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Rated: GC · Book · Experience · #1004726
My American Notebooks
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When Nathaniel Hawthorne was writing, he kept a series of journals, The American Notebooks. They were part daily journal, part diary, but mostly a place for him to jot down and try out bits of writing he hadn't a full venue for yet. He kept character sketches, odd bits of conversation, and observances he wanted to remember for future writings in his notebooks. This, then, is my place for odd bits I want to remember. When you read this, keep in mind, you are rummaging through my mental storehouse.

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And don't forget to vote for your favorite blogger each month. *Smile*
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July 29, 2006 at 9:03pm
July 29, 2006 at 9:03pm
::doing the happy kittie dance and singing::

I'm not a technodork, I'm not a technodork

Below (if I can figure out how to link it *Laugh*) you will find pics of the animals. Yea!!

(OK, no laughing. I had to get help in scroll to figure out how to link it. *Pthb*)

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July 21, 2006 at 12:04pm
July 21, 2006 at 12:04pm
One of the activities Mom and I engage in almost fanatically anytime we are together is Scrabble. We aren't tourney level, but we are pretty proficient. We are both avid readers and we get a lot of excitement with nifty words like "jonquil" or "vexed". (both high scoring words, especially when played in conjunction with double or triple word score spots *Bigsmile*)

My Mamaw usually doesn't play with us, she is not a big speller and isn't a whiz at boardgames. (I make no judgements, not everyone gets big thrills out of them.) Recently, though, she was at my Aunt's (mom's sister) and my Aunt decided to teach Mamaw how to play Scrabble. *Rolleyes* When I talked to her before Mom and Mamaw came up to visit, Auntie assured me that Mamaw was versed in the rules and that she would want to play while here.

Great! We would have a foursome, because recently, monilad has gotten old enough that Granny (my mom) and I let her in on the game, too. So the first night they were here, we went out onto my patio, where it was cooler and cracked out my Scrabble. Yea! Scrabble!!

We all drew our tiles and Mamaw was second. We waited for some time for her to play and then finally she turned and said, "Well is anyone gonna play?" Granny said, "We are waiting on you, Mother, it's your turn!" *Laugh* I could tell this was going to be a riot already.

On we stumbled in fits and starts. Finally the evening capper came when Mamaw got really excited for her turn, kept asking, "Is it my turn yet?" When it came back around to her she proudly jumped out with "K-N-U-R-D" straight up from the bottom of the board. (played off the R) Granny and I looked at each other, looked at the board and got tickled. I said, "Mamaw, nerd is spelled N-E-R-D."

"I know, child." (She's still proud as punch and trying to add up the word total.)

Granny said, "Mother, that's not a word. You can't make up words. We already told you that." (Earlier there had been an incident with the "word" riteup. She had defended it saying, "You know, like in a newspaper." *Rolleyes* We didn't allow it.)

"I most certainly did not make up the word drunk!"

Well, now we got tickled. We were laughing so hard, monilad had to explain that you were only allowed to spell words down or left to right. This was like a crossword not a word search! *Laugh*

God love her, she's 77 years old and we should make allowances, but I'll be danged if I'll let "Knurd" fly on MY scrabble board. I think I'll have a talk with Auntie about WHAT rules she was teaching Mamaw. *Laugh*

July 18, 2006 at 11:29pm
July 18, 2006 at 11:29pm
This is a very hard entry for me to write. I have had two long talks with hubby and daughter about this. I am enjoying NaNoing very much, but tomorrow, my mother, stepfather and grandmother will arrive for a three week visit.

I haven't seen my Mom in over 18 months. I haven't seen my Mamaw in 3 years. I have been so torn. I truly did not understand the time I would have to devote to this. Like so many things in my life, I just jumped first and asked questions later.

I have reached the over halfway point and I feel like a quitter. Hubby tells me I am fortifying my position. He also tells me when everyone goes home he will stand over me with a calendar and MAKE me finish this book in fourteen days.

So, I have decided to aquiesce to my family's request and postpone finishing the book until we no longer have company. I just can't give both of them my full attention and don't want to short either of them.

It's just too hard to work 40 hours, run a household, entertain guests AND write a novel. *Frown* Something has to give and for now it's my book.

