Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/crosswords/item_id/1752043-Metallurgy
Rated: E · Crossword Puzzle · Educational · #1752043
All about metals
All about metallurgy
 1 To join by soldering with an alloy of copper and zinc
 2 A silvery white metal that is a constituent of brass
 4 A metal made by combining two or more metallic elements
 5 Contaning or consisting of iron
 6 A low melting alloy used for joining fusible metals
 7 A hard strong gray or bluish gray alloy of iron with carbon
 11 Having the properties of a magnet
 15 Symbol - Mg
 16 A factory for casting metal
 18 Resistance of a material to breaking under tension
 22 An iron ore
 23 An object made by pouring molten metal into a mold
 25 Symbol Mo - used in some alloy steels
 27 A red brown metal used with tin to form bronze
 28 A very hard black solid consisting of silicon carbide - abrasive
 1 A yellow alloy of copper and zinc
 3 A plating material used as a decorative finish
 8 An alloy of bronze silvery white in nature
 9 A heavy soft ductile metal used in storage batteries
 10 A heavy silvery white metal that is liquid at room temperature
 12 A component of magnetic alloys - Symbol - Co
 13 Able to be drawn out into a thin wire
 14 A yellow precious metal used in making jewelry
 17 An alloy used with iron to impart corrosion resistance
 19 A magnetic silver gray metal used in manufacturing steel
 20 A strong light metal used for corrosion resistance
 21 join together two metal pieces by heating to the melting point
 24 Most abundant metal in the earth's crust
 26 A yellowish brown alloy of copper with up to one third tin
 29 Symbol - Mn
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/crosswords/item_id/1752043-Metallurgy