Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/459293-doctors-and-animals
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#459293 added October 5, 2006 at 11:31am
Restrictions: None
doctors and animals
Bill had a follow-up appointment with the sleep doctor today. I went with him because I was concerned about why he needed it. Well, there was no reason. The doctor told him that he'd passed the test (which he knew) and that he'd have to repeat the Maintenance of Wakefullness test every year because the FAA required it. Even though the doctor said it was unnecessary to begin with, he was cheering that it was going to be mandatory.

So, not only was that doctor's visit (which won't be covered by insurance) out of our pocket, it will be so every year. What a waste of time and money! And how dare the doctor take more time and money just to tell him that!

*Exclaim* *Exclaim* *Exclaim* *Exclaim* *Exclaim* *Exclaim* *Exclaim*

Today was the feast of St. Francis, the day when we have the Blessing of Animals at church. The first few years we did it, the local press came; and some very vocal Christian from a fundamental sect lambasted us in the letters to the editor, accusing us of sacrilege.

It was a cool and slightly rainy day, and so the turnout was smaller than usual. Only 24 people and 21 animals, and no animals other than dogs and a few cats. The boa constrictor we'd expected didn't appear. (We hadn't decided who would get to do the honors there.) In previous years we've had a number of horses, a hedgehog, a tarantula, white mice and rats, goldfish in bowls, potbelly pigs and a wild turkey. It's always fun. People are very serious about their pets. (I read today that someone had a dog for his best man at his wedding.)

I missed my writing evening Monday, and will probably miss my regular morning tomorrow because I have patients to see out of town. Haven't exercised either--my weed pulling muscles are still killing me. Someone gave me a disposable thermal wrap though, and it feels great. Maybe tomorrow.

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