We have so much planned to go and do and see while they are here. Yellowstone, the Museum, the Hot Springs, the Lewis and Clark Caverns....I promise, one thing I will MAKE time to do is blog about our adventures. My writing will not stop completely.

I hope y'all understand, 'cause this is killing me. *Cry*

July 17, 2006 at 12:32am
July 17, 2006 at 12:32am
I've crossed the halfway mark. I used the booster jets and had a monster word count weekend. Woohoo! Tired now, so I'm off to crash. I hope I can keep the momentum tomorrow.

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July 16, 2006 at 5:46am
July 16, 2006 at 5:46am
monilad is the proud owner of a new iPod. I am the proud owner of iTunes on my comp. *Bigsmile* My comp has the internet. That's where the song downloads happen, so we loaded the software here. OMG. I had no idea that you could pull songs off of CD's and shoot them over to your iPod. *Shock* Woot!! We may fill all 7500 slots after all!!

PLUS, with iTunes, once I burn the CD's to transfer to the iPod, they stay in iTunes, and I can play them from there. No more flipping CD's in and out of the comp AND it has a shuffle feature. No more listening to the whole CD in one whack. YEESSS!!! I'm hooked. I love Steve Jobs. *Heart* Gotta love anybody who can hook a sista up with her tunes. *Laugh*


I decided I needed a "got through week 2" bonus so I made a B&N trip and got Janet Evanovich's new Stephanie Plum novel Twelve Sharp. Great book. If you haven't read any of this series, I highly recommend them. Very witty with clever, funny characters who get up to zany stuff. Kinda fluffy and over the top, so if you are looking for real life mystery, don't choose this. But if you like fluffy, zany page turner mysteries, this is the series for you!

I also got myself a new writing book. The title just grabbed my eye. I'm a sucker for new ones.
ASIN: 0898798213
Amazon's Price: $ 21.98

It's pretty good. He brings home a lot of great points. He also helps break down a novel in such a way that it makes you able to see the mechanics of it. The inner workings, like the springs and coils in a clock. I was having a major plot problem and as I read this book, I began to understand why. I was having trouble making my scenes flow naturally. I was also making my characters too subtle. If you feel you are having trouble with mechanics but aren't sure why, I recommend this book. It's slim, relatively cheap and breaks things down in an understandable fashion.

I didn't have a word count for Friday. (Family night.) But I did really well for Saturday. I hope to really pack on the count for Sunday. I need more padding. Mom and Mamaw come Wednesday. *Shock* I thought I'd have a better cushion!! Yikes!

July 14, 2006 at 4:09am
July 14, 2006 at 4:09am
1) Don't forget to vote for your favorite blogger in Blogville by the 24th of July. Details in Tor's blog. "Invalid Item *Smile*

2) Gypsy made me doubt my count, so I ran a quick numbers check. I'm 514 short of where I should be. *Frown* That's ok, I can make that up this weekend. No big. I'm just glad week two is almost over. It was a killer.

3) The new pet door is here, hubby is installing it this weekend. We test drove it with Chewie by holding it up and seeing if she would walk through. She did, although she thinks it's pretty weird. *Laugh* This thing is really cool, guys. I'll get some links in here.

July 12, 2006 at 10:42pm
July 12, 2006 at 10:42pm
Do any of you guys write to a soundtrack? I have to have tunes going to get anything written. And the more eclectic the better. It's all about mood for me. If I need happy, I pop in Cher's Believe and dance around the office awhile before I start. Try dancing before you write sometime, it really gets the oxygen flowing to your brain, gets those neurons firing.

If I need to feel invincible, nothing but 3 Doors Down's Kryptonite does it. If I need a fierce driving beat but words are distracting, Satriani's Flying in a Blue Dream comes into play. If I need a calm steady inspirational something...anything Yanni or Enya does it for me. When I'm in a singalong mood, I reach for my Styx, Journey, Foreigner, Chicago, Boston or Fleetwood Mac and sing my heart out, baby. It's all about mood. *Bigsmile*

I'm typing this to Rod Stewart's Downtown Train. Love that Rod...come on, you know you wanna sing along. *Wink*


I did better on my count tonight. I'm not caught up, but at least I did today's words. *Thumbsup*

I've decided writing a novel in a month is like decorating a house by going on buying sprees and tossing furnishings in the front door. You never sort it out by room or hang it up, that all comes later.

