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My journal and blog
My name is Billie Gail Stanley-Lackey-Turknett. I am a Christian fiction writer and I write poetry. I am currently working on two books. One called My Brother's Keeper about three brothers back in the western days that struggle to make it through their own personal journey and helping their mother through her own struggles as well. Their dad is lost in the war and another man is plotting to steal their ranch and their mother.

The other about a lady that has been put through hell during her childhood and through her first marriage. She accepts Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior but has to learn to forgive her abusers fully and completely.I hope the book's title will remain "Forgiven" but, you know how some places are. They like to change the titles.

I am a member of The East Texas Writers Guild and I have been able to meet writers and read their work. I can't wait to be in that minority one day.

The song below is one of my all time favorites because of all the changes I have gone through with my sons. I love them heart and soul. Some changes were good and some weren't. I don't regret a second of it all though.
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I am a Sinner saved by His mercy and grace. I am married to Bobby Turknett. I live in the tiny town of Slocum, TX. I have three sons. Marshall Lackey, Otis (Odie) Lackey III who is married to Courtney Bohannon-Lackey and they have one son, Kason, and one son on the way, Tucker. Then there is Cheyenne Lackey who is married to Danielle Willeford-Lackey and they have one daughter, Abbigail. I have two brothers (one passed away) Bobby and George Stanley II who is married to Rebekah Stanley and they have four kids together George Stanley III, Madison Stanley, Matthew Pendley, and Nate Stanley. My sister, Kimberley Stanley-Bailey lives in Michigan with her husband, Kevin Bailey. They have three daughters together. Jessica Stanley-Robbins, Robin Bailey, and Casey Bailey. I have a wonderful Mom, Susan Gail Lamb-Stanley-Lawhon and a great stepfather, Briggs (Skip) Lawhon.

I attend Evangelistic Temple in Palestine, TX and I have a ministry called Assisted Living and Nursing Home Readers program where I go into Assisted living centers and nursing homes and read to patients. I believe in paying it forward. These unique people did so much for us in this country and we owe them something for that.

I am a poet but, I have a lot to learn and a lot of growing to do. I am studying several books and watching a lot of youtube videos to get a grasp on what it takes to write right. I also joined this site to learn all I could about writing and it has been a struggle learning how to get through this site but, I am sure I'll get it all down soon.

Everyone here has been so helpful and I am grateful. I hope that I can manage to become half the writer some of the people here are. I will feel accomplished if I am able to do just that with my writing.

Thank you for reading and I hope you will read more in the future.

Billie Turknett

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July 23, 2014 at 11:44am
July 23, 2014 at 11:44am
Blog city
Prompt: Have you ever had a red carpet moment? Not like an actor but a Wedding, Prom or something that made you feel important or special? I would love to hear about it.

When I married my first husband I was married in this well fitting and attractive jump suit that was black and white. I didn't get a wedding. I got the JP at the courthouse and I had next to no family and no friends there. It was rushed and I hated it.
When I married my second husband, I had the wedding with the flowers, six bridesmaids and a maid of honor. My husband's family as well as mine participated in the wedding and I was a choir teacher for the church we attended and were married in and my students (my kids, nieces, and kids I loved) were in this choir. They sang songs for us while we stood on the platform and I have to say I loved every second of it.
I didn't wear a traditional wedding gown because I was married once before and I had already found this black dress with these tiny, tiny white dots on it and it fit me like a glove and it flows like silk. I loved that dress and even after all these years I still have that dress. I felt like I had finally come home on my wedding day.
Blogging circle of friends

Prompt: It's Wacky Wednesday . According to the Marriam-Webster online dictionary wacky refers to something "amusing and very strange" or "absurdly or amusingly eccentric or irrational". Write something wacky.

I'm not sure if you consider this wacky, but I think it is a bit strange. I can't type on a laptop like I can on a keyboard. The keys on a keyboard are raised up and elevated and I am able to type up to sixty words a minute with relatively no mistakes, but on the laptop I make mistakes constantly and I can't hit the keys right. I am quite frustrated by it because I have to either hook a keyboard up to a brand new laptop to type correctly or get on my ancient desktop computer and save my file to a file that can be carried on my person or uploaded up into a cloud.
30-day bloggers
July 23 Prompt - What huge gathering you had reluctantly attended?
How were you motivated to attend? Did you enjoy it? How was it?

