Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1910627-the-unknown
by ginge
Rated: · Draft · Other · #1910627
full version is on Opuss @letslive1959 if you'd like to read it
With my hair undid and a black coffee pressed up against my lips i did truly look like a mad man but a mad man that meant no man madness just a mad man not a man mad. A man that wouldn't shout or scream at you for the simplest mistakes we all make but simply a man that needed to know everything about everyone and hear everyone’s take on this crazy world we live in, a world where you can be famous for not having a reason to be famous, a talent is not needed anymore so why try at anything when the only talent needed is being talent less? In a world like this all you need is luck no judgement required, you can have the lowest IQ in the world and be a millionaire and praised for knowing less than the hand puppet your talking to on children’s TV. It seems that if you’re as orange as the sunset and you’re not a hundred percent sure what a sunset is you can make it to the lights of 'showbiz' without having to put up with the struggles the talented people had of getting there. There are still some amazing people out there who can write their own songs, sing them every night without the help of someone backstage pressing play on the stereo. But these people are too far and in-between for my liking. Why aren't there more of these people around? Perhaps people should take a look at the people they admire and stop painting themselves orange and not eating to get into that dress they’d die to get into and realize there and still some truly beautiful people out there who don’t follow trends and are considered weird because of this, i would say that the orange people of the world are the strangest people of this world why would you ever want to look like someone else’s clone? someone who themselves have been dropped kicked threw the most popular clothing store at the time. As Jimi Hendrix once said 'I'm the one who’s got to die when it’s time for me to die so let me live my life the way i want to', I guess there’s only a certain amount of people in the world who aren't afraid to dress the way they want to and aren't afraid to say no to trends but instead do what they want to do and dress and look the way they want to not the way the media tells them to. O media we love you, we do!
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