Right now is the buying and getting it in the house. Everything is in a big jumble in the front hall. Some of it is tagged "living room," "dining room," "master bedroom," but most of it is just tossed in with matresses landing on table lamps.

What you do is hope nothing gets broken beyond repair and that somehow nothing will clash once you start figuring out what goes where. I also might need to buy some odds and ends later to fit it all together because I'm not really working off a list and may discover next month I forgot the dining room chairs, but that's just details. *Bigsmile*

Tonight's entire entry was written as big chunks with color tags and notes that say things like "insert into chap 1." *Laugh* It's some of the dining room chairs I've discovered early that I'd forgotten along the way. *Blush* But that's ok...otherwise it's turning out fine...I hope.

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#1118590 by Not Available.

BTW-If I haven't answered an email or comment from you this last week, I'm very sorry. They are starting to pile up in my inbox, but I'm ignoring that because some nights the word count, reading your blogs, writing my blog AND answering emails is just beyond me.

July 12, 2006 at 12:10am
July 12, 2006 at 12:10am
Ugh. A pitiful word count yesterday. I just dragged the bottom of the well. I even held a scroll game to help me over a rough spot to scrape up this pitiful amount. It was called "Brainstorm with Chewie." For 1000 gps, I got to pick your brain. Kafka, Lorien and Quaddy helped me out. *Laugh* A truly sad and desperate soul.

I think it was because we were having a bit of drama at our house yesterday. As I told everyone in Scarlett's blog, I went out at 2 last night looking for Chewie who decided to pick last night to "camp out." I think she's decided she likes staying out all night ever since I got mad at her and tossed her butt out for peeing on my bed.

So she was missing for a day and a half. Hubby had written her off as coyote chow. I was nearly in tears tonight, but I kept telling him she would show back up, she knew where she got her dinner.

Around eight I checked the back deck and there she was squatting in her "toad" stance waiting for someone to come let her in. She was starving. I think she'd been out having adventures in the neighborhood. *Worry*

Hubby has ordered a pet door that installs in the wall next to the sliding glass door. It opens and closes by sliding up into the wall when a pet wearing a special collar walks up to it.

Bear is getting too old to leave in the house all day. It's harder for her to hold it. And now that Chewie is peeing if she can't go outside, we can't leave her once monilad goes back to school in the fall. Plus we are getting monilad a new daschund puppy in a couple of weeks. I'll try to post pics of her. She was just born. Her name is Sofie. Hubby thinks he can install this thing in our wall himself. So, no, Lauren, Rowdy isn't spoiled. *Rolleyes*

Anyway...I think that's enough chickens for one blog. I'm almost rummy with exhaustion. I'll try again tomorrow.
July 11, 2006 at 12:38am
July 11, 2006 at 12:38am
I'm 1/3 of the way through. *Frown* I'm pretty happy with the overall storyline, but it has some fairly shaky places. It won't be a masterpiece, but it will be something I can bash into a REAL novel once I'm through. I'm glad they advised me against taking anything I was really invested in into this thing. I'd have been sick and sad at this point and might have quit.

I guess week two is the hardest week. But, I'm plugging away. Banging out that word count.

OT-I read a lot of blogs on site. About 20 or so. And, I may not enter a lot of contests, but I try to stay abreast of the bigger ones and even occasionally follow one or two that might catch my eye.

Twice now I've semi-followed this one:
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#1109276 by Not Available.

And both times, it has degenerated into something very unpleasant for the blogging community. I've only followed it through the blogs I regularly read, so I'm not out looking to pick a fight or sling mud. I think mood indigo is probably a very nice person who usually runs very nice contests, but twice this one has gotten nasty and feelings have gotten badly hurt over it.

I think until it's over, I will not be reading any one who is participating's blog just because I'm a big honking ostrich. I don't want to be involved even peripherally with this kind of thing again. It's like listening to the news. There's a reason I don't do it. It upsets me. I don't like being upset. I choose not to subject myself to it.

