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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/734760-This-ones-about-the-Guest-List
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#734760 added September 22, 2011 at 10:19pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the Guest List.
THE PROMPT: "You are putting on a dinner party, and have already invited all the friends and family that you want to attend. Now, you can invite three more people from anywhere in the world, and any time in history... who are they, and why? (no fictional characters!)"

I think everyone's played this game in some shape or form, be it in random conversations with friends or having to write about it in essay form in English class. There may even be some psychological meaning behind the answers, but I'm either not smart enough or not crazy enough to know what they mean. Anyway, dear guests of the inaugural Bert & Jess the CWC's Fancy People's Dinner Party, please meet the Guests of Honor! (And no autographs until the dessert cart is put away!)

Eddie Vedder, Lead Singer, Pearl Jam: A very interesting spirit...he's seen a lot as the lead singer for the most enduring band to come out of the Grunge era of the '90's. He wrote the lyrics to songs that have affected the lives of millions...those millions have grown up along with the band, and twenty years later, he's still writing original music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWhkYsc2B8A

J.D. Salinger, Author: Since we're not allowed to invite fictional characters, I'd ask the man who created possibly my favorite character of any book, like, ever. I would have to pick his brain...why he created him, who was he based on, how did you arrive at that plot, etc. I'm sure I can find answers if I look hard enough; there's this blog http://catchingsalinger.wordpress.com/ that'll probably tell me all I need to know, but why not hear it from the man himself. And since pulling Salinger up on YouTube only brings up documentary-type stuff, I'll give you a link to the only song I know that namedrops the man himself..."Got more stories than J.D.'s got Salinger..." (At least that's what he says in the original verson of the song, not in this live version.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEVfHmjKOrM&ob=av2e

Marv Levy, Former Buffalo Bills Head Coach: The winningest coach in Bills history is known for leading Buffalo to an unprecedented four straight Super Bowls (unfortunately winning none of them), but his insight not only on the game of football but the game of life is legendary. He would be the 2nd-most charming individual at our party (besides me, of course *Wink*). It would be riviting to hear his anecdotes from the exciting time he led the Bills. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By9ad7mmk8k&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list...


To celebrate their 20th year, earlier this month Pearl Jam curated a weekend of concerts as part of PJ20. This is not technically a Pearl Jam song, but it's great nonetheless, and should certainly be considered one of the top 20 songs from that generation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbG9CNCettk&feature=related


*Bullet* I think I've finally found a healthier pasttime on my 15 minute break at work. Rather than smoking two cigarettes, I take a 20 minute nap. My day felt a whole lot better after that. *Smile*

*Bullet* I've learned that I don't properly know how to judge exactly how much rice to cook if the bag doesn't ask me how many servings I'll be preparing. So expect a lot of rice at that dinner party I was talkin' about up there *Up*. *Laugh*

*Bullet* The weekend's already shaping up to be a busy one...Sabres preseason game Friday against the hated Toronto Maple Leafs as part of a home-and-home series; Saturday I'm getting up early on what should be a beautiful day to join my boys DMFM and Adam in helping the clean-up after Adam's folks get a new roof, maybe goin' to the UB Bulls college football game, and then the back half of the Sabres/Leafs series, and then Sunday it's football all day and a third straight Sabres game. Sweet! I love being occupied!

That's enough for tonight, y'all...gotta save up whatever's left in the tank for the home stretch of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS. I encourage you to check out some of the competition I'm up against...there's some talent there for your perusal. We'll do it again tomorrow...GOODNIGHT NOW!!


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