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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/173629-How-I-found-out-my-boyfriend-cheated-on-me-with-a-stripper
by Nani
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #446215
The experiences of all my relationships.
#173629 added November 22, 2004 at 4:47pm
Restrictions: None
How I found out my boyfriend cheated on me with a stripper.
My then boyfriend was amazing at first. He was everything I wanted in a guy. My dream. Everything was going well in the beginning which is typical in a relationship. He was living with me and he would come home right after work. I was practically like a housewife. I did everything he wanted me to do. He told me to find a gym for him closer to my house and when I did, he loved it. He's been going every single day, which I didn't mind at first because he'd be home by 7:15 at night. Well, things started to change. He would come from work about 5:30p.m., he finishes at 3:30p.m.. As soon as he would come home, he goes to the gym. The gym closes at 7:00p.m., but he would come home about 10:00p.m. I asked him what he would be doing and he just says that he met a lot of friends that they hang out for awhile. It's been going on for couple of weeks. My instincts told me he was cheating on me, so I grew very suspicious. He wasn't as loving as he was and not affectionate at all. Of course, I asked him if he was cheating on me, but typical for some guys, they deny everything. One day, we went fishing and he asked me to go to the store, but leave my cellular phone because he needs to call his friend. I think he thinks I'm stupid because if you use the phone, it shows the numbers that you call. When I got back, I looked at the phone and saw a different number. Yes, I called it and it was a girl. I asked him who she is because at the same time, my friends had seen him with another girl. He got upset and started to yell at me and told me that my friends got to prove it. I knew already that he was cheating on me because his actions were obvious. If he was a player, he suck on it. There's this other day where I took his car out and found lots of evidence of him cheating. He doesn't know there were things in there. What an ass. On our very last day together, I asked him where he went because he came home really late, he told me he went to eat in town, but I found a receipt that he was somewhere else at that time he said he was in town. He got really upset and left me. I was crying like a big old baby.
Couple of days later, he called and I was begging him to come back. He said he wants me, but he is confused. Later, he admitted that he cheated on me with a stripper that works next to the gym he works out at. I was really hurt.
A week later, we met at his job, so I could return all his belongings. He told me that he's hurting because the stripper does not want him. I felt like laughing, but didn't. I told him that famous phrase, "what goes around, comes around". Well, we departed with a hug and that was it. Ladies out there, a guy can be so good in the beginning, but there evilness comes out later on the long run, so be careful. I was a slave for him, I was so stupid.

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