Which is kinda funny, 'cause I'm a regular reader of Problematic Content . But, mostly, I just find him funny and ignore his bullshit. It's pretty easy not to take him seriously. ~shrug~
July 9, 2006 at 6:20pm
July 9, 2006 at 6:20pm
My day off turned into two. Late Friday I was visited by an old friend I had hoped to not see any more. I got a whopper of a migraine. And, thanks to the advice of the new book I'm reading about it (and the advice of my neurologist) I took nothing but two Advil for the pain.

I was in misery by the time I went to bed around 10:30 and was just getting comfortable when Chewie jumped up in the window and started making her "I want outside" noises. I shooed her out of the window and tried to go to sleep. I was just drifting off when I felt her jump back up on the bed near my pillow. And then I smelled it. That's right she had squatted and peed right beside my pillow. I was furious! I jumped up shouting, woke up hubby, snatched the cat and flung her out the back door. That all did wonders for my head. In fact, it promptly brought me to my knees in front of the porcelin goddess wretching to beat the band. *Sick* Man, I love migraines.

So, I bundle up everything and go sleep on the sofa. (monilad had a little girlfriend over so they were in the guest bed.) Hubby has his breathing mask, so he can't smell the cat pee. *Rolleyes*

YeeHaw. Ever sleep on the world's worst sofa while in the throes of a titanic migraine you can't take anything for? I don't recommend it. I finally just got up around 6 and wandered around the house, still in a towering rage. BTW-towering rages are awful for migraines also...more *Rolleyes*.

Annie's mother came and took the girls to the mall around 11 to go see Dead Man's Chest and I had the house blessedly to myself. I had cleaned the bed and washed the sheets and was waiting for them both to dry. In the mean time I was curled up on hubby's side of the bed in my bedroom with the blinds pulled trying to die.

Naturally the phone rang. I can't stand a ringing phone. I can't let it just ring. I HAVE to answer it. I'm glad I did, it was my sister who is having a serious in-law crisis, so an hour later, I'm still in pain, but at least she's gotten stuff off of her chest.

I finally napped for an hour and a half which helped some, but then, the phone again. Hubby to say he's coming home. Then, in a flurry, the girls, oh, and can monilad stay the night over at Annie's tonight?

Dear Lord, yes. Anything for some more peace and quiet. About eight o'clock the pain started sliding away slowly like water down a partially clogged sink. After it was gone, the residue of the migraine clung to the inside of my skull like toothpaste foam and spit you can't rinse away. I just wanted a good night's sleep...in my own bed...sans cat.

I got both, but I missed two days of writing instead of the planned one. And I still feel gritty and yuck today. I got today's words in, but now I need to start building up again, just in case. *Rolleyes*
July 7, 2006 at 12:23am
July 7, 2006 at 12:23am
*Thumbsup* on the new chair, once I worked out the tension on it and made a few other piddly little adjusments. Yea!

*Thumbsup* on the new keyboard once I took that damn minus 7 degree tilt off of it. *Laugh* I like that it's a split ergonomic keyboard, but that typing downhill thing got old fast.

Haven't tried the new software yet. I struggled with the words today. I love my daughter, but she was driving me buggy tonight. Being very clingy and needy. I was a bad mother, I finally shouted at her to go away I was writing, but then I felt bad. *Frown* I am far enough ahead I think I will take tomorrow off and have a family night. I think they miss me.

I miss them, too, sort of, but I did warn them ahead of time and they agreed to this. *Frown* I should have gotten it in writing. I don't want to give up now, I would really feel like I was quitting on myself.

Maybe if I meet with them and agree to a weekly family night it will be enough to re-enlist their help. 'Cause I really need it to finish.
July 6, 2006 at 12:31am
July 6, 2006 at 12:31am
Back to work and I'm feeling the burn. *Laugh*

Today's entry I had to work a little for. It just wouldn't flow until the end. But I applied butt to chair and just typed until I had enough words to count.

And a fine new chair it is. I think that was what my problem was. *Laugh* My physical therapist has me looking at my work space carefully to check for hidden pitfalls causing my migraines. Well, my desk chair was one of them. *Frown* It was too high and I perched over my keyboard like a vulture. So I got to go to Staples tonight and get a new chair.

My keyboard was also all wrong, one of those plain flat numbers that you have to pound on to type, so I got a new ergonomic keyboard that tilts at a wrist pleasing negative 7 degrees.

