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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/789976-Behold-the-jock
Rated: E · Book · Experience · #1944628
I will share the many thoughts that invade my introspective soul.
#789976 added August 29, 2013 at 8:45am
Restrictions: None
Behold the jock
August 29, 2013

Today's blog has endless possibilities. I had a lovely time with my wife eating steak at Longhorn steakhouse. It was her birthday. There was even a free dessert of cheese cake. *Inlove*

All of us jock's need our nourishment for the contest that will test our mind body and soul. Today was the day of the big tennis match. My sons Timothy and Michael were in attendance. We found a fourth person who was more than willing to be with us. Mark was about my age.

My oldest son Michael had not played in years and yet there he was pounding serves and making some shots that you might see at the US Open. He was my partner for the first set. After a lot of feverish rallies we lost six to one.

There was one other set. I teamed up with Mark in this set. I was on top of my game letting loose some quick sneaky serves that kept left my sons flat footed. Then came the shot that will stay with me for a while. I tried to be sneaky with Tim one time to many and ratcheted a return to my backhand side spinning wide. I sprinted toward losing my New England Patriot hat, my glasses and found myself in a heap on the court hitting my mouth with my own racket. The worst thing about it was that I did not even get the shot back. The best thing was that Mark and I won. It must have been the steak and cheese cake. *Cool*

My story about the man I call "Behold" continues. Chapter 2
Out of the silence "Behold" speaks. There we are working another shift together. He is exactly my age. He is about six foot and two hundred and forty pounds. He is clean shaven with a about three inches of wiry salt and pepper hair. He smells more like the cleaning supplies than the dog food that graces the warehouse. He brags of taking one hour showers and in every way he looks the part of a professional. His uniform is clean and he takes a clear plastic clip board and orange safety vest whereever he goes. And yes he takes being a jock to a whole other level.

I played defense and was an offensive lineman in high school and college. I was all of three hundred and seventy-five pounds. While in high school we won the state championship against Rockhurst high school. I anchored the defense that gave up only seven points during the whole season. We knew we were going to run laps for every point scored against so we were like a wall. The only points that Rockhust scored were predicated on a Statue of Liberty play we had never seen before. And yes I was in shape. I could run as fast as anyone, because whoever finished last had to run an extra lap and I was not going to be that person.

It was more of the same in college, except that I was an offensive lineman with the responsibility of making sure that no one got near the quarterback. Nobody wanted to mess with me. I was not easily moved and amongst all the trash talking I just dished it all back telling them now lets see who has game. I don't back down to anyone.

All the while he shares his voice is loud and animated. I have no doubt that he was a force to be reckoned with.
Behold the Man!

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