I suffer from a severe anxiety disorder. I can't just walk into a crowd of people and fit right in. As a matter of a fact, I just can't do it at all. I will panic and flee from the scene in a blind panic often almost killing my fool self getting away. Well, I had to go to this writers conference here in East Texas and I really wanted to go. Lucky for me so did a couple of my friends and they wanted to sit on the front row. This helps people with anxiety disorders because you are not looking at all of these people the entire time. Your back is to them and they are out of sight, out of mind until you have to go to the bathroom or something.


Billie Turknett
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July 22, 2014 at 8:06pm
July 22, 2014 at 8:06pm
Blog City
Prompt: Family History - Rip out a page from yours and share some a story or two.

My family and I went camping at this creek call Catfish Creek that we use to go to all the time. My father, uncles, and father's male friends all got a little drunk and decided to build the fire that we would all be sleeping around that night. Well the younger boys decided to play in this area while the men folk built the fire. This would not normally be a problem but the men decided to use gas to get the fire going that night. My father threw the gas on the fire and as he did this my brother happen to be coming around that side of the fire where the gas was being thrown and the fire and gas reached out and grabbed him.

He completely panicked, as most people do, and took off in the direction of the woods. The men finally realized what was happening when the women started screaming and they chased my brother down and rolled him until he was out. Sad thing is that he was covered from head to toe in burns and had to be rushed to the local hospital. The hospital was going to do something that my mom had heard was bad for burns and refused to have them touch him. The hospital had to call another hospital a few towns over to take my brother that had a better way of dealing with burn victims.

Like I said, he was covered in burns from head to toe and you know, he doesn't have a scar on his body from that severe burn thanks to my mom's quick thinking. My dad and those other men never started a fire like that again in their lives.

30-day bloggers
Why are athletes on drugs worse than writers on drugs? Athletes that use performance enhancing drugs are condemned while artists who do the same thing are not. Why is that? Does this double standard make sense?

Because we want better for our children when it comes to heros and people that are role models for them. We think we can handle it if we read from someone that is on drugs or we don't really think about it too much. We make a lot of noise if our children's role models are being bad role models, but not our own. We should love ourselves a little more and expect more from the people we are supporting with our money. We can hold them accountable by witholding our money. I don't think this makes sense at all, but it all comes down to what we are willing to tolerate for ourselves or our children.

Blogging circle of friends
Prompt:Write a letter to the personality trait you like least, convincing it to shape up or ship out. Be as threatening, theatrical, or thoroughly charming as is necessary to get the job done.

Dear Procrastination

I need to live my life a certain way and be able to achieve certain things and I can't do that with you around. I need you to hit the road. You are not welcome here anymore. You deserve someone who has no life goals, no self-respect, no drive. I have all of those, but you keep getting in the way. I am done with you. I have your suitcase packed. You are out the door. You don't live here anymore and if I ever see you again it will be too soon. Don''t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out. I'd hate to give you another reason to be here for another five minutes.

Yours truly

Billie Turknett
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July 18, 2014 at 9:04pm
July 18, 2014 at 9:04pm
Blog city
Prompt: Do you think stress undermines empathic abilities? Is it different for men than women?
Yes, I do. When you are stressed out you are not thinking clearly therefore you aren't able to sympathize like you normally would. If you had just lost a loved one or a friend and someone just broke up with a boy or girlfriend of a couple of months it is hard to be empathic towards them because you are suffering so and they aren't. Maybe they are expecting too much from you too soon.

I don't think gender has much to do with this, however, women are a bit more tender than men are. Men are suppose to be the tough ones while women are to remain loving and tender. That is what is expected of them from the world and from family and friends most of the time. Women can be going through some really difficult situations and still be able to hold a friend together through their hardship. Men can be the same way just in a different way. They are there for their friend, but don't coddle them.

Blogging circle of friends
Prompt: what is your favorite restaurant?
El Toro in Palestine, TX. They serve the best Mexican food there is and they have the best chips and salsa. I love this place. They play traditional Mexican music and is decorated in the traditional Mexican style. I have only one complaint and that is their restrooms. They are little, dingy, dirty, and ugly.

