Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113962-Emotional-Intelligence-42-Highly-Effective-Techniques-to-Mastering-your-Social-Skills-Improve-your-Relationships-Boost-your-EQ-Social-skills-NLP--Language-Anger-Management-Communication
ID #113962
  (Rated: ASR)
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Reviewer: ~Minja~
Review Rated: ASR
Amazon's Price: Price N/A
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Summary of this ...
This is the first book about EQ I've ever read and the techniques inside seem pretty basic. I'm pretty sure if the majority of readers of this review go ahead and read it, they'll realize they're already emotionally intelligent. I can't say the book is completely useless because it isn't but, to me, it wasn't very helpful as I thought it would be. I do think this could be a good starting point for someone who is only starting to develop himself. I didn't manage to learn anything new from it. All these techniques are already something I do when I face different situations in life and I'm so used to them that I don't even consider them techniques to become emotionally intelligent *Think*. If what is described in the book emotional intelligence then I guess I already possess a good dose of it. And I didn't need some book to teach me how to become emotionally intelligent. I was born this way *Laugh* and, when I could, I taught myself alone.
This type of is good for...
If you are completely ignorant about emotional intelligence, and I mean REALLY ignorant- to the point that you don't even know what emotional intelligence IS- then this book is definitely a good start if you plan to get the basic idea or start doing some research on this theme.
This made me feel...
I always thought I'm emotionally intelligent and by reading this book I felt like I only confirmed to myself that thought. Probably that's why I thought these are only basics of EQ which many people are already aware of.

Of course, there were a lot of situations in life where I broke myself down because they weren't completely meaningless (for example deaths of dear ones), but I always went on and tried to learn something from them. For example, if I couldn't control myself over one death in a family I'll definitely give my best to control myself over the death of another family member, you know what I mean? I was always the type of person who learns from her own mistakes and you could never see me going through the same situation with the same state of mind. There is some intelligence, I guess, in understanding that you are a complexed human being, made of different feelings who needs to be shown in certain situations only so you can learn about yourself through them.
I don't recommend this because...
I don't recommend it to anyone who is looking for a deeper, stronger guide to becoming emotionally intelligent since these are only just basics.
Created Feb 28, 2019 at 9:25am • Submit your own review...

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/product_reviews/pr_id/113962-Emotional-Intelligence-42-Highly-Effective-Techniques-to-Mastering-your-Social-Skills-Improve-your-Relationships-Boost-your-EQ-Social-skills-NLP--Language-Anger-Management-Communication