Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/378207-Family-and-back-to-school
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#378207 added October 9, 2005 at 10:35am
Restrictions: None
Family and back to school
I had a lovely day with family today. I always love the get togethers we have and it's extra special when it's a birthday but twice that again when it's two birthdays. *Smile* Early October is a time for family in ours. Both my mother and my sister have their birthdays, within days of each other. My sister, Amanda had her birthday on Wednesday and my mother's 51st birthday was today.

My eldest sister, Tracy, put together a lovely lunch at her home. She always put so much effort into these events but it's always wonderful. If the weather had been nicer it would have been a perfect day. Still, we braved the weather to sit outside, as her small unit would not nearly be big enough for us all.

Of course, I went knowing that I planned to completely ignore points and I enjoyed the meal very much. Of course when I got home I couldn't help tallying up what I had and the results are a bit shocking. The good news is, because I planned to blow the points today I'm not beating myself up about having done so. Today was completely within my power and going back to points tomorrow is easy. I might however keep the rest of the week light to try and make up for the points I used today.

Tomorrow is the first day of the final term of school. I'm looking forward to Kaylie being back at school. The regular walking will make getting to 10,000 steps a day a bit easier.

It will also mean we can get back to a better routine. These past few weeks Josh hasn't always been getting his nap in because he and Kaylie are happily playing together. Even when I'd put him down for his nap he wouldn't rest as long as normal because he'd rather be playing.

Anyway, the Sunday night movie will be finished soon and I've practically got my 10,000 steps. 9988 lol the last few will be easy to walk just preparing for bed etc. I'm planning to get up early tomorrow to fit in an hour of yoga before getting ready for school and the day ahead. I'm hoping to make yoga a part of my daily routine but we'll see how I do getting up in the morning for it.

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