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by skymac
Rated: 13+ · Book · Inspirational · #1108538
I will be using this blog to tell everyone about Jesus.
I will be posting poetry about Jesus' love and I will share bible verses and views and we can discuss the love of Jesus and if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior you can ask questions or you can request prayer. Just let us know what you would like to discuss. for more poems visit https://www.freewebs.com/mtdm/goodnewsjesuslovesu.htm
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January 24, 2011 at 5:57pm
January 24, 2011 at 5:57pm
2 Corinthians 1:3-4
3: Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
4: Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort where with we ourselves are comforted of God.

In our times of discouragement we need to turn to God. He will comfort us, and see us through all of our trials and troubles. No matter what we are going through, God has a plan and purpose for our lives. Take time to get alone with God, and talk to Him earnestly. Tell Him all of your problems, grief, sorrow, share everything with Him. Tell Him what we need, and ask Him to relieve our burdens.God's glory and purpose for our lives, will help each of us to overcome discouragement. Leaving us with hope and a renewed energy for the future.

In Times of Discouragement

When I am discouraged and feeling down
I turn to God He turns everything around

When I am discouraged by things in my life
I turn to God, he takes care of my strife

When I feel my problems have my back to the wall
I turn to God, the one who is over all

There is no problem that God cannot handle
To His love and power no one can hold a candle

I give God all my problems every single day
God lightens my load along the way

There is no problem that God cannot fix
Even if discouragement is thrown in the mix

I will put God in charge of my daily plans
Where I need to go, only He understands

January 19, 2011 at 9:09pm
January 19, 2011 at 9:09pm
Ephesians 3:16
That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man.

We want to live our lives for God, but sometimes we become defiant. Inside we have the desire in our heart to do what God requires, and needs us to do. But on the outside we are influenced by the ways of the world. That is when God's strength comes into play, we must cling to Him daily so that He can strengthen us through His Spirit. To strengthen us to resist Satan's temptations, God can empower us through His Spirit with strength to truly live for Him. God can give us the faith, the will, and the enabling power to resist temptations that Satan places in our path. Through God we can have peace of mind, and the strength to face everyday problems in life.

Strength From God

Lord, let me place everything in Your hands
To let You strengthen me in things I need to understand

To let You make my life what it should be
To place love in my heart and set my spirit free

Your strength can help me truly soar
Through Your strength I can do so much more

Through the strength that You provide
I want You always to be my Guide

Father, strengthen me daily so my life can be pleasing to You
Strengthen me to work for You in all that we may do
January 18, 2011 at 2:47pm
January 18, 2011 at 2:47pm
Isaiah 65:24
24: And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

God knows our every need even before we call upon Him. That is such a comfort to me. To know that God keeps a close watch, and knows what His children need. Before we even go to Him in prayer, He already knows our every need. So let us always remember, when we think that no one cares about our needs God does. He cares and provides a way for everything that we need. God knows what we need even before we do. He knows where and how He will provide for our needs. He sends little miracles all along the way. Just when we think there is no way to make ends meet, God shows up just in time. Just when the rent is going to be past due, God's plan springs into action. We get a miracle through the mail, or from a friend. When you are down to your last dime and need to go grocery shopping, God provides a way. No matter what we may need, God knows and always provides. Let us tell the world of what God has done for us, all along the way. Let us tell of His glorious power to provide everything that we ever need, and so much more.

Father, You know our every need
You provide for Your children indeed

Even before we can cry out
You provide before we get the request out

Thank You Father, for loving us so much
Thank You Father, for Your loving touch

Thank You, for keeping us fed
Thank You, for providing a bed

Thank You, for the home in which we live
Thank You Father, our sins You also forgive

You know our needs before we ask
That is not an easy task

Thank You, for answering before I even call
You know everything, You are King over all

Thank You for answering my needs and requests
You provide all my needs, You never fail the test

You know the number of hairs upon our head
With You by our side, nothing do we have to dread

January 15, 2011 at 8:45pm
January 15, 2011 at 8:45pm
1 Corinthians 3:9
For we are labourers together with God.

In a days time I wonder how many people we pass by that are in need? We go to our car and see our neighbor is distressed, do we stop to ask what is wrong? At the work place a co-worker seems so sad and depressed, do we take a moment to talk with them. There is someone visiting at the church did we take the time to welcome them and ask their name? We see a woman at the grocery store who is five dollars short on having the money to pay for her items, do we offer to help? Sometimes we forget about others and get caught up in our busy lives, still that is no excuse for us to stop caring for others. Let us take the time to help others in need, to lend a helping hand, to listen to others that may be experiencing a rough time. If a friend is depressed let us express our concern for them and listen if they need to talk.If the person in front of us at the grocery store is a little short and we can afford it let us help them out. What ever God may put on our heart let us try our best to do our part. We are labourers for God let us follow the example set by Jesus Christ. To care and love others, as Jesus Christ has loved us. Let us witness to others in case they have not heard the glorious story of Jesus and how He died to save all sinners.

