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Review by linggy
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a romantic and cute story. I never expected an alien would also get in the act. Cool!

Here's some edits/ suggestions
lakes sapphire waters (lake's)
placing his right hand next her hand (next to)
she brushed a blonde hair... ( - blond- only one strand of hair?)
The fork directly ahead of them (the road. Maybe you should use "paths" in this entire section.)
‘Of course, Aunt Lena!’” (I'd use a period here.)
Kara sit down (sat)
relaxed with a stranger (this stranger)
during the dark of the moon (Is this an expression? I've never heard it.)
letting guest go (guests)
honey mooned (honeymooned)
spread mustard on a pickle then wrap a tomato around it (How do you wrap a tomato around anything? A slice perhaps?)

By the way I read you opening piece on the snow and the red fox in another folder and thought it was absolutely wonderful.
Rodger rowed toward the center of the lake (Mark)
Review by linggy
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this poem. It's got a nice groove moving along. Is the title correct? Do you want it with o or did you really want Off?
Review of wishdish  
Review by linggy
Rated: E | (3.5)
Okay, this is not really knocking me over. First off, I think the spacing is too big. I'd change the word dirt. Left over food isn't really dirt...There must be a better word out there. Then wishes rhymes with dishes but what does it mean?
As I said in my other review, I don't write poetry so I may be way off base here!
Review by linggy
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Interesting piece. it kept my attention and has some funny, spooky ,yet nice touches.
A few suggestions:
"No really." (I'd say: No! Really?)
"So how long have you been having this nightmare?" Penney asked,.. (Is penny a witch too? You give the impression that she's spooked out when Willow "knows" more than normal people. otherwise how does she know this?)
dropped in three prickly pear cactus spines, some red wine,... (How do you drop in some wine? Why not just pout it at the end?)
his ball cap and worrying it (worrying might fit here, but I think you could find a better verb)

good luck!
Review by linggy
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I'm can't really judge poetry--prose is my thing. But this is good, nay it is better than good, it's excellent.
I have just become a fan of this poem and wish you the best with it. I found no mistakes with grammar or spelling.

I think you would enjoy the manuscript I have just finished called The Rebel Clown Army which has a strong anti-war, anti-globalism theme. You might want to check out the first chapter by the same name or perhaps my Anti-globalism Strip Tease in the Park excerpt.
Review of Illusions  
Review by linggy
Rated: E | (4.5)
Aww this is too much fun to end like that! This story was grooving along holding my attention while I kept thinking "where is this going?" and then bam our protagonist is dead.
Needless to say I liked it. I found no errors in grammar or spelling. it's a nice entry for the contest. Good luck.
Review of Blossoms Maligned  
Review by linggy
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
this caught me by surprise. i though it was just teeny love. Cool!
Some suggestions:
could just make out his (her)
a hard time every time ( 2 x time, I'd say whenever)
she had scraped knees and long, brown hair, ( I'd rewrite this, you can't scrape hair)
Even all those years ago, (I'd cut this)
business, if ( comma)
How's it look (how does it look)
Review by linggy
Rated: E | (2.5)
You have a knack for telling an interesting story but have way too many errors that disturb the story.

Just some of them:
then instead of than
My parents were never really around to tell me to or give me a ride home, (tell you what?)
stood there taking big long breath, (one or many?) I always forget how cold it gets as it (what does this "it" refer to?) draws nearer the harsh winters
... and slowed to a slow walk, you're repeating the same thing.
to go look for their siblings (just say to look for)
there are many other mistakes besides these!
Review by linggy
Rated: E | (4.0)
A girl's nightmare ...nicely done.

having a nightmare. In her nightmare (In it...)
the air smelled brisk. (not brisk..perhaps fresh)
After the cutting another man After the cutting, another man...
thrusted (no ed on this verb, just thrust)

keep writing
Review of Connect the dots  
Review by linggy
Rated: E | (5.0)
Super cool imagery. I love the way it flows and shocks with it's unorthodox expressions. I wonder what you talk about when you're not writing. I think the piece is flawless, without any grammatical errors or misspelled words. are you going to expand on this character? If so, I'd like to read it.
Review by linggy
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

a few suggestions/opinions
indeed caught four large fish. (I'd give these fish a name trout, bass, etc.)
having drank (drunk)
All ya’ll want it." (I know this is slang but it doesn't sound right)

I like the piece, it keeps you guessing and has a nice twist at the end (no pun intended).
Review by linggy
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Some suggestions:
but that didn't feel like his name either... I either doesn't fit here)
his last he knew, (nor sure what this means)
thrown him out by twenty-three.. (the reader can assume it's his 23rd year, but why not make it totally clear?)
He'd burnt all his bridges and there was no going back along the path he had come.( This sounds redundant. if you burn your bridges, you can't take the same path back.)
those woods (which woods?)
shepherding had finished (had ended)
and woodsmen, laughing and working and sleeping and singing...( 4x "and" is too repetitive )
it had gone altogether. (it disappeared completely)
At first it wondered if still dreamt (if it was still dreaming). Also your pov just changed to the house... I'm not sure you want to go there. You could say "it was like" or "as if" )
if love is not too strong a word, loving him. (if it's not love why say loving?)
I think the biggest problem with this story is you seem to be trying to hard. It come across to me as stilted. Why not just write it like you think and feel? Also, as mentioned the pov changes from the man to the house. I think you could refine this story and make it much better.
i hope this was helpful
Review of Lost Boundaries  
Review by linggy
Rated: E | (4.5)
Do you remember that first year…I thought we would have killed each other,” he laughed as he rubbed his hands together nervously.
“I cannot lie. I wanted to kill you that first year,” she said looking at him.
“Well thanks a lot, jerk,” he laughed.