30-day blogging
Prompt: IF HISTORY repeats itself, I am so getting a dinosaur! What are you getting? Be humorous, show me your comical side!

I'm getting me a Viking! I have read so much about them. How the Scotts are suppose to be decedents of Vikings. I love everything Scotland and Viking. I would own a piece of their history some way.

Billie Turknett
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July 17, 2014 at 11:50pm
July 17, 2014 at 11:50pm
Blog City
Prompt: What are some things you think will become obsolete within the next ten years? It can be sayings, trends, websites, fads, or anything else you can think of.

Facebook will find it self up against more quicker sites that get information out there that will be easier to use. I don't really keep up with fads and trends much, but I do wish our way of talking would go out the window for more educated ways of speach. I don't understand teens and young people now adays.
30-Day Bloggers
Do women talk more than men? There is a new science study on this topic, what do you think? Don't be shy, say it like it is.

Women do talk more than men and we HAVE to in order to remain happy. It is a proven fact.
Blogging Circle of Friends
Prompt: People spend a lot of time on their hair. Does your hair color or style say anything about you?

Ponytails say you are in a hurry or don't have much time to worry with your hair as is a braid. Vain girls and women have to have their hair done or they will break down and cry because they will feel ugly. Color is apart of your personality whether you are born with it or you dye it. Style is all about personality as well.

Billie Turknett
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July 16, 2014 at 9:59pm
July 16, 2014 at 9:59pm
Blogging circle of friends
Prompt: What is your favorite magazine? Why? Do you read it on-line or off-line?
Writer's magazine because it helps hone my craft. I love to read about the opportunities listed there.

Blog city

Prompt: If you were going to an art museum, would you rather see paintings or sculptures? Do you like older ones or modern ones?
I love to paint so, naturally I tend to drift towards great paintings, but I don't think the Mona Lisa is all that great, but I do think the last supper is. It is all In the details for me.

I love sculptures because you get one try at getting it right and if you don't then you are stuck with a large chunk of rock. The men and women that do this are highly skilled and bring life to rock. It is amazing. I can't get over the work they do. I want to take a sculpting class, but it is a hour a way twice to three times a week. If it were mandatory, I'd take it In a heart beat, but I just can't put myself through that kind of driving. I have fibromyalgia and it is difficult for me to do all that driving.

30-day bloggers
Confucius say "To go beyond is as wrong as to fall to short." Do you agree or disagree?

I don't know who Confucius is, but I disagree with not going above and beyond what it is that is expected of you. You will do nothing but help yourself in the end by doing this. People will respect you, you will respect you, you will go farther in life this way, and life will have more possibilities to those who do more to make sure they are the go-getters.

Billie Turknett
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July 15, 2014 at 8:44pm
July 15, 2014 at 8:44pm
Blog City
Let's go hardcore issue. Animal testing - yes, no, maybe. Let me hear your opinion.

None at all. I believe it is abuse plain and simple. Animals have no voice so, we have to be their voice. They are like little children dependent on us for food, shelter, love, and protection. Who will protect them if not us?

Blogging Circle of Friends
Let's do something positive. Tell us about a happy memory that you have.

My husband and I went to pick out wedding rings and he told me I could pick out anything I wanted, but I saw these reasonably priced rings with three crosses on them. They were gold bands with the crosses being silver. He loved them as well and he loved the price. He was probably expecting me to pick out expensive rings because I had been looking online at some that I liked, but when I saw those rings I fell in love with them. I love that memory because we both loved them and wore them proudly and with love.

30-day Bloggers
Warchest Tuesday Tell us about a time you had to choose between two options. Against the opinion of your family and friends you chose the unpopular choice. Why? What were you hoping the choice would provide?

When I married my first husband my family threw a fit. They hated him and had good reason, but I needed a place to go and get away from my family. I felt trapped and that I owed my soon-to-be husband something for helping through a difficult time. I wish things would have been different and I never married him, but I did and I don't regret it because I got three beautiful boys out of it. My family never changed their minds about my ex and still to this day don't like him. I finally made up with my family to an extent, but things will never be normal with us. Bridges were burned and relationships broken.