Did You Lend A Helping Hand

Today you saw someone you know
Kindness and love for them did you show?

Yesterday you noticed a friend is depressed
Worry and concern for them did we express?

You see your neighbor across the street
Did we say hello and with a smile give them a greet?

On Sunday a visitor came for the first time to our church
When time for handshakes for this person did we search?

Wednesday night a regular member attends church service
Did we ask how they are doing, or just act all nervous?

We encounter someone who is lost and unsaved
Did we tell them the road to heaven Jesus paved?

Did we take the time and make an effort
To tell that Jesus that He is the Good Shepherd?

For many tomorrow may be too late
To them Jesus' love let us state

In case someone is lost, or we may not see them tomorrow
They may leave this world, and we will be filled with sorrow

Of tomorrow we have no promise, on tomorrow we can't depend
We could be called home by Jesus Christ our best Friend

So let us tell everyone we see how much we love them so
It may be the last time we see them, you just never know

Today let us tell the lost of Jesus' wonderful grace and love
So they may accept Him, and have a home in heaven above

January 10, 2011 at 9:10pm
January 10, 2011 at 9:10pm
Psalm 34:17
17 The righteous cry , and the LORD heareth , and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

God hears our cries, when we cry out to Him in desperation. He knows when we are on bended knees, with tears streaming down our face. He knows when we are so lonely, and needing someone to come and talk with us. He knows when we can't pay all the bills that overwhelming us. He hears our every plea, He knows all that we truly go through. At times we honestly think that God, has not heard our prayer requests. We feel that He has turned away from us completely. In these dark hours, that is when we need to read our bible. God will never turn away, we may turn from Him but He is always by our side. He may delay the answer to a prayer, but His timing is always perfect. He shows us exactly how powerful He is. That nothing is impossible with Him. Many times we move away from God, not intentionally, we just get preoccupied with things in life. Let us remember when things get real tough, we need to run to God's arms. He will give us comfort and provide everything we could ever need. Let us remember daily that God listens when we cry. He knows when we cry out to Him. He will not leave us hanging with no way out. God will provide a way for everything that we face. Just when we feel we are being swallowed up by the world, God will provide a life preserver. He never fails, so don't give up hope ever.

Father, many times this world brings us down
In those moments in Your arms we are found

Many times when we cry out, the tears fall like rain
As we cry out to You Father, we are in so much pain

You hear our cries, and wipe the tears away
Reassuring us that there will be better days

Father, in our darkest hour You are there
Always showing us just how much You care

Father, at times we drift away from You
Let us draw near to You, in all that we do

Many times we feel that You have forgotten our needs
But deep in our heart, we know that You hear our ever plea

You hear us when we cry in the middle of the night
You whisper words of comfort, and send Your love light

In these moments Lord, You hold us close to Your heart
Then You remind us that You have been with us from the start

Lord, help us remember Your love never fails
Over all problems of this world, Your love prevails

January 9, 2011 at 12:45pm
January 9, 2011 at 12:45pm
Psalms 66:20
Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer,nor His mercy from me.

God extends His mercy upon us everyday. He listens to our prayers, and answers them also. I know in my daily life, that I am so undeserving of such mercy from our Father in Heaven. I do and say things, that I know are not pleasing to Him. But everyday God showers blessings upon us. He knows that the human flesh will cause us to sin, and He forgives us. God knows Satan will try us, every chance that He can. God sends blessings our way daily, my praise besides His amazing mercy is for the food that He provides for our family everyday. God provides our every meal, He gives us more than enough food to survive. He has even provided food for our soul, His holy word. God has given us all that we could ever need, and even more than that. He has blessed us so much, and for that I want to Thank Him. Nothing that He has given could we ever deserve, Thank You Father, for Your amazing love,mercy, and blessings. Thank You for providing Your holy word, in the bible which feeds our hungry soul.

Father, Thank You for the blessing You so freely extend
You give us food, and have become our very best friend

You give us all that we need and more to eat
I know Father, our every need You will meet

Father, You are awesome, You are LORD
Thank You for making Heaven our reward

Thank You for giving us the holy bible as our road map
So that through this life, Your word will lead us over the gap

Thank You God, for the mercy that You give us
In You Father, we will always place our trust

Father, Thank You for ALL the blessings we have received
Just because on Your only begotten Son we have believed
January 8, 2011 at 9:50pm
January 8, 2011 at 9:50pm
John 11:25
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.

Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus? There are so many who do not believe in His resurrection. Many believe that Jesus never existed. When we encounter those that don't believe, a door is opened for us to share the wonderful hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ. We need to be willing to speak of Jesus to them, we will never be at a loss for words. The Holy Spirit will give us the words to say. Eternal life is available to all who will believe and receive it. How many people have you told about Jesus this week? Let us get busy and spread the news, about the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

Receive Life

Do you know Jesus Christ?
He can give you eternal life

Do you know Jesus died for all sinners?
If we believe in Him we are all winners

With Jesus do you have a personal relationship
Are you keeping it well equipped?

Do you know there is only one way to receive eternal life?
Through God's only Son Jesus Christ

If you believe that Jesus is God's only Son, sent to die for our sins
Accept Him into your heart, that is when your life truly begins

If you believe you shall receive
Eternal life your soul shall achieve

January 7, 2011 at 12:03pm
January 7, 2011 at 12:03pm
The verse for today is Matthew chapter:11 verse 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Many times the problems in life leave us heavily burdened. We feel like no one cares, and feel so helpless and alone. Jesus is there no matter what cross road we may be at in life. He will carry us when our journey weighs us down. He will deliver us to the path that we are to be on next. If we come to Jesus He will give us rest no matter what events take place in our life.

Come unto me Jesus did say
Come unto Him and find peace today

Come unto Jesus, He will give you rest
He is the one who knows you best

Come unto Jesus, He can save your soul
He can make you rich, even if you haven't any gold

He can make you rich in spirit, not of earthly things
He will meet your every need, and make your heart sing

Come unto Jesus, He will show you which road,that will lead you home
He will send you, to where you belong

Come unto Jesus, your soul is in danger
Come unto Jesus, He will put away all your anger

Come unto Jesus, He will fill you full of love
You'll have a home prepared, in Heaven above

Come unto Jesus, He will make you whole
He will warm your heart, if it has grown cold

Come unto Jesus, and your sins repent
He can straighten your path, if it is bent

Come unto Jesus,those of little faith
Your life will not be filled, with so much haste

Come unto Jesus, He has everything you will ever need
Out of your garden, He will cast all of Satan's weeds

January 6, 2011 at 3:15pm
January 6, 2011 at 3:15pm
Psalm 103:2
Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.

Have you taken the time lately to think about all the blessings God has bestowed upon you? I think about how God has blessed my family so much. He has bestowed so many blessings upon our family. He lets us wake up in the morning, He gives us food to eat, and a place to sleep. He gives us shoes to wear, we are able to pay our bills, everything we have God has bestowed upon us. I thank God for my family, for blessing me with a wonderful loving husband, and a beautiful daughter. Let us all take the time to thank God for all the blessings He bestows upon us. Number one thanking Him for sending His only begotten Son Jesus to die for our sins. I want to Thank Our Father in Heaven once again for our wonderful Christmas Miracle a new furnace, and tires and rims for our daughters car.

Thank You Lord

Thank you LORD for sending your only Son
By accepting Him my life has truly begun

Thank you for giving me food to eat
For providing a place for me to sleep

Thank you for giving me clothes to wear
Thank you for Jesus, our sins He bares

Thank you for keeping me warm
Thank you for sheltering us from life's storms

Thank you for my wonderful family
Thank you for the love you have shown to me

Thank you for giving me a place to live
Thank you for sending Jesus, so our sins you could forgive

Thank you for all the blessings we have been given
I will thank you always as long as I am living

Forgive us when we forget to give you praise
For all the blessings that You pour out everyday
January 5, 2011 at 3:46pm
January 5, 2011 at 3:46pm
Joshua 23:8
Cleave unto the LORD your God, as ye have done unto this day.

Psalm 27:5
For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide; He shall set me up upon a rock.

In our most trying times God is there. He is there through the storms of our lives. God is always true, no matter what goes on in our lives. God will always be there for me and you, regardless of what is happening in our lives. God is always true and will carry us through, when our load gets to heavy to bear. God our Father, will wrap us in His arms and give us comfort when struggles and trials beat us down. Just keep your eyes on Jesus, and you can weather in storm that comes your way. Jesus will stop the waves from carrying us away. He can calm the most violent storm. Just know God is always true, He will always be there for me and you, regardless.

God is True

God is true, He is always there
No matter what happens, He cares

Cleave unto God, when times in your life get rough
His love will surround you, when the going gets tough

God is true, in good times and bad
He will give you comfort, when you are sad

God is true no matter what your situation
Even if you are facing Satan, and his temptations

God is true all the time
So upon on you, Let His light shine

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