(You don't need he said , she said over and over even if you add some small action with it.For example;

Do you remember that first year…I thought we would have killed each other,” he laughed .
“I can't lie. I wanted to kill you that first year.” (I like can't more than cannot)
“Well thanks a lot, jerk."
slip of the roof. (off)
“What the hell are you thinking,” he asked panicked. ( Here for example I'd drop he asked panicked. 1st we know it's him, 2nd the sentence coveys a worried/panicky feeling . So you don't need it. You make it flow better and don't have he said , she said over and over.
“You can’t,” she whispered, kissing him lightly. (she's falling off a building, can't hold on but still is kissing him?)
He then closed his eyes, tears slipping down his cheeks as he threw himself off of the building. How about :(He closed his eyes, tears running down his cheeks and jumped off the building.

I like this story. It's got that edgy feeling that hold my attention completely--no bla bla prose here!
Review by linggy
Rated: E | (5.0)
I can't find anywhere to help you improve this poem. it's really perfect to a layman like me. The mechanical way it unfolds is really brilliant. I tried reading it as you suggested and it enhanced the effect. The last two lines were my favorites. But "electric revulsion", "jolts of surreal" just sound great.
Review of Morning Amnesia  
Review by linggy
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
A frantic thought popped into Dorian’s mind. (Frantic? no! plus I think it hit him in the gut, not popped! I'd rewrite this sentence)
his dad answered as he walked away down the short but brightly lit hallway... (he said all that as he walked away? plus, if you use this then say: as he walked down the ... )
Shaking his head as though to clear his mind (Who does that?)
Dorian stood mouth agape as he watched (He stood and watched all that activity?) how about: He was shocked to find a bee hive of activity: Fred and...)
Another uncle, not the drunk,... Do we know who this drunk is? It seems out of context. You could just as well have said: not the homosexual, the playboy, pervert, etc.)
Dorian muttered to himself... (nobody mutters sentences that long to himself--why not just say. he thought. Also, don't repeat his name, we know who it is.)
and climbed out of his window. (climbed out his window,)
Dorian yelled, shocked. (I'd drop this and just say: Married? )

This is a fun read. The above are just suggestions to make the story a bit tighter.
Review by linggy
Rated: E | (4.0)
The turning car beings to swerve (begins)
skid marks (its skid marks)
falls off of the bonnet and onto the road (falls off the bonnet onto the road.)
another dull, generic, suburban home. (this is getting repetitive, we already know they're uniform, boring etc.)
... over to the passenger seat in the back, aggressively opening the door. (to the patrol car and aggressively opens the back passenger door.)
look of apathy (what exactly is such a look?)
A kind, but exhausted look of mixed fear and hopelessness overwhelmingly comes through in his eyes. Kion looks at the man sadly, sensing a familiar aura of tiredness and fear. ( Whose pov are these two sentences?)
“Well thankyou, ( thanks)
Kion replies with a dark stare before bluntly commanding “You’re coming with me”
I'd just say: You're coming with me." That's blunt enough, in other words less is more and it flows better.
he nervously requests (drop this ,it's obvious)
Kion turns away, leading him away, its five minutes of following.... (Rewrite this sentence! its cumbersome and unclear)
Gotta run here, if you want me to continue let me know if this was helpful. I really like this story, it has potential. It has an edgy feel which is what I like to write. I'd like to hear what you think about The Rebel Clown Army posted here by me it too has people kicking cops and is fighting the mindless norm.
Review of A Clown's Mistake  
Review by linggy
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
“Excuse me, sir but-” (Excuse me sir, but--" say it out loud and punctuate for natural sound)
he wailed tearfully. drop all of this, we know who said it)
“That’s it! I’ve had it!” he yelled (drop "he yelled" We have a very good idea how he said it unless it was other than what the reader expected )
I told the bearded man (you already told us he had a beard, just say: I said)
after I finished telling my story. (drop this, we know you just finished the story)
My suggestion is less is better! Make it flow! Don't repeat the same information unless you really have to.
i like the story. It kept my interest. i too have a clown story here ( The Rebel Clown Army). i'd appreciate it if you gave it a review.
Review by linggy
Rated: 13+ | (1.0)
I think the title is inappropriate! I started reading it because i expected to literally "see" the world through a cat's eyes. This seems to be a teeny story???
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