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by stvCV
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Other · #2208541
eh, contains Cock Vore,
Goblin slayer Idea,

         "Oh, c'mon they're just goblins!" The knight exclaimed, "Not to mention there'll be three of us, so it won't be a problem at all!" She looked at the mage and priest, a smile stuck on her face. "Well I guess this will make more money than slaying rats... again. So I guess I'm in?" The mage said almost shrugging as she did so. "They can't be much worse than those things, plus, it'll be nice to do something different for a change right?" she prodded the priest with back of her staff as she finished speaking, even raising her eyebrows a little when the priest didn't speak up. "Well... I... we do have two spell casters, and I know cleanse poison... but you two do know the rumors of what the do to girls right?" The priests voice quivered slightly as she spoke, "Of course I do, but the quest says there should only be 3 goblins in total! You both have two spells a day right? So if the mage just fireballs two, then there's only one to deal with. So this'll be easy!"

         And so the three girls were convinced they had an easy quest ahead of them. Completely unaware of how woefully unprepared they were. After about a days travels they finally came to the outskirts of where the goblins had been spotted hiding out in. The owner of which quickly left and put up the quest. There was a small cottage in the center, a couple cows wandering around in a distance field, it was almost picturesque. They strolled forward, weapons in hand, "House or barn first?" the knight asked her companions. "I vote house." The mage said. "Works for me." The priest said, and so they entered the cottage. It was obvious the Goblins had been in there, cabinets were open and a bunch of stuff was knocked down onto the floor. "I thought it would've been worse, but then again I guess it's only three goblins." The whole home had an eerie feeling to it. It only had three rooms in it, the bedroom, surprisingly was unscathed. The bed's sheets were thrown to the floor but, other than that, it was completely fine. The spare room had a bookshelf thrown down and some chairs overturned, but nothing too major. "Welp, let's try the barn then."

         They stood outside the door, of the barn, the knight nodded and priest flew open the door and the knight immediately rushed in shield first, and quickly after her the mage, with her dagger drawn. There was a crashing sound, and the priest rushed in the see what was happening. Expecting to see the goblins dead, instead the faithful knight was in the remains of a wooden box that she had ran into and completely destroyed. "Anyone see any Goblins?" she asked, slightly embarrassed. "Nope," replied the mage happily, extending a hand to her comrade. "So where are they?" The priest asked, her companions shook their heads. They looked up and down, but the barn just had dust and boxes of produce, no goblins to be seen, not even any sign they'd gone inside. "Let's say the goblins broke that box," the knight said, "Or, don't bring it up if you don't wanna pay for it," The mage said, smiling deviously. As they walked outside, the sun started to set. "Might as well stay here for the night, see if they come back?" The mage asked, yawning. "Sure, I'll take first watch and you two get second," the knight said as they walked into the house. Little did they know, goblins are nocturnal.

         The knight stood outside the door for a moment, trying to see if she saw anything, holding the torch in her left hand, her sword in her right, her companions were asleep in the bedroom. They'd checked the house again after coming back in. and still nothing. So the other two curled up, and went to sleep. The Mage on the bed, and the priest on the floor with the blankets and pillows, it was a compromise. The knight turned, and walked back inside, her watch was almost up, and soon the other girls would need to be the ones keeping watch. There was a crash from the bedroom, and a high pitched scream. "What's going on!" she yelled busting the door open, before she could react her sword was smacked out of her hand and the torchlight helped illuminate the scene. A goblin stood directly infront of her, wielding a knife and sword, pointing both of them at her, one of it's feet firmly planted on her sword. Where the priest was stood a goblin with a pair of flailing legs and the bottom half of priest robes, sticking out of it's dick, an almost "slurp" emanating from the shaft. The priests cries couldn't be heard and her struggles in vain as she slipped further down. The goblins began to speak, saying things she couldn't understand, "Help!" cried the Mage desperately reaching for anything, already up to her knees in the cock of one of the goblins.

         The goblin in front of her swatted at her with the dagger, and she easily blocked it with her shield, but with no other weapons and her companions both incapacitated, what could she do? "Lemme go!" The mage yelled as the cock ran up her thighs getting stuck along her hips. She looked back over the the priest just as her feet slipped away and did the only thing she could think about. She closed the door and ran. Straight out of the house, and around the corner. She peered into the window, only the watch as her companion was dragged deeper into the goblins shaft. The goblins themselves sounded to be laughing, as she watched her friend be stuck, the goblins cock stuck at around her chest, but her arms were stuck to her sides in the cock, she locked eyes with the mage, and the mage knew her fate. She couldn't hold her gaze long and looked over to where the priest was, where the goblin stood, his balls thrashing weakly. She could feel raindrops start, she watched as her friends busty chest succumb to the goblins cock, and how quickly the rest of her was devoured. Only the remnants of her purple hair was outside the cock before she could no longer watch. "What if that were me?" she thought. "Why couldn't I do anything to save them? We were supposed to become adventurers together!" The rain started to come down hard, and her torch went out. So she took off running again. All the way back to the guild. To tell her story.

         The girl would never see her companions again, and the priest would be eternally confused on where she had ended up. The priest thrashed for hours, begging for help, her muffled cries pleased the goblins, especially the one who held her in it overstretched balls, slowly gurgling and melting the poor priest into nothing but white sludge for it's own pleasure. She continued to call out to her companions until she finally realized her fate inside a goblins balls. The Mage, who's voluptuous form had given the goblin great please to consume, barely put up a fight, and barely made a whimper. Her fate was sealed when her comrade fled, and she knew it. So she gave up, her hot body was going to be used as nothing more than goblin spunk and that was her end. It wasn't what she had expected, but that mattered little now. Her mind fading off as her body was turned into a lovely orgasm for a mere goblin. It would've infuriated her if she could've thought about it. But, stains don't think and before long, that's all she was.

         The next people to arrive never saw the goblins. They found the stains left behind from the girls though, Purple hair and a discolored clothe armor splattered right accross the bedroom window. Her weapons gone, and even more of a mess than before. What the girls hadn't seen was loose floorboards that had been left open leading to a small hole outside, which the goblins had obviously used. The Priests remains were found in the barn, her once golden hair, and an unpleasant look, and her robes a displeasing gray, her staff smashed in half next to it. Right in the dead center, where they couldn't be overlooked. As the report came back, the knight was told the news.

         "Those girls probably stewed all night, slowly melting into goblin spunk. They were you companions, but not every quest will go your way. Please try and choose something more within your levels next time, Miss Knight. For your and your companions sake's." The guild girl read to her the details they found, leaving out that the goblins got away to try and save her the heartache. The poor girl felt bad enough as is, and there was no need to put her through anymore. "Please, sign here, to acknowledge this." she handed over a small piece of paper. The knight wrote her name in silence and handed it back. "I'm gonna get stronger. And next time, kill all the goblins." she mumbled to herself as the guild girl left the room.

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