Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2285357-Chapter-1-Hungry
by Grey
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2285357
Chapter 1: Hungry
War never starts the way most believe it will, it starts with a strangle on supplies a slow death. When in war we as citizens understand the challenges that are presented to us, we either win this war or die. There's live-streams and articles on it daily. We never thought that growing up in a information age where cameras are recording everything, we would feel so disconnected with the war actually happening so close to us. The two neighbouring countries are in a all out conflict. Seeing a thirteen second clip of someones son or brother getting blown up. Then seeing a U-Tube video of a drone streaming it while a political commentator explains why this is a moral act for propaganda to steer the war effort on and on and on. Others around me also watching the stream. people cheer. The likes come in real time, the numbers rising rapidly above four-hundred thousand. The influencer gets donations then the ads come in before the explosion. "Newly minted kill token of soldier 3554k, please note price will increase or decrease based on soldiers kill-count which will be revealed on tomorrows stream stay tuned, WAR DOGS!". I close my phone, and put it into my pocket. Seen this too many times, soldiers dying the recruitment notice after looking for volunteers. The easily influenced flock hoping to become famous through war. I just want to feed my family.

*BZZZZZZZ* I pull out the phone out of my pocket again and look at the notification. "BREAKING: FOOD PRICES INCREASE AGAIN DUE PROBLEMS WITH HARVEST" a glowing yellow button [click to read more]. Sigh.... I swipe the notification away and open my bank app. Seven hundred and fifty three in green shows up. I can only pity myself for a moment, six hundred of that is going to priority bills. One hundred and fifty five dollars is not enough to eat even decent till payday. I lock the phone continue to walk home. "I am lucky enough to have my family whole", I think to myself as I make my way along the towards the river crossing. My mother takes care of my sister and I the best way she can. My father left and started a new family, I see his posts. He looks happy at least.
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