Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/974676-The-dark-world-of-Eldire
Rated: 13+ · Campfire Creative · Short Story · Fantasy · #974676
In this world, elves are slaves to humans. but one elf is about to change all that.
The world of Eldire has become a dark and dismal place. 1,000 years ago, humans and elves held and uneasy truth. Wars were fought against forces of darkness for many years with humans and elves fighting side by side. Then, a terrible war broke out between humans and ogres. The humans, losing ground, came to the elves for help. But, alas, the elves' king had died to be replaced by his son, who thought of the elven race as "higher than human". he blantely refused to help the humans in their plight. The humans, almost uterly destroyed, finally overcame the ogres, but not without huge casualties. Then humans once again beseeched the elven land to offer healing and aid to their wounded brothers. The elves, again, turned the humans away. Many of the thousands of wounded, died within the first few months after the war. The humans, feeling betrayed, prayed to the dark god of Vengeance, Zaratal, to punish the elves for their abandonment. The dark god heard their pleas and used all of his power to construct a great wall from the earth. this wall, made of black marble sent a pulse throughout most of Eldire. Any Elf caught within the force of the blast became a mindless creature; a slave to do the bidding of the human species. For ten centuries the elves have been slaves to the human race, but things seem about to change. For within the darkness, an elf has awakened. Hylao, who is still a young adult at 112, has awakened to the light and has vowed to free every one of his kin from the terrible fate that has befallen.

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/campfires/item_id/974676-The-dark-world-of-Eldire