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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/503355-My-first-Match-date
by Ho Tep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #900612
The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is.
#503355 added April 22, 2007 at 10:57am
Restrictions: None
My first "Match" date
After talking through email for over a month with the occassional phone call Bruce, the guy I met through Match.com, asked to meet for lunch. This made me a little nervous not for the reasons others may get nervous, but because I enjoyed our emails and phone calls...he always makes me laugh...and I was nervous that I wouldn't like him. I know, that makes me sound a little stuck on myself, which I'm not, I'm just a little picky I guess.

Anyway, we had plans to meet for lunch yesterday. To help keep my mind off of it prior to the date I was talking to my cousin. It is always good catching up with her, not to mention each of our conversations we have always involves laughter...laughing is always good in my book!! *Smile* While I was talking to her Bruce called in, but I let it go to voice mail. I figured he was either confirming we were still meeting or calling to say he couldn't make it. When we ended our conversation I checked my voicemail. He had just woken up at 12:30pm, must be nice, and was getting in the shower and wanted to make sure we were still meeting at 2pm and asked if I'd like to make it a little later. I called back and got his voicemail, but told him 2pm was fine and I couldn't make it later; however, if he needed to we could just reschedule. A few minutes later he called back saying he just got out of the shower and that 2pm would be fine, but he may be a few minutes late.

I have a good, but bad habit of being early everywhere I go. I knew he was going to be late, but I still showed up at 1:50pm. As I sat in the waiting area I looked around at all the good looking waiters...why was I meeting this guy here, I could simply just talk to one of them and be done with it!! *Laugh* Around 2:15pm he came walking through the door. His hair was much different then in the picture, but at least he didn't have ring around the head. Honestly at first glance he looked like the blonde guy from Revenge of the Nerds...no, I don't mean that in a good way.

We sit down and do that nervous get situatated talk and movements. I told myself to stay positive and see how things go. Within the first 10 minutes he tells me that he is in the process of whitening his teeth. *Rolleyes* However, 15 years ago he had his front teeth bonded and because he is whitening the rest of his teeth he had to have the bonding changed; however, because the teeth underneath were yellow they would have to bleach them before rebonding them. So, this means he was having to go around with two yellow teeth without bonding while they (he and the dentist) work on getting them white. Seriously, why would you tell someone that? *Confused* I had not noticed his teeth until he said that then for the rest of our date I couldn't help but stare at his two overly large yellow front teeth. YUK!!

Still trying to stay positive here...then our waiter comes over...cute as hell with a body to match! I had a debate in my head if it would be rude to flirt with the waiter while on a date..hmm, what would Ms. Manners say?? *Laugh* Okay, so my nice-side one and I tried not to flirt with the waiter, although he kept coming back to my side of the table and put his hand on my shoulder. I think he could tell I was not into my date! *Smile*

Conversation was okay; however, he kept talking about other dates he had been on and how last weekend he met a girl at his friends euchre party and all week long his friends were trying to set him up on a date with the girl. It took everything in me not to say, "You should let them set you up." Then he had to tell me how he told his mom about me and how she already has the two of us married off. I nervously laughed and said, "oh that is such a mom thing to do."

The bill finally comes and the waiter sits it next to him instead of in the middle of the table. After 20 minutes I make a comment that we should pay the bill. As I start pulling money out of my purse he told me that was okay that he had the bill. Crap, does that mean he is enjoying our date???? *Confused* Then he folded his arms on the table and continued to talk. Hello, that was my hint that I was ready to leave!!! I let him finish this last topic, which I couldn't even tell you what it was, and apologized for cutting it short, but that I needed to go. We walked out, said our good byes, no hugging, kissing, hand shake, just a thank you and I'll talk to you later.

So it wasn't painful, but it makes me a little nervous to meet anyone else online. Maybe I am just a good email dater, but not so much real life dater?! Or maybe I am just too picky for my own good?? UGH! Why does it have to be so difficult to find a normal guy that I like and he likes me back?????

© Copyright 2007 Ho Tep (UN: yellow1671 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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