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An english class that changed me....
              It was a normal english class . The teacher came in with her books. We, her students thought she would revise the previous lesson but we were wrong , she was going to start a new lesson . She spoke in her usual soft voice , "Turn to page 95 " . We obeyed .            THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK was the chapter , supposed to be a normal english chapter . She wrote down on the board 'nazi' and started her regular introduction . Back then, 2 years back to be precise this term looked rather funny. Being totally unaware of the meaning I had been quite amused at the word . That introduction twisted me back and forth between assumptions for i could barely understand it.

                Later at night i typed ' anne frank ' in the search box and when the webpage came went on to pictures . A jolly, pretty girl smiled from the screen . I also found the picture of another girl with spectacles . She , the caption said was Anne Frank's sister . I scrolled down and down. I got perhaps the worst scare .

                Skinny people ailing from malnutrition with shaved heads. Confused would have described me best perhaps then. I remember clearly i dreamt of them and could'nt sleep . In the days that followed I uncovered the dark truth behind that funny word.

                "History repeats itself" .... But i pray such a thing never be repeated . Today their names, their identity , their pain has been lost in the darkness of the holocaust. But they deserve better . They died innocent , punished for sins they never committed . They lost their honour, strength and were shot, tortured ,enslaved , dehumanized ,gassed .

                  6 million perished behind those 4 letters ............. NEVER AGAIN


                                  REST IN PEACE


That one english class taught me the value of life, of  freedom , of food , of love and kindness . It showed me inhuman beasts like Henrich Himmler, Adolf Eichman and the great tyrant himself Adolf Hitler .But it also showed me heroes like Oskar Schindler and Raoul Wallenberg .



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