buzzing back and forth between us, my mind caught up in a mess of desire and passion, missed him walking towards me. His steps deliberate, the swagger of his hips, relaxed and discrete. The way he carried his body, and the strut, that had the electricity thrilling me to no understanding, the distance between us decreasing as he walked slowly toward me at a leisurely pace. My heart and mind were racing matching the intensity of the fire in his eyes. Just within in speaking distance, a “hello” hanging on my lips, a deep breath prepared in my lungs to speak this simple word to this man walking towards me. His steps became longer as he stepped past me. I turned and watched his retreating back walk away from me, feeling the wind die down, and the colors grow dull. My mind in turmoil once again, He couldn’t feel that? He didn’t see the perfection in the world in just that one moment? Is this unrequited love? My mind broke from my internal rant as this man continued with his leisurely pace, and slowly with his relaxed swagger made his way to the stage. I could feel the wind picking up once more and the colors brightening again.
My mind racing with possibilities of what he could be doing. Slowly he picked up a guitar, and sat on the stool that was placed in front of the microphone and said in a quiet rumbling voice: “Music is a passion of mine that I’d like to share with you all. Songs and music, create a sense of desire. They make me feel things I want to feel. I hope you can feel it too.” His eyes bore into mine as the slow acoustic style of the song began. I was so lost, that I didn’t even notice the second guitar player, or the piano player who’s sweet harmonies were accompanied by his smooth plucking of the strings on his guitar, I could feel the serenity weaving it’s way around all the people in the room. The rich dulcet tones were soothing me into a state of peace. My body was slowly swaying to the simple beat created by his voice and the strumming of his guitar. My mind oblivious to the words that wrapped around my body with warmth and stillness, as the cadence fell to a bittersweet end. My eyes flutter open, not remembering when they slipped closed, or when I felt so relaxed or at peace or on fire. The passion that roared throughout me was fierce. I never wanted the passion I felt to end. The peace and stillness and the adrenaline, were feeding this insatiable fire; this fire that I never wanted to end.
© Copyright 2010 awestling (awestling at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1684945-Fire