~shrug~ We'll see if it all helps the migraines or not. All I know is I had trouble writing with the new toys tonight. *Frown* Maybe I was TOO comfortable. *Laugh*

*Blush* I also got some new software in the mail today. I ordered it last week when I was getting the Headache book. Do any of y'all have writing software? You know the kind that helps you storyboard and all that? I got one called Writer's Dreamkit. It was cheap and I was intrigued. I'll check it out and get back to you.

July 4, 2006 at 8:00pm
July 4, 2006 at 8:00pm
Woot! I'm at 10,141 and I've just started Chapter 3. Yea! Good steady pace and I'm feeling the story start to slip into that groove Party was talking about. Hubby and monilad are being really supportive and so are all of you guys. Thanks! *Bigsmile*

My mom will here with my grandmother on the 17th, so I'm trying to build up a cushion of words for when they get here. Must run. Now that I've written today's quota, I get a reward of family movie night! Another Yea!

Happy Fourth, everybody!! *Heart*
July 3, 2006 at 11:17am
July 3, 2006 at 11:17am
Day 2 (yesterday) got off to a slower start, but this morning on my way to work I was thinking about my new novel and here's what I came up with:

Writing a novel is like meeting new people from inside your mind and having them tell you their story. And then ask you to tell their story to others. The rough draft is the bold strokes of a painting that rough in the basic shape of the work and later with editing and polishing, you can go back and add more of the accent colors and details for your characters.

I'm so excited each time I sit down with these people to write about them, because I know if I get stuck I can go make beds or something and when I come back one of them will have gone and worked out my problem by the time I start up again in a little bit. They know what story they have to tell, if I listen carefully and type quickly, I can get it all down.

Their world is just as glorious as ours and they are just as proud. It is good to listen to them about the small details as well as the large. God lies in the details. He could be telling you that the tiny bits in your world on paper are important. They serve to help transport both you and the reader into your mini-cosmos, include the minutia without being tedious to help the process.

Get to know your characters beyond names. Learn their habits and learn to love or hate them. Feel something for them or you will never be able to write about them. Especially not over a long work such as a novel.

All of this is distilled from countless works on writing and the advise of friends here on site. But, this morning, somehow it all slipped into place for me. *Smile* I get it now. It was like the heavens opening and angels singing. An "Aha!" moment.

I guess it's true to that you really do learn best by doing. *Bigsmile*

PS--If you haven't done so, visit PastVoices blog. The link is the top link on the left in my blog list. She is having a personal crisis right now and could use our well wishes and love. *Heart* Please let's help hold her together during this awful time. ((((((((((Nanette)))))))))))
July 1, 2006 at 5:46pm
July 1, 2006 at 5:46pm
Woot!! I just wrote Chapter 1 and I am STOKED! I never really paid all that much attention to word count before, so I wasn't exactly sure how much 1,667 was in actual writing figures. It is just shy of three (3) single spaced pages of a Word document. *Delight* It's a little over a 9KB entry onsite.

:dances with excitement: YES! 3 pages a day?! I can do this standing on my head!!

AND, I'm happy to report I roped in another willing victim - I mean participant - this month. susanL will be NaNo-ing with me. Be sure to give her all of the support y'all have given me. She jumped on the band wagon literally at the last minute. *Bigsmile* Clearly the woman has lost her mind right alongside me!

Here is my daily update sheet so you can keep track of me to cheer or jeer me. *Laugh*

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#1118590 by Not Available.

I'll try to post it here once a week or so, so that you know how I'm doing.

'k, gotta go, my characters are calling. Chapter 2 awaits!
June 29, 2006 at 12:22am
June 29, 2006 at 12:22am
It's almost Day 1 of NaNo for me. *Bigsmile* I feel like a little kid waiting for Christmas. I've all but crossed the days off the calendar. I wish I could describe the level of excitement I feel about this.

I feel like I've been pregnant with a novel inside me and now I get to give birth to it. Never mind that I had to jump horses mid-stream and come up with a new idea. (It's not REALLY a new idea, it's a different idea that I've kicked around for awhile and just never done anything with.) But now it gets to see the light of day!

I'm almost giddy with the anticipation of being able to tell this story.

I'm probably gonna drive y'all crazy with NaNo stuff this month, so if I'm blathering on about it, feel free to skip my entry. OK? *Laugh* You won't hurt my feelings.

