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Rated: ASR · Book · Adult · #1108569
The content contained within this journal will only change as often as my mood.
This is a journal of my random thoughts, and its content may vary greatly. I have lived a lot for someone my age, so eventually, I will have something in here to appeal to most adults. However, because I am an adult, and these are my random thoughts, this is not geared towards a child's understanding. I do not use profanity, but some of the topics may be of a mature manner, and will not appeal to most children and teenagers.
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May 25, 2006 at 6:03pm
May 25, 2006 at 6:03pm
Now that June is almost here, I discovered we were in the middle of Asian-American Heritage month!

One of my best friends was adopted when he was six years old by an American soldier and his wife. My friend is Vietnamese by birth, and his natural parents were killed in the Vietnam Conflict. About three years ago, he reconnected with his biological aunts, uncles, and cousins. He returned to Vietnam for the first time in thirty years, in 2004, when the tsunami destroyed the opposite coast. My friend is now, himself, an American soldier, and in 2004, he and I were both stationed in the Republic of Korea (South Korea for the politically challenged folks). I remember he had difficulty signing back into his unit from leave, because his commander had pulled his leave form, to verify his location in relation to the disaster zone.

My friend met a young lady during his (now many) trips home to Vietnam. I am happy to announce that she recently arrived in the US after two years solid of immigration paperwork, and the fiance visa, and so forth. They are set to be legally married next month, but they already had a ceremony in Vietnam with her family last Christmas.

On another note, I had a friend, from my Army days, whose family was from India. He was very smart and absolutely funny. Most of his humor was poking fun at the stereotypes of Indians and other Asian Immigrants. He was proud of his ethnic heritage, but never let it consume him. He said he would always be proud of his culture, but have no doubt, he is an American. I think too many of us are quick to forget this. Many Asian-Americans, and Latinos, and such are second and third generation Americans. Let us not be so judgemental.

Anyong haseyo?
Now, back to my year in Korea! My favorite memory was the food! I loved sitting on the mat at a traditional Korean restauraunt, while the food was cooked in front of us. We would have huge parties around the tables. we called it "Beef on a Leaf", but sometimes it wasn't beef, but Americans never pass up the opportunity to display their own ignorance. Why is that? LOL

Most of the Korean Nationals with which I worked and interacted socially were use to our "Americanisms" and did not really mind too much. I was left wondering why Americans are not so tolerant to the visitors of our country?

As long as you do not travel north of Seoul, it is easy to believe the Korean War actually ended in 1953 with the peace agreement, but the closer you travel to the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), the thicker the tensions grow. There is a reason much of the population of the Republic of Korea lives in Seoul and points south, and it is not simply because all the jobs are there. It has been my experience that jobs follow people more often than people follow jobs! While we focus on the threats in the Middle East, let us not forget unresolved conflict, such as the Korean War, and other forgotten disputes.
Anyong ki kayseyo! Comsapnidah!

Natural Spring
May 21, 2006 at 8:18am
May 21, 2006 at 8:18am
I feel like yesterday was some kind of weird dream. I swear I put my first entry into this thing before I left work, but it is not here. My whole story described the realization of no matter how old I am, nor how "settled" I think I have become, I will always have some area of my life where I am "the new kid".
I was explaining how it always takes a minute or two to make friends, and figure out how all the moving parts work together. For instance, where is my entry from yesterday? I know I saved it. Today it is gone. I have not entered the contests yet, because I am still trying to process the instructions. I know I will learn everything I need to know to navigate this site eventually, but for now, my ignorance is really causing some delay.
Wow! I just found yesterday's entry! Now I feel silly.
May 20, 2006 at 7:43pm
May 20, 2006 at 7:43pm
It seems no matter how old I get, or how settled I become, my experience as "the new kid" will never disappear.
First, I was the second daughter born. Then I went to daycare. When I finally felt comfortable there, and made some friends, it was time to start kindergarten! If that was not traumatic enough of a change, my parents finalized their divorce the summer between kindergarten and first grade. I just happened to have been lucky enough to have parents who originated from opposite borders of this wonderful country in which I live, and we lived closest to my father's home state. So, of course, my mother was awarded custody, and we moved across the country to HER home state, so we could live with my grandmother for a minute.
Obviously, that did not last long. All in all, I attended eight different schools, in three different states, before I finally graduated from high school, and my life has shown little progress towards slowing down since graduation.
I entered the Army National Guard. Then I switched states. Then I upgraded to active duty Army. They sent me to the Republic of Korea. I was not simply the "new kid" in my unit, but my First Sergeant had the same last name, and told everyone I was his younger cousin. If you have ever been in the military, you know this is not really a good thing. The fact that I was in a foreign country, whose customs and language were basically unknown to me, made it that much more difficult of a transition.
The point is, we never stop learning new things, because we never stop meeting new people, or finding new resources. We never stop growing, inventing, or innovating. Change is a part of life.
Here I am! I am the new kid again, and I am still learning my way around this site, so please be patient with me. Thanks!

Natural Spring

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