Billie Turknett
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July 10, 2014 at 10:01pm
July 10, 2014 at 10:01pm
Blogging circle of friends
Prompt: Assuming that the legalization of marijuana and gay marriage are the "hot-button" issues of our current time, what do you think the next hot-button social issues will be and why?

It is a hot-button issue now really, but the next big thing will be whether you can practice your own religion in your own home. They are trying to squash it now, but we are fighting for our right to worship who we choose to worship in our own home.

30-day bloggers
In the modern era, do you think libraries have lost their relevance? Do you have any special library moments that you remember?

I love the library. They are still relevant and they try to stay current, but it is getting to be a more difficult struggle for them as the electronic world takes on a life of its own. Lucky for the libraries there are enough people out there that still love the feel of a book in their hand so, they are able to stay open. The younger generation, however, will let the libraries go by the wayside just like their education. Libraries will be for the intelligent in a few years and not for the regular people with a high school education or under. It is a sad thing to watch. It is even worse when you try to read something a senior writes. America has really let their kids down.

Blog City
Prompt: If you could have any author, living or dead, write your biography who would you choose?

Lynn Austin because she is biblical and sound in her views about the bible. My life revolves around Christ so, I'd want someone who would look at my life from a biblical standpoint.

Billie Turknett
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July 9, 2014 at 5:43pm
July 9, 2014 at 5:43pm
30-day bloggers
The most disgusting moment/incident/day in your life
I have some serious digestive issues and sometimes I get diarrhea that comes on sudden like and I have to find a bathroom right away. I was driving home late one night and there were no stores around and it was out in the country on a road with no shoulders. I pulled over anyway to use the bathroom when it suddenly hit and I ended up covered in diarrhea. It got all over me and my seat since I was in shorts. I had to drive the rest of the way home that way. When I got home I had company waiting! So, I go through the back door and slip into my bedroom and take a quick shower. Everyone was a little confused as to why I avoided them and took a shower, but I was honest with them and told them what happened.l was humiliated to say the least. This has happened to my husband before as well. There is nothing we can do about it except watch what we eat. Anything with peppers in it seems to set my husband off and mine just happens. I throw up a lot as well. They can't seem to diagnose me though. They just tell me that my body is throwing away all of the toxins in my system.

Blog city
Prompt: Do you believe in reincarnation?
No, I don't. I believe when we die we go to heaven or hell after being judged. If you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you are going to heaven and if you don't then you are going to hell. There is no in between or anything like that. You don't get wings and lie around on a cloud all day. You don't get to come back as a ghost. All spirits except the holy spirit is evil. I believe this heart and soul.

blogging circle of friends
Prompt: Look out a window and write a story or poem about what you see.

Feeders full of seeds and birds flying around.
Some on the feeders and some on the ground.
Red birds, blue birds, humming birds, and doves,
all dig around in the little homes above.
Scratching and digging to find the right seed
to put in their beaks and fly in the tree.

Billie Turknett
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July 8, 2014 at 9:52pm
July 8, 2014 at 9:52pm
30-day bloggers
Today, talk about someone who gave you a hard time in school or college. It can be a teacher, a fellow student, anyone at all.

I had a German English teacher in the ninth grade. I was excited for the year to start, but she had other plans for me. She was friends with the preps kids and didn't give a hoot about the others, like me, and didn't care if she showed it to the class or to other teachers. I was sent to ISS (in school suspension) so many times because of my mouth that year.

I normally didn't spout off to teachers much, but she just treated us like dogs. So, I became this defiant young lady in her room that year. I was always late and always spouting off to her. She put her buddies kids next to each other, but kept kids like me and my friends separate through out the entire year.

Teachers could have the best behaved students if they did not peg them as whatever it is they peg them as in the first class of the year. They need to give each student time to get involved in the class and see how they will act instead of assuming the worst about a student from a first glimpse. I was so excited that year and had my hopes dashed that first class. I could not stand that teacher.

