Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/446404-Margot-came-too-late-to-be-blue-on-Monday
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#446404 added August 8, 2006 at 12:33am
Restrictions: None
Margot came too late to be blue on Monday.
"So, Wren, now that the fellows have gone to the study for cigars and brandy or whatever it is they do, I have some questions to ask you," said Margot, refilling her wine glass.

"Cigars and brandy, right!" Wren laughed. "I think Bernard wants to show Rupe his new computer. He's very high on it. He just ordered it last week and it's come already."

"Another Mac?"

"Of course. What else? You don't see us having trouble with viruses all the time, do you?"

"I mainly use the one at the shop. Then I don't have to bother with anything at all!"

Wren decided not to comment. "What is it you want to ask?"

"First I want to thank you for asking me to stay for supper tonight. That was very nice of you."

"No trouble at all. You were here, and it was time to eat."

"Yes, and you did have Rupert here too, so it wasn't any extra fuss, I suppose."

Wren shrugged her shoulders and refilled her own glass. "Let's go in the living room. It's too noisy over the dishwasher to talk in here."

"But I don't want Rupert to overhear us!" Margot said.

"Why not? What's he got to do with it?"

"I was just wondering, why hasn't he ever married? Or has he?"

"No, he says that's just not for him."

"So, you weren't pairing us up tonight, by asking me to stay?" Margot looked hopeful.

"No, nothing of the sort! It's like I just said, you were here and dinner was ready. What did you come over for anyway?"

"I saw Rupert's car in the drive, and I just thought I'd walk over. I was out getting the mail, and there it was, you know." Margot was feigning interest in the crystal wine glass, running her finger around the rim to make a high pitched ring.

"What happened to what's-his-name? Fred, was it? I thought that was pretty serious."

"Well, it wasn't. It was at first, and then...then he didn't turn out to be quite what I thought he was."

"What did you think he was, some kind of celebrity?"

"No, definitely not that. But I thought that either he was rich or he had a terrific job. He didn't have any job at all, it turns out. He's a writer."

"Is he a bad one, then?"

"I don't know. He spent an awfully lot of time at it though. When we went out to a party, he went around interviewing everyone, or that's what it seemed like. Asking unusual questions about people's habits. Things like that. Said he was working on some new characters, but it made people uncomfortable. At least it made me uncomfortable."

"That's too bad. He sounds interesting to me. I'm sorry you never brought him around."

"Well, maybe I will some day. We're not entirely split up yet. I still like a good looking escort from time to time, and he fits that part perfectly."

"So he does," said Wren.

"I guess I'd better be going," said Margot, finishing off her wine. "Tell Bernard and Rupert goodbye for me.
Thanks again for supper."

© Copyright 2006 Wren (UN: oldcactuswren at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/446404-Margot-came-too-late-to-be-blue-on-Monday