Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2172560-Let-Me-Testify
by River
Rated: E · Short Story · Inspirational · #2172560
A young girl longs to be chosen to sing in the Talent Show
348 words

Let Me Testify!

Every Tuesday after school Drama Club met in the church basement. A church outreach project for elementary school children, Drama Club was a popular activity.

This Tuesday was the first practice for the Talent Show in October. At 3:30 pm the kids rushed down the stairs to the basement eager to find out what part they would play in the show. The leaders, Ms Brennan and Mr Ewing, were waiting to greet them.

As the kids sat on the floor in a circle they opened the meeting with a prayer. Mr Ewing explained there would be skits, songs of praise, and other entertainment for the audience.

Rebekah sighed. She was never chosen for the good parts. Some of the kids, like Kevin, played the guitar and some were good singers or actors.

Today they were learning a new song of praise, Joy. First, Ms Brennan played the song on the sound system then handed out music sheets around the circle. Rebekah thought the song was beautiful. She loved learning new songs. They sang it through a few times.

Mr Ewing took Kevin and the other guitarists to a quiet corner to learn the chords and notes of the new song.

“Only the best singers will be chosen,” Ms Brennan said. “Joy is something you must feel in your heart when you sing. This is a chance to testify your faith to the audience.”

Twisting the end of her braid, Rebekah waited for Ms Brennan to choose the best singers.

I hope I'm not passed over again. I have to take a chance. I have to be noticed this time. I know I can do it.

Rebekah leapt to her feet. “Let me testify!. I want to sing Joy.”

Her face glowed when Ms Brennan smiled and said, “Yes, Rebekah, I've chosen you to sing the solo part of Joy.”

The solo! Rebekah couldn't believe her ears.

The other singers were announced and Ms Brennan suggested they gather around the piano to practice. Rebekah felt the lyrics warm her heart as she began to sing.

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