Blog City
Prompt: What is a lesson in life that took you way too long to figure out?
That bitterness and hate only hurt you. It doesn't affect the other person. I had so much bitterness and hate in my heart until I fully accepted Jesus into my heart and was taught His way. I let go of the hurt, despair, hatred, and bitterness and gained a whole new life.

Blogging circle of friends
Prompt: Head to your favorite fellow bloggers blog. Take the third sentence in their post, and work it into a new post of your own. This could go in many directions depending on whose blog you ventured into.

I am using Princess Megan Rose 22 Years line. Like cleaning house, paying bills and a list of things to do for the day.
I had to do a lot of things that I normally do around the house today, like cleaning the house, paying bills, and a list of things to do for the day. I had a long list, but one thing I wanted to do more on that list than the others because I wasn't sleeping well was to take a nap. I have been a bit high-strung lately. I got to take that nap today and I feel a lot better. I still feel as though I should still be sleeping, but I am glad I got that nap.

Kids will do that to you. Make you crave a nap. That and house work. They are both on my list of exhausting things to do or have around. I'd ramble on some more, but my computer screen is messed up and I can't quite make out everything I am writing. I'm serious

Billie Turknett
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July 7, 2014 at 9:41pm
July 7, 2014 at 9:41pm
Blog City
Prompt: It was a stupid thing to say... .

Hum... Let me think. I say a lot of stupid things.
I'll talk about someone who says pretty stupid things all the time. Take my d-n-l for example. She constantly tells me these horrible things her mother says about me and then tells me to be nice to her. I would not even look this woman's way the other day. Why, you ask? I am sick of the head games. I am normally all smiles and hellos when I see this woman, but I was just fed up with my d-n-l's games and thought I'd put an end to it. She does this to everyone. She tells me what people say all the time about me trying to make me feel terrible about myself and it works.I don't even think these people say these thing anymore. She is just out to get to me. I want my self respect back. I am too old to be played by a 22 year old. Yeah, I am a bit frustrated today because I am just so sick of it all. Usually I always do the Christian thing and suck it up and play along trying to keep the peace. Yes, this woman hates me for no reason and I can't figure out how to put an end to it. My d-n-l does this to tons of people, not just me. Her mom does the same things. That is where she gets it from.

I have a word for you that get done this way, stop it before it gets started good. Tell them that you want to talk to the person that said this and see what the problem is face to face. I did that and she quit talking to me about it for a while. Now she has started it with my own sons and I squashed that pretty fast. It hasn't helped with the one married to her though. She is just so full of envy and strife. I pray for her and for me because we, as mere humans, can do nothing to help us through situations like this without our Heavenly Father. I don't want to be bitter and full of hate. I want to do the right thing. From here on out I plan on confronting situations like this head on so, that I am not sitting here with worry and bitterness coursing through my veins and my heart.

30-day bloggers
Wildcard Monday is: Drowned By Betrayal and a Ladder To Heaven
Like the post above, I feel betrayed when other people talk to my d-n-l about me instead of coming to me. I am the most laid back person you will ever meet. I am friendly and full of God's love for people. I give everyone a chance and I go out of my way to help others. She is selfish and full of envy and strife. I am at the edge of falling off a cliff when it comes to my feelings I have for myself because she has constantly bombarded me with negativity. I can't do it anymore. It is causing me to have a breakdown. I have only lasted this long due to the power of Christ. He is my refuge and strength. If not for Him, I would be over that cliff and would have done something pretty stupid by now. He helps me see things for what they are. Betrayal of my trust and love. I have taken this girl into my home, family, and heart to be betrayed. I can't do it anymore. I love her, but I can't allow her to continue to damage my soul. God, I know I sound like a bitter old hag, but I can,honestly, tell you that I am not.

This is a testimony to the love of God and His healing power and strength. Without Him, I would have lost it by now. Today has just not been good for me. I should have stayed at home and never answered my phone. I should have stayed in prayer.

Blogging circle of friends
Prompt: Write about a Great Day.

The first greatest day of my life, I have five of them, is the birth of my first son. My second is the birth of my middle son and the third is the day I had my last son. I have two more that go down as the greatest in history for me and that is the wedding to my husband, Bobby, and the day I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Those are worth remembering and talking about.

Billie Turknett
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