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Rated: E · Book · Sci-fi · #2209065
A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here.
#982370 added April 30, 2020 at 5:12am
Restrictions: None
Act Four Treatment of Episode Two Finished
Act Four Treatment of Episode Two Finished

It’s true, I only got fifteen scene paragraphs written for my Water Wars scriptwriting project. And it took me most of my shift at work to do it. But it was all that I needed to finish Act Four of this project. I probably could have done the first two Establishing Shots for my Tag Act. After all, I had about a half-hour until the end of my shift. But I decided not to do that. I felt that it was best to start the Tag Act Treatment for this episode today.

What does that mean for the last Act of this project? It means that I only have about twenty-two to twenty-three more paragraphs to write. And I will finally be finished with my Water Wars scriptwriting project. At least I will be with my Outlines and Treatments. I still have The Bible for this project and the script left to write.

Do You know what a Bible of the television series is? It’s a breakdown of that series. It usually starts with a small Series Introduction to the series. What kind of a series it is aka its genres? And what the series is about? This part of The Bible isn’t usually very long. Only one to four paragraphs. And about a half of a page long.

The next part of The Bible is for the Cast of Characters in this series. Who they are? What their age is? and what makes them who they are? Each character will get one paragraph to describe themselves. I still haven’t decided how I’m going to handle their names yet. But I’m thinking about centering them with their paragraphs below them.

After the Cast of Characters comes The Setting for this series. They are usually broken down into Exterior and Interior settings. But only the main setting that will be used most of all. Like the settings for the Exterior and the Interior of the InWaterStructure. The extra ones that will be needed for the individual episodes won’t be included in these settings. Also, like the Cast of Characters, these paragraphs that describe them aren’t too long.

Now for the hardest part of The Bible. At least I think that it is. And that’s the Episode Listings. It’s a Listing of the Episode in the order that you think that they should be in. Like everything else when it comes to the final product, it probably won’t end up like that. Also, the number of Episodes is in question. Some Bibles only have a few of their listings. And some have the first season worth. But even that’s different in my opinion.

My listings consist of the first one hundred episodes. And that equals the first two years of shows. At least that’s what I think it should be. After all, if the Daytime Dramas can do it on a weekly basis for fifty to fifty-two weeks of the year, there’s no reason why a television series can’t do that too. Especially, since it cost about the same. That’s just the way that I feel. I know that it will equal about four or five years, maybe even six years, worth of episodes. But that’s just the way that I do my Bibles.

Each episode will consist of the episode number, the title of that episode, and a brief explanation for it in a single paragraph form. Sort of like the Cast of Characters and The Settings. But not as long. I’m thinking about five lines long will be enough. Also, like the Cast of Characters and The Settings, I’m not sure if I will center the episode number and title or not. But I probably will.

With twenty scene paragraphs to write for the Tag Act, I don’t think that I will get all of them written today. after all, that’s twenty-two or twenty-three paragraphs total depending on how many Establishing Shots that I have. It will probably be three. But it could be four too. whether it’s three or four, I will probably be lucky if I can get ten scene paragraphs written today at work. That will leave the last ten that I will be able to do on Friday. If that’s true, then I will be able to start The Bible this weekend.

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