Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/452099-Still-working-on-it
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#452099 added September 1, 2006 at 7:32pm
Restrictions: None
Still working on it
I took the day off yesterday, from blogging that is, so that I could work on that August goal of sending in something to be published. Well, I didn't get it done. On the bright side, I found out some good things. The piece I chose, well, I'm not sure why I chose it other than it had 5 stars and the caliber writing for markets that take that sort of thing seems a little less lofty.

My piece had 457 words in it. The submission guide said 1500 for a manuscript or 250 words for a filler sort of thing. I edited carefully and pared off two hundred plus words and sent it to two people on line who I thought would look it over with a critical eye. I wasn't sure if it still flowed well, although a lot that I cut out didn't seem necessary.

The first reviewer spent a lot of time editing the piece, but it came back over the word count. By then, it occured to me to look at some of the stories in the mag to see how long they actually were. I copied two into word so I could do a count, and each was less than 800 words. So, I got to thinking, since they pay a lot more for a story, maybe I could add to it better than subtract. And, without hearing of my discovery or thoughts on the matter,
the second reviewer suggested I make it a longer story as well.

So, my new goal is to rewrite in the next week and then send it out. *Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile**Smile*

On to the wallpaper, the vinyl top is coming off much easier than I thought it would. When I've finished that part, I'll start on the paper and glue underneath. Will have to texture that wall before painting though, which is probably a pain. Oh, and Mavis, I think putting wallpaper up in the nude sounds more fun than taking it down. But so far it's been a singular project. When we get to the ladder, I'll probably ask for help. It's over a stairway.

Bill is marching in the Eastern Washington Fair parade tomorrow with the Civil Air Patrol. Then he'd like to head out of town. After I cancelled plans with kids because he wanted to be all rested up for his test Tuesday, he realized it isn't until the following week.

Lenore and George may still come down with the twins. I haven't heard yet. I'd like to take them through the animal barns and 4H projects, and to the rodeo. We'll see.

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