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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/884267-My-Dear-HUBs
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#884267 added June 10, 2016 at 12:06pm
Restrictions: None
My Dear HUBs
Prompt: Pick something off the desk or table nearest to you and write a short poem or story about it.


“Awesome!!, Now it’s very easy to do projects at home. We have selected few DIY arduino projects for beginners; we have explained everything in specific project page along with code. Let’s see which are the first top 10 projects. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions,” says the ELECTRONICS HUB page.

“Awesome!” is right, if the page is referring to the two HUBs inside which I have stored all my work and preferences; however, if the page is referring to the most improbable fact that I opened it with the idea of learning how to make or program a HUB, they can wait forever. *Bigsmile*

I have two hubs attached to my laptop. Time and experience have taught me that once the hard disk and the computer goes, the entire contents go bye-bye with it; therefore, now, long live the flash drives! Yet, I have flash drives ranging from 2gbs to 128gbs filling a box. So, for the most used ones and those in current use, my two HUBs have come to the rescue.

My first-born HUB is Anker 3.0. It has four slots and it takes all kinds of flash drives. It has served me well, but four slots, although good enough, didn’t have circuit breakers. So came the second one, Tonsum, a generic one-I think, with seven slots, courtesy of Amazon. Tonsum, now has all its slots filled and Anker is relieved to one slot only. Its other slots are reserved for camera and MP3 players' plugs.

I couldn’t be happier with my two HUBs, especially the one with circuit breakers. When I put the laptop to sleep, I turn off all the slots, so when the computer wakes up, it doesn’t have to overwork. I only hope my two hubs last forever together with my flash drives.

When I tried to explain all this to my husband, he grimaced. I bet he thought I was more considerate of my laptop than of real people, but I have to be. A person, on the average can live from 60 to 100 years, if not more. A laptop in my hands, however, is subjected to a very short life, which is usually three to four years...if it’s lucky. Especially, now that I bought the cheapest laptop in Staples… *Wink*

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