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Rated: XGC · Campfire Creative · Fiction · LGBTQ+ · #1826359
A simple device, not only for pleasure but for toher things too.......
There was a tortured soul who wanted revenge....
This soul was called M , her forename and surname is unknown to everyone except her lover. M was a middle aged woman who loved her young, barely legal lover. The girl, aged 16 didn't really like M, she lived in fear of her name and hated to see her. M had something against her, something she would like to keep a secret. If word got out she would most likely kill herself, M feasted on this fear.
One day she had enough, she was fed up of being treated like a slave, she had nearly become an empty shell that M was trying to mould her into too.
One night she had the opportunity to kill M, she was drunk and defenceless. She was in the kitchen very slowly dicing a carrot, then she heard M shout her. "My dearest..." her voice was cracked and she had a smile of please upon her face. "what" the girl replied in a harsh tone. "I'm ready for our session." the girl sighed and started to strip but M stopped her. "what do you think you are doing?! How dare you not make this fun, that disserves a punishment!" She started to panic, M darted towards her with an insane look in her eye. M's lips pressed against hers, M started to lick down her neck, with her other hand she ripped her clothes off. The girl was only just in her underwear, M licked her breast. The girl snapped, she grabbed the knife and sent it into M's gut. She kept on stabbing her until she was sure M was dead.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/1826359-A-sex-and-murder-tale