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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/520069-Hospital-Experience
by Ho Tep
Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #900612
The ups and downs of being single in your 30's...early 30's that is.
#520069 added July 9, 2007 at 11:15am
Restrictions: None
Hospital Experience
For a little while I've been having a stomach issue. Well, for years I have self diagnosed myself as having a nervous belly or IBS, but never really did much about it except make Imodiom AD my best friend. *Smile*

About 2 months ago I got this new feeling that made the area underneath my rib cage feel really fully then the rest of my belly would bloat. This would last until I finally was able to go to the bathroom (just what you wanted to know I'm sure). When this would happen I would get worked up and start thinking it was something serious and start panicing. So I went to the doctor's and the said I have classic IBS, which most people with this tend to have anxiety as well. Lovely...just what I wanted to hear; however, at least I knew I wasn't going crazy! *Smile*

The doctor prescribed Prilosec, which she said will help with my full feeling. She said my stomach was producing too much (insert long doctor term) and this would regulate it. So I started taking the pill and after a day or two my full feeling was gone; however, I am still getting bloated, possibly even more than before. I have never been pregnant, but I swear there are time my stomach bloats so much I look 4 months pregnant. Not pretty when you don't have a baby as an excuse! *Bigsmile*

On Saturday I woke up and through out the morning I kept having the bloating and then uneasy feeling on and off. I called the doctor, but their office was closing so I made an appointment for Monday morning. I tried to relax and it worked for a while, but it was a struggle on and off most the day. Finally around 6pm I had worked myself into an anxiety attack. Well, I know this because I took myself to the hospital. My mom met me up there because I do not do these medical things alone!!

I was at the point I had sweaty palms and feet and my head was starting to sweat and making me feel like I was going to pass out. My blood pressure when I checked in was 168 over 101...very high for me!! They hooked me up for an iv, but didn't put the bag on it. That was not fun...took them 3 tries...nearly passed out each time! Guess my vains were not cooperating or they were not good at their job! *Smile* They took blood, gave me an ekg, check my urine, and wheeled me off for x-rays. There was a very hot guy waiting for me. I was very careful getting out of my wheelchair to make sure I kept my backside covered up...so I thought. I finally sat down after having all the x-rays done and felt my butt exposed. *Blush* Guess the only good thing is I had underwear on! *Bigsmile*

After laying there a while they came in to tell me all my blood tests, ekg, urine and x-rays all came back perfectly normal. They said I had an anxiety attack and to follow up with my regular doctor. A tad embarrassing, but at least I know what the feelings I get are and realize they are not leading to a heart attack or something serious.

I went to the doctor today and she recommended I continue taking the Prilosec and prescribed me something for anxiety (take only when needed, not daily) and a prescription strength Imodium (different name, but it is for aiding with the back door trots...take only when needed). She also suggested to stay clear of dairy for the next three weeks (when my follow up appointment is) to see if that is what is causing my bloating. She said when I go back if things haven't improved she will refer me to a GI.

The joys of getting older!!!

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