Sound Byte:
Tonight my daughter was with a friend swimming at a little community "lake" in another neighborhood. The ice cream truck came and they all dashed for cones. The ice cream lady recognized my daughter and said, "Hey! You're in the wrong neighborhood! Do you want your usual?" My daughter was astonished to be remembered, especially out of context. She told me, "Mom, that was so cool! It was like Santa knowing my name and what I want for Christmas!"
June 21, 2006 at 10:48pm
June 21, 2006 at 10:48pm
Monday I finally had my neurologist appointment. I paid (well, the insurance paid) big money for her to tell me I have migraines. Whoop de damn doodle. I KNEW that. *Rolleyes*

She wanted to add more meds to my daily regiment, but I stuck to my guns. I take 11 pills a day already. I'm a walking drug ad. NO THANKS! She says we can add a preventative med but I said look at the freakin' side effects. I'm not taking meds to balance out side effects. I draw the line at taking meds for my meds. *Bigsmile*

So, the upshot is I get to go to Sacrocranial Therapy for a while. I think it's like a cross between physical therapy, massage and chiropractic. ~shrug~ Just as long as they don't give me drugs. *Laugh*

The other thing is she gave me a "headache packet" to read. It's all about lifestyle changes, etc. *Angry* I gotta cut out caffine. And MSG and soybeans. And about 100 other things. Atkins wasn't this strict! *Laugh*
~sigh~ Oh well, maybe I'll lose some lbs. I know I need to. I also gotta get a book. Heal Your Headaches by David Buchholz, MD. (I like that they put the MD there. Just in case I was worried some layman jackass wrote it. *Laugh*)

Hubby was stressed from work and I thought I could use a break, so we went Monday night to the local watering hole. About 5 miles from our house is a GREAT hot springs. For $6.50 for an adult, you can spend 1/2 a day soaking in 13 varying temperature pools-from lobster hot to mountain stream cold! Hubby likes to go back and forth broiling and freezing himself alternately. He also hits the Rainforest Steam room and then jumps in the cold pool. Says it's good for the blood.

I say,"no thanks!" and find a happy hot bath temp pool and read a book. *Reading* Each pool has a seat at a nice height running round the parameter and you can usually find a quiet corner and soak. We usually stay 2 or 3 hours, so I can read and soak til I'm well pruned! And no having to add water when it gets cold. *Laugh*

It's a nice change of pace from watching TV and since it's so close to the house we can run home from work, grab our suits and towels and be there by 6 and home by 9. Eat a light dinner and sleep like babies every time! *Yawn*

monilad hates the hot springs, so we get to ditch her for the evening. LOL She gets to have a movie night alone and we get some alone time, too. Everybody's happy!

We do it about once a month. If you have anything like it in your area, I highly recommend checking into it. It's a relatively cheap date. *Pthb*

Sound Byte:
I was interviewing a young girl today who was chewing gum. It was some kind of green flavored gum, mint or apple.

As she chewed it, she would slide part of it out the corner of her mouth and let it dangle. It was gnarled and chewed upon with little divots in it.

It glistened with spittle. It was like a slimey garden slug being consumed by a troll with no manners.

I had trouble concentrating on anything but that slug and finally hustled her out. Needless to say, she didn't get the job. ~shudder~
June 15, 2006 at 10:07pm
June 15, 2006 at 10:07pm
Lauren Gale asked me how the book No Plot? No Problem! was. If it was helping me with my NaNoWriMo. The best analogy I can come up with is it reminds me of my first solo Thanksgiving.

I was so excited. I went out and bought a giant (at least 20 lbs) turkey and all the ingredients I thought I would need to assemble my first Thanksgiving meal. I felt confident in my adventure because I had seen it done many times before and I was armed with family recipes for all the side dishes. This would be a piece of cake!

The first phone call to mom went out the day I came home from shopping for the turkey, two days before Thanskgiving.

"Mom, it won't fit in my freezer!"
*Mom laughing hysterically*"You are NEVER gonna thaw a 20 lb turkey in time! Who all is gonna eat this thing?"
"Just the two of us. Why?"
"My God, you'll be eating it for New Year's!"

Then, still giggling, she explained how to thaw it in time in the sink in warm salt water.

