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Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Poetry · Opinion · #1780570
This poem is how the sequence of nursery rhyme be related to the way you live your life.
1, 2 buckle your shoe
3, 4 shut the door
5, 6 pickup sticks
7, 8 lay em’ straight
9, 10 do it again

This not a nursery rhyme
More like a piercing to the soul

How many times will you let society buckle your shoe?
Just to step on that loose string called a flaw and trip and fall
How many times will you shut that door to what could have been but now is a has been
How many times will you pick up sticks to drum to that fluctuating rhythm?
Just to get to 7, 8 of society standards and that so called American dream and lay em’ straight
How many times will you do it again?

To live in this hazard you call life.
Because you are too afraid of crossing the caution tape of “don’t do your own thing”
And live under society rules
Following this sequence taught as a nursery rhyme but can be metaphorically use as your life
Hiding behind a smokescreen of metaphors
With rainbow colored symbols

But hidden behind the eye of society

How long will you give in to this nursery rhyme?

When will you turn this nursery rhyme into your own, standing out placing these symbols in sight?
Opening your eyes to what’s on the other side

I on the other hand have
I don’t let one and two buckle my shoe
I make my loose string tie itself so I don’t fall
I’ll make the door into a window of MY choices so clear that I will make society run into it
Yeah I’ll pick up sticks and drum to my own rhythm and make em lay diagonal
Nah I won’t do it again just make it more diverse

I don’t live under the umbrella of society
I’ll stand in the rain of and let it shower me with opportunities
And ill show it through any nursery rhyme
Nah I’ll show it through my life
And create a new set of nursery rhyme eyes.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1780570-Nursery-Rhyme-Eyes