Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/polls/item_id/2052234-Dangers-of-Nuclear-Warheads-in-W-Hands
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by Fateh
Rated: E · User Poll · Environment · #2052234
It's an unfortunate thing for the world to know that Nuclear power is not in safe hands.
Poll Question:
The Dangers of Nuclear Warheads in Wrong Hands

Once you develop a dangerous thing like Nuclear Bomb or warheads, it is not possible to get rid of this destructive weapon. The dangers of its misuse in the hands of irresponsible and fanatics few will continue to hang on the heads of peace loving millions and millions for ever.

It is high time that all the Nuclear power owing countries should take steps to ensure that the acquired knowledge of this highly sensitive instrument of war will not fall in the hands of those, who may use it without thinking for the safety and peace of the world.

I am hopeful that this burning issue would create a new rethinking on this problem.

Ravindra K Kapoor
8th Aug. 2015
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/polls/item_id/2052234-Dangers-of-Nuclear-Warheads-in-W-Hands