The next flurry of phone calls went out Thanksgiving morning:
"What time do I put it in?"
"Mom, what temperature do I cook a turkey at?"
"Mom, what's this package of stuff inside it?"
"How long do I cook it?"
"What about if I stuff it? Do I cook it longer?"
"How do I tell if it's done?
"What time do I cook the rest of the meal?"
"What do I do when I run out of room in the oven?"
"How on earth did you and Mamaw make this look so darn easy every year?!"

See, I approached NaNoWriMo the same way. *Laugh* I just went ahead and bought the 20 lb turkey and hoped for the best. Mom helped me over the big hurdles that first year. I can almost (15 years later) do a whole holiday meal without calling her or my grandmother now. *Bigsmile*

No Plot? No Problem! is my voice of reason for NaNo. It has kicked alot of the stumbling blocks out of my way and shown me the path in the wilderness. I would have happily run around in circles all month like a blithering idiot, but now, I can see myself putting out a decent (or as Chris Baty puts it "would not make someone vomit") finished product at the end of it all.

If you are gonna NaNo, I recommend it.

Daily Sound Byte:
On the way home from work: Saw a bumper sticker: If you can read this, thank a teacher-if you are reading it in English, thank a soldier.

June 13, 2006 at 12:45am
June 13, 2006 at 12:45am
I dropped by one of my favorite places today. Barnes and Noble. *Smile* I spend way too much time and money in that place. I can't help it. They have everything so neatly arranged and they are very polite and helpful in my local store.

They also - much to my chagrin - have a BARGAIN table. I always find the coolest stuff there. Today I found (at 50% off of the BARGAIN price!! Woot!!), The Ways of the Samurai, The Art of War by Sun-tzu, The Knight, and The Action Hero's Handbook. *Bigsmile*

It's research for my NaNo. I know I'm going to have a Warrior race, but I'm a little shaky on Warrior stuff. What I know about it I've gotten straight out of Fantasy books and John Wayne movies. I figured I'd better have some research materials on hand. ~shrug~ Knowledge is never wasted. (I forget who said that...I should look that up. *Laugh*)

I also bought No Plot? No Problem! by Chris Baty. I got tickled when I found it. He's the guy who started NaNo. No kidding! Somebody asked for more info about Nano...I forget who. *Blush* Here's the OFFICIAL website.


It REALLY happens in November. (The official one.) But I'm not daunted. *Pthb* I shall sail bravely on!! After all, I spent all that money today on research books. *Worry* LOL

BTW---I'll let you all know how it goes. Sort of test the waters. If it's not too bad, I expect to see each of you swimming with me next time!! *Delight*
June 12, 2006 at 1:08am
June 12, 2006 at 1:08am
I've started a journal for my personal Nano. I've also cleared it with my fam-damily. *Smile* I've got random notes on this piece that are in a hundred places. On the computer, in my Palm,on 3 x 5 index cards near my bed where I scribble them in the middle of the night *Blush*, and here on site.

Over the next couple of weeks, I'm going to slowly start consolidating my notes and transfering my info to the journal. I've discovered since finding WDC that I LIKE storing my writing here on site.

I'm not dumb...I DO keep it on my comp at home AND hard copies in my files, but...I just like having most of my current work here. It's comforting somehow being able to just know it's all together. It fills some sense of tidy in me. *Laugh* Yeah...I know, it's the OCD talking. LOL

How do y'all keep your work? Are you like me? Do you like knowing that it's somehow all together? Or do you just put out your choice pieces and keep your work you are polishing under wraps? I just toss it all out. I'm not shy, I figure I joined so the folks here on site can help me with the polishing. Seems a bit lazy, I know....*Blush*

I just knock off the rougher edges and then fling it up. I used to enter "The Writer's Cramp [13+] all the time. I like the one day deadline. You can't fuss too much over a piece if you've only got a couple of hours to devote to it. I'd say about 1/3 of my port is Cramp material that got polished and expanded on. (Or not, depending on my mood!)

I think that's why I like blogging so much. I just give it a quick read through to make sure the more obvious mistakes are out and then ~fling~ up it goes. It's a CC-like approach to writing. But, it suits. ~shrug~ *Bigsmile*

Do y'all polish your blog work? Or are y'all flingers